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Collapse K004 - Records of the Legge family of Sandwell and Patshull, Barons Dartmouth, Earls of DartmouthK004 - Records of the Legge family of Sandwell and Patshull, Barons Dartmouth, Earls of Dartmouth
Expand 575 - Map of Lord Dartmouth's Estates575 - Map of Lord Dartmouth's Estates
Expand 1548 - Journals and commonplace books of the Earls of Dartmouth and family members1548 - Journals and commonplace books of the Earls of Dartmouth and family members
Expand 3470 - Photocopies of plans and other documents of the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth and of lands in north American and the Caribbean, believed to have come from Patshull Hall3470 - Photocopies of plans and other documents of the estates of the Earl of Dartmouth and of lands in north American and the Caribbean, believed to have come from Patshull Hall
Expand 4802 - Dartmouth Family Estate4802 - Dartmouth Family Estate
Expand D(W)515 - West Bromwich Manor CourtD(W)515 - West Bromwich Manor Court
Collapse D(W)1778 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of DartmouthD(W)1778 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of Dartmouth
Expand I - Public Office and political interestsI - Public Office and political interests
Collapse II - American PapersII - American Papers
1 - Copy of a commission to enquire into grievances in Virginia
2 - Copy of the 6th Article of Additional Instructions to the Commissioners of Virginia
3 - Copy of the 6th Article of the propositions of the Inhabitants of Virginia respecting a new Charter
4 - Charter of Incorporation of the College of William and Mary in Virginia
5 - Copy letter from Queen Mary to the Governor of New York [Benjamin Fletcher]
6 - Extract of letter from The Queen to the Governor of Rhode Island concerning assistance to be provided to New York
7 - The case of the Members of the Church of England in America for the appointment of more bishops
8 - List of council members at the fort of New York and matters dealt with, including Westenhook patent and agreement
9 - Copy of an Order of Her Majesty in Council re Revenue in New York
10 - "Heads of an Act for granting a Revenue to Her Majesty to arise within the Province of New York in America for the Support of that Government"
11 - Extract of proceedings of the Governor, Council and Assembly in Massachusetts Bay concerning militia
12 - Extract of a letter for His Majesty's Signature to the Earl of Bellomont, relating to the security of New York
13 - Copy letter from Lord Dartmouth to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, expressing the Queen's displeasure at prisoners being sent home
13A - Papers from the Board of Trade to Lord Archibald Hamilton, Governor of Jamaica re the sending of prisoners to England
14 - Copy of an Order in Council re Revenue in New York
15 - Copy of "A Bill for the better Regulation of Charter and Proprietary Governments in America, and for the Encouragement of the Trade of this Kingdom and of Her Majesty's Plantations."
16 - Instructions to Samuel Shute, His Majesty's Governor of the Massachusets Bay, in New England from His Majesty
17 - Extract from the journal of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations concerning the Proprietors of Carolina
18 - Copy of an Order of Council for bringing a Scire Facias to resume the Carolina Charter.
19 - Copy of Mr Fane's Report upon an Act passed in Virginia for laying a duty on slaves imported, etc
20 - Report of the [House of Commons] Committee on Representation of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations
21 - Greenwich Hospital Charges remitted from American ports
22 - Copy of Royal Warrant for George Clarke, Esq, late Lieutenant -Governor of New York
23 - Opinion of the right of the crown to resume lands in New Hampshire
24 - Instruction concerning appeals made before 1753
25 - Commissions in the Massachusetts Bay Militia, Hampshire
26 - Province of the Massachusetts Bay
27 - College of Philadelphia
28 - Indian Congress, Augusta
29 - Letter from Secretary H Fox, to Colonel Webb
30 - Copy of letter from Secretary H Fox to the Earl of Loudon
31 - Deed of sale of land from the Stockbridge Indians
32 - Copy of Spencer Town liberty of purchase
33 - Copy of deed of sale of land from the Stockbridge Indians
34 - Extracts from the proceedings of the Rhode Island Assembly
35 - Deed of sale of land by the Stockbridge Indians
36 - Copy deed of sale of land by the Stockbridge Indians
37 - Writ served upon Thomas Whitney, Springfield, to appear at the Inferior Court of Common Pleas
38 - Mr Secretary Pitt to His Majesty's Governors
39 - Mr Secretary Pitt to the North American Governors
40 - Memorandum of proceedings with reference to lands obtained from the Indians, Georgia, Bosomworth Lands
41 - Extract of two letters from Governor Ellis, Georgia to the Lords of Trade.
