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Collapse K004 - Records of the Legge family of Sandwell and Patshull, Barons Dartmouth, Earls of DartmouthK004 - Records of the Legge family of Sandwell and Patshull, Barons Dartmouth, Earls of Dartmouth
Expand 575 - Map of Lord Dartmouth's Estates575 - Map of Lord Dartmouth's Estates
Expand 1548 - Journals and commonplace books of the Earls of Dartmouth and family members1548 - Journals and commonplace books of the Earls of Dartmouth and family members
Expand 3470 - Photocopies of plans and other documents of the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth and of lands in north American and the Caribbean, believed to have come from Patshull Hall3470 - Photocopies of plans and other documents of the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth and of lands in north American and the Caribbean, believed to have come from Patshull Hall
Expand 4802 - Dartmouth Family Estate4802 - Dartmouth Family Estate
Expand D(W)515 - West Bromwich Manor CourtD(W)515 - West Bromwich Manor Court
Collapse D(W)1778 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of DartmouthD(W)1778 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of Dartmouth
Expand I - Public Office and political interestsI - Public Office and political interests
Expand II - American PapersII - American Papers
Collapse III - Public OfficeIII - Public Office
50 - Charlotte Countess of Derby to "Monsieur Legge"
53 - Sir William Dumville to Colonel William Legge
71 - Thomas Martin to his cousin Captain George Legge "one of his Royal Highness' Grooms of the bedchamber, at Heathen House in the Minories, London"
85 - Plan of Dublin Castle
95 - Henry Fooke to Lord Dartmouth at Carew House in Tuttle Street Westminster
96 - Sir Allen Apsley to Lord Dartmouth
97 - Lord Nottingham to Lord Dartmouth
98 - Sir Christopher Musgrave and Richard Graham to Lord Dartmouth, Admiral aboard the Grafton
99 - John Graham to Lord Dartmouth , London
100 - William Banks to Lord Dartmouth , London
101 - Sir Christopher Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth , Winchester
102 - Sir Christopher Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth , Winchester
103 - John Graham to Lord Dartmouth , London
104 - Sir Christopher Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth , London
105 - Sir Christopher Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth , London
106 - John Graham to Lord Dartmouth
107 - Sir Christopher Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth
108 - Sir Martin Wescomb, consul at Cadiz, to Lord Dartmouth
109 - William Banks to Lord Dartmouth at Tangier
110 - William Trumball to Lord Dartmouth, Doctor's Commons
111 - Captain W Legge to his brother Lord Dartmouth
112 - Francis Gwyn to Lord Dartmouth
113 - O Wynne to Lord Dartmouth
114 - John Graham to Lord Dartmouth
115 - An account of what passed between Mr Algernon Sidney and the Court at his receiving judgment
117 - George, Baron Dartmouth, to Colonel Percy Kirk, Colonel Charles Trelawny, Lieutenant Colonel Boynton, Sir James Lesly and others
118 - William Hewer to Lord Dartmouth, Governor and Captain General of his Majesty's City and Garrison of Tangier
119 - William Hewer to Lord Dartmouth
120 - Sir John Lowther to Lord Dartmouth
121 - Lichfield Guild Hall, address of the Grand Jury of the City and County of Lichfield to the King after Monmouth's Rebellion Signed For full description see HMC 15th Report Appendix 1
122 - John Evelyn to Lord Dartmouth
123 - [Sir Henry Shere to Lord Dartmouth]
124 - [Philip Musgrave] to Lord Dartmouth
125 - Thomas Phillips to Lord Dartmouth
126 - Colonel Richard Norton to Lord Dartmouth
127 - P[hilip] M[usgrave] to Lord Dartmouth
128 - Sir Martin Beckman to Lord Dartmouth
129 - Sir Edward Sherburne to Lord Dartmouth
130 - Lady Scott to Lord Dartmouth
131 - P Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth
132 - Lady Scott to Lord Dartmouth
133 - D Moodie to Lord Dartmouth, Master General of the Ordnance
134 - Sir Richard Beach to Lord Dartmouth
135 - Major Thomas Soper to Lord Dartmouth
136 - Francis Gwyn to Lord Dartmouth
137 - Captain R Crawford to Lord Dartmouth
138 - Peter Shakerley to Lord Dartmouth
139 - Phineas Bowles to Lord Dartmouth
140 - Lord Rochester to Lord Dartmouth
141 - Francis Gwyn to Lord Dartmouth
142 - Deputy Lieutenants of the [Tower?] Hamlets to Lord Dartmouth
143 - Philip Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth
144 - Surgeon-General Pearse's proposals about Hounslow Hospital
145 - The case of Doctor Francis Hawkins, late Chaplain in the Tower of London
146 - Lady Marow to Arthur Kay
147 - Lady Marow to her daughter Lady Kay
148 - Lady Marow to her daughter Lady Kay "at Westgate House in Bath"
149 - Lady Marow to her daughter Lady Kay
150 - Lady Marow to her daughter Lady Kay
151 - Lady Marow to her son-in-law, Sir Arthur Kaye at Woodsome, Yorkshire
152 - John Floyer to Lady Dartmouth at Blackheath
153 - Lady Marow to her daughter, Lady Kaye
154 - Lady Marow to her daughter, Lady Kaye
155 - Lady Marow to her daughter, Lady Kaye
156 - Proceedings of Parliament
157 - Sir J Jennings to the Earl of Dartmouth
158 - Reverend George Stanhope to the Earl of Dartmouth
159 - South Sea Scheme
160 - Kaye letters, mainly from Lady Mary Marow to her daughter Anne, Lady Kaye, and her son-in-law, Sir Arthur Kaye, plus notes and verses
161 - Earl of Dartmouth to [Lord Townshend]
162 - Lord Townshend to [the Earl of Dartmouth]
163 - Earl of Dartmouth to [Lord Townshend]
164 - Earl of Dartmouth to [Lord Townshend]
165 - Duke of Marlborough to Lady [ ]
166 - Earl of Dartmouth to Mr Scott
167 - Earl of Strafford to Earl of Dartmouth
168 - Earl of Aylesford to Earl of Dartmouth
169 - Lord Bruce to Earl of Dartmouth
170 - Jonathan Swift to [Earl of Dartmouth]
171 - Lord Bruce to Earl of Dartmouth
172 - Charles Montagu to Lord North
173 - Earl of Aylesford to [Earl of Dartmouth]
174 - Lord Athenry to Earl of Dartmouth
175 - Henry Clarson, Mayor of Banbury, Edward Box, and Richard Burrows to "Lord North and Guildford, at Wroxton"
176 - [Lord North to Henry Clarson, Mayor of Banbury, Edward Box, and Richard Burrows]
177a-177b - C T to Lady Kaye
178 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
179 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
180 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, [Lady Kaye]
181 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
182 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
183 - T Paget to the [Earl of Dartmouth]
184 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
185 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, [Lady Kaye]
186 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
187 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
188 - Lady Archibald Hamilton to Lady North
189 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
190 - Lady Wilmot to Lady Kaye
191 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, Lady Kaye
192 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, [Lady Kaye]
193 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, [Lady Kaye]
194 - Elizabeth, Lady North, to her mother, [Lady Kaye]
195 - Lord North and Guildford to the Earl of Dartmouth
196 - Theophilus Levett to the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford
197 - Theophilus Levett to Earl of Dartmouth
198 - Theophilus Levett to Earl of Dartmouth
199a-199b - Earl of Dartmouth to Richard Wright
200 - H Legge to [Sir George] Lyttleton
201 - H L[egge to Sir George] Lyttleton
202 - Reverend William Lowth to Mr Baron Legge in Lincoln's Inn Fields
203 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
204 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
205 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
206 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
207 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
208 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
209 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
210 - Thomas Jenkins to Henry Beckingham
215 - John Baskerville to Earl of Dartmouth
216 - W B Legge to Lord Lyttleton
217 - Robert Biddulph to Earl of Dartmouth
218 - Archibald Wallace to Earl of Dartmouth
219 - Robert Biddulph to Earl of Dartmouth
220 - Henry Moreland to Earl of Dartmouth
222 - Joseph Moyle to Earl of Dartmouth
223 - William Rawlings to [Earl of Dartmouth]
224 - Earl of Egmont to [Earl of Dartmouth]
225 - W Rawlings to [Earl of Dartmouth]
226 - Earl of Hillsborough to Earl of Dartmouth
227 - Duke of Newcastle to Earl of Dartmouth
229 - Samuel Garbett to Earl of Dartmouth
230 - Lord Mansfield to [Earl of Dartmouth]
231 - Archibald Wallace, merchant of Edinburgh to [Earl of Dartmouth]
232 - Edward Taylor to [Earl of Dartmouth]
233 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
234 - Earl of Chesterfield to [Earl of Dartmouth]
235 - Earl of Dartmouth to Earl of Chesterfield
236 - Marquis of Rockingham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
238 - E Burke to [Earl of Dartmouth]
244 - Marquis of Rockingham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
246 - S Countess of Huntingdon to [Earl of Dartmouth]
247 - Doctor Dampier to Lady Dartmouth
248 - Proceedings at St Edmund's Hall, Oxford
251 - Marquis of Rockingham to [Lord Dartmouth]
252 - Lady Stawell to [Earl of Dartmouth], Twickenham, acquainting Lord Dartmouth with her intention to marry Lord Hillsborough For full description see HMC 15th Report Appendix 1
253 - Doctor Fothergill to Earl of Dartmouth
254 - Doctor Fothergill to Earl of Dartmouth
255 - Edward Elmsall to Earl of Dartmouth
257 - Thomas Gainsborough to [Earl of Dartmouth]
263 - Lewisham Vestry
264 - Miss M V Vernon to Countess of Dartmouth
269 - Notice from Lord Chamberlain's Office
270 - Notice from Lord Chamberlain's Office
271 - Reverend Samuel Parr to Earl of Dartmouth
272 - Reverend Samuel Parr to [Earl of Dartmouth]
273 - Reverend Samuel Parr to [Earl of Dartmouth]
274 - Reverend Samuel Parr to [Earl of Dartmouth]
276 - Frederick Montagu to Earl of Dartmouth
277 - Earl of Suffolk to Earl of Dartmouth
278 - Sir John Dalrymple to [Earl of Dartmouth]
279 - Earl of Dartmouth to Sir John Dalrymple
280 - Doctor Charles Morton to Earl of Dartmouth
281 - Matthew Boulton to Earl of Dartmouth
284 - Doctor B Kennicott to Earl of Dartmouth
285 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
287 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
288 - James Beattie to Lord Dartmouth
290 - John Ash to Earl of Dartmouth
292 - John Ash to Earl of Dartmouth
294 - Reverend Edward Stillingfleet to Earl of Dartmouth
295 - Doctor James Beattie to Earl of Dartmouth
296 - Doctor James Beattie to Earl of Dartmouth
297 - Charles Perronet to Earl of Dartmouth
298 - G B[erkeley to Lord Lewisham]
299 - Lady Mayne to Earl of Dartmouth
300 - Lady Mayne to Earl of Dartmouth
301 - Frederick Montagu to [Earl of Dartmouth]
303 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to Earl of Dartmouth
304 - G Berkeley [to Lord Lewisham]
306 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
307 - Earl of Dartmouth to Sir Adolphus Oughton
308 - Doctor James Beattie to Earl of Dartmouth
311 - Isaac Heard, Lancaster Herald to Earl of Dartmouth
316 - Edward Hasted to Earl of Dartmouth
317 - Lord Buchan to [Earl of Dartmouth]
319 - Reverend M Madan to Earl of Dartmouth
320 - L Valtravers to [Earl of Dartmouth]
321 - Matthew Boulton to [Earl of Dartmouth]
322 - Reverend Samuel Parr to Earl of Dartmouth
323A - Lord Dacre to Earl of Dartmouth
323B - Lord Dacre to Earl of Dartmouth
324 - Lord Dacre to Earl of Dartmouth
325 - William Rawlings to [Earl of Dartmouth]
326 - Reverend Samuel Parr to Earl of Dartmouth
327 - Colonel James Robertson to [Earl of Dartmouth]
329 - G W Kempson to Lord Lewisham
331 - Matthew Boulton to Earl of Dartmouth
333 - Reverend John Wesley to [Earl of Dartmouth]
334 - Reverend John Wesley to [Earl of Dartmouth]
340 - Richard Champion to Earl of Dartmouth
341 - Sir William Hamilton to Earl of Dartmouth
342 - John Moore, for Thomas Broughton, Secretary to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge to Earl of Dartmouth
343 - Reverend Samuel Parr to Earl of Dartmouth
345 - R Molesworth to Earl of Dartmouth
346 - "Cob" [James Reynardson?] to Lord Lewisham
347 - Reverend William Gilpin to [Earl of Dartmouth]
348 - John Robinson to [Earl of Dartmouth]
349 - John Robinson to [Earl of Dartmouth]
351 - Reverend Samuel Parr to [Earl of Dartmouth]
352 - Reverend Samuel Parr to [Earl of Dartmouth]
353 - Elizabeth calling herself Duchess of Kingston to Lord Lewisham
354 - Reverend J Parsons to [Earl of Dartmouth]
355 - Reverend J Parsons to [Earl of Dartmouth]
357 - Granville Sharp to Earl of Dartmouth
358 - Matthew Boulton to [Earl of Dartmouth]
359 - Doctor John Ash to [Earl of Dartmouth]
360 - The gentlemen of Birmingham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
361 - The gentlemen of Birmingham (Reverend J Parsons, John Rose Holden, and Thomas Price) to [Earl of Dartmouth]
363 - T Pelham to [Lord Lewisham]
365 - Sir W H[amilton] to Earl of Dartmouth
366 - Lord Hardwick to [Earl of Dartmouth]
367 - Reverend H Zouch to [Earl of Dartmouth]
368 - Sir Edward Newenham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
369 - Sir Edward Newenham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
370 - Sir Edward Newenham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
371 - Sir Edward Newenham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
372 - Sir Edward Newenham to [Lord Dartmouth]
373 - Sir Edward Newenham to [Earl of Dartmouth]
374 - Lord Barrington to [Earl of Dartmouth]
375 - Lord Barrington to [Earl of Dartmouth]
376A - Reverend Samuel Parr to Earl of Dartmouth
376B - Reverend Samuel Parr to Earl of Dartmouth
377 - Reverend William Gilpin to Earl of Dartmouth
378 - Thomas Jenkins to Earl of Dartmouth
379 - Doctor W Watson to [Earl of Dartmouth]
380 - Nevil Maskelyne to Earl of Dartmouth
381 - G W Kempson to [Lord Lewisham]
383 - Lord North to Lord Lewisham
384 - Alexander Macaulay to Lord Lewisham
385 - "Saint Elverdin" to Lord Lewisham
388 - William Knox to Lord Dartmouth
389 - Princess Amelia to Earl Dartmouth
390 - Lord North to [Lord Lewisham]
391 - Charles Simpson to [Earl of Dartmouth]
392 - William Inge to [Earl of Dartmouth]
393 - Earl of Guilford to Earl of Dartmouth
394 - Reverend Thomas Vivian to [Earl of Dartmouth]
395 - Sir Charles Middleton to [Earl of Dartmouth]
396 - Thomas Fauconbridge to [Earl of Dartmouth]
397 - Thomas Fauconbridge to [Earl of Dartmouth]
398 - [Reverend] William Roundell to [Earl of Dartmouth]
399 - Lord Fauconberg to Earl of Dartmouth
400 - Robert Scott to [Earl of Dartmouth]
401 - John Robinson to [Earl of Dartmouth]
402 - John Robinson to [Earl of Dartmouth]
403 - Thomas Gem to Earl of Dartmouth
404 - Earl of Sandwich to [Earl of Dartmouth]
407 - Sir Richard Jebb to Earl of Dartmouth
408 - Granville Sharp to Earl of Dartmouth
410 - Sir Richard Jebb to [Earl of Dartmouth]
411 - Thomas Mitchell to Earl of Dartmouth
412 - Reverend George Burnett to Earl of Dartmouth
413 - Lord North to Earl of Dartmouth
414 - Sir Robert Murray Keith [to Lord Lewisham]
417 - R A Curzon [to Lord Lewisham]
418 - Major General W Wynyard to Colonel Lord Lewisham
420 - Alexander Macaulay to Lord Lewisham
421 - Lord Hardwicke to Earl of Dartmouth
423 - Alexander Macaulay to Lord Lewisham
424 - Lord Sydney [to Lord Lewisham?]
425 - Lord Hardwicke [to Earl of Dartmouth]
426 - Lord Hardwick to Earl of Dartmouth
428 - Doctor Samuel Parr to [Earl of Dartmouth]
429 - The Prince of Wales' Establishment
431 - G Hotham to Lord Lewisham
432 - Reverend William Gilpin to [Earl of Dartmouth]
433 - [Earl of Dartmouth to Reverend William Gilpin]
434 - Reverend William Gilpin to [Earl of Dartmouth]
435 - Thomas Amory to Earl of Dartmouth
436 - Reverend W Jesse to [Earl of Dartmouth]
437 - Printed proclamation relating to Birmingham
438 - Copy proclamation in handwriting of Reverend W Jesse
439 - Reverend W Jesse to [Earl of Dartmouth]
440 - J Bacon to [Earl of Dartmouth]
441 - Earl of Aylesford to [Earl of Dartmouth]
442 - Richard Grey to Lord Lewisham
444 - Honourable H Legge to his cousin, the Earl of Dartmouth
445 - Honourable H Legge to his cousin, the Earl of Dartmouth
446 - Henry Dundas to Lord Lewisham
447 - Reverend Joseph Jefferson to Earl of Dartmouth
448 - Society of Antiquaries
451 - Lord Clive to Earl of Dartmouth
452 - William Corbett to Earl of Dartmouth
453 - Lord Clive to Earl of Dartmouth
454 - W Wilberforce to Earl of Dartmouth
455 - Sir Richard Kaye to Earl of Dartmouth
456 - Joseph Bonomi to [Earl of Dartmouth]
457 - Reverend Thomas Maurice to [Earl of Dartmouth]
458 - M Wood to Earl of Dartmouth
459 - M Wood to Earl of Dartmouth
460 - Miss A Hayman to Earl of Dartmouth
463 - Doctor Burney to the Directors of the Concert of Ancient Music
464 - Mrs Sarah Siddons to [Earl of Dartmouth]
465 - Edward Duke of Kent to Earl of Dartmouth, Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's Household
466 - Henry F Greville to Earl of Dartmouth
467 - Lord Nelson and Bronte to Earl of Dartmouth
468 - Henry F Greville to [Earl of Dartmouth]
469 - John Hale to [Earl of Dartmouth]
470 - Edward, Duke of Kent to Earl of Dartmouth
471 - Earl of Dartmouth to Duke of Kent
472 - John Spencer to Earl of Dartmouth
474 - Francis Knight to Earl of Dartmouth
475 - W Wilberforce to [Earl of Dartmouth]
476 - Lord Hawkesbury to Earl of Dartmouth
477 - Lord Hood to Earl of Dartmouth
478 - Earl of Chatham to Earl of Dartmouth
479 - J G S Lisle to Earl of Dartmouth
480 - King George III to [Earl of Dartmouth]
481 - George Pritchard, Secretary to the Society for the Suppression of Vice to [Earl of Dartmouth]
482 - Queen Charlotte to Earl of Dartmouth
484 - Charles Abbot to [Lord Dartmouth]
485 - Walter Scott to the Right Honorable Robert Dundas
486 - Robert Dundas to Earl of Dartmouth
487 - Sir Joseph Banks to Earl of Dartmouth
488 - Henry Siddons to Earl of Dartmouth
489 - R B Sheridan to Earl of Dartmouth
Expand O - Surveys and letter booksO - Surveys and letter books
Expand IV - Public OfficeIV - Public Office
Expand V - Political, personal and estate papersV - Political, personal and estate papers
Expand D564 - Dartmouth additionalD564 - Dartmouth additional
Expand D742 - Dartmouth additionalD742 - Dartmouth additional
Expand D761 - Documents relating to the estates of the Earls of DartmouthD761 - Documents relating to the estates of the Earls of Dartmouth
Expand D853 - Papers relating to the Dartmouth estates in South StaffordshireD853 - Papers relating to the Dartmouth estates in South Staffordshire
Expand D1501 - Papers of the Earls of DartmouthD1501 - Papers of the Earls of Dartmouth
Expand D1517 - Plans of the Estates of the Earl of Dartmouth, mainly relating to the Patshull estateD1517 - Plans of the Estates of the Earl of Dartmouth, mainly relating to the Patshull estate
Expand D3074 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth chiefly Cos. Staffs, and SalopD3074 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth chiefly Cos. Staffs, and Salop
Expand D3137 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth in Olney, co. Bucks.D3137 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth in Olney, co. Bucks.
Expand D3629 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of DartmouthD3629 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of Dartmouth
D3758 - Marriage settlement, on the marriage of Hon Henry Stavell Bilson Legge and Mary Curzon
Expand D4544 - Dartmouth EstateD4544 - Dartmouth Estate
Expand D5128 - Dartmouth Settled Estates D5128 - Dartmouth Settled Estates
Expand D5172 - Dartmouth family papersD5172 - Dartmouth family papers
Expand William Salt Library - Dartmouth family documents held at the William Salt LibraryWilliam Salt Library - Dartmouth family documents held at the William Salt Library
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