42 - Cadwallader Colden, Surveyor-General, to the Earl of Halifax
43 - Extract of the memorial and representation of Cousaponakees, a natural born princess of the Upper and Lower Creek Nations, relating to the report made by the Lords of Trade and Plantation dated 6 Dec 1758
44 - Copy of Royal Warrant for settling the Rank and Precedence in America
45 - Lord Egremont to the Governor of South Carolina
46 - Paper containing notes and references from various law books relating to the revenue of several Colonies
47 - George III, royal proclamation, St James's, notifying as a result of the extensive acquisitions in America secured by the Paris Treaty of 10 Feb 1763, the erection of four distinct and separate Governments, Quebec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada, defining their limits and jurisdiction.
48 - Governor Francis Bernard to the Board of Trade, Boston
49 - Printed pamphlet entitled "A plain and faithful narrative of the original design, rise and progress, and present state of the Indian Charity School in Lebanon, in Connecticut By Eleazar Wheelock, A M, Pastor of a Church in Lebanon" Boston, printed by Richard and Samuel Draper in Newbury Street
50 - Copy? of a letter not signed or addressed, Newport on Rhode Island.
51 - House of Representatives of Massachusets Bay to their agent Mr Mauduit
52 - Plan for the future management of Indian affairs
53 - Governor George Johnstone to John Pownall
54 - Governor George Johnstone to John Pownall
55 - Extracts from the petition of the Council and House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay to the House of Commons, and from their instructions to their agent.
56 - Report of the case between Thomas Forsey and Waddel Cunningham, New York.
57 - Sir William Johnson to the King, relates his services among the Indians, his great expenses, desires some compensation either in cash or lands.
58 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand
59 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, mentions letters from Governors Bernard 10 Nov 1764, Hopkins 12 Nov 1764 and Fitch 13 Nov 1764
60 - Extract of a letter from George Johnstone Esq Governor of West Florida, to John Pownall Esq, Mobile, Secretary to the Lords, Commissioners for Trade and Plantations
61 - Philadelphia, copy of a memorial to the Right Honourable the Lords of Trade, desiring relief, having credited a large number of traders with goods to supply the Indians
62 - Toquo, extracts from Mr Cameron's letters to Mr G Price sent to Captain Cochran at Charlestown, about a design to kill all the white people in the Cherokee country and about the ffrench prisoners, 16 and 27 Mar 1765, "Mr Tinkler will certainly run a great risk if ever he comes to this quarter, and particularly if rum should be in the way"
63 - Extract of a letter from George Johnstone, Esq, Governor of West Florida, to John Pownall Esq, Secretary to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, regarding Spanish commerce being permitted, Penzacola
64 - Journal of proceedings with the Great Warrior and other Cherokee Indians, ensign George Price
65 - Accounts from Fort Prince George in South Carolina, regarding relations between the Lieutenant Governor, Captain Cochrane and the Indians, the French have sent to the Cherokees, desiring a "talk", but the overture is not believed by the Cherokees
66 - Four resolutions of the House of Burgesses in Virginia relative to the privileges of the people of that Colony, signed John Randolph, covering letter dated 5 Jun 1765
67 - Resolves of the Virginia Assembly on debating the Stamp Act, quoting from the Newport Mercury,gives six resolutions relative to taxation of the Colony, which being so extraordinary, the Governor, on hearing of them, dissolved the Assembly
68 - A merchant in Philadelphia to his correspondent in London, cutting from London Chronicle relating to the Act of Parliament imposing a stamp duty on the American Colonies, just published, causing great uneasiness.
69 - Copy of letter from Governor James Wright to the Board of Trade, Savannah in Georgia, relative to his conduct with regard to Spanish vessels coming into the ports of that province.
70 - Copy of an extract of a letter from Governor Bernard to the Lords of Trade, Boston For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO Reading Room
71 - Dr Wheelock's Indian Charity School, abstracts and copies of several letters addressed to the Reverend Eleazer Wheelock by some of his former pupils who had become missionaries or schoolmasters.
72 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, relative to Portuguese and American trade with Great Britain and the general causes affecting the same, one item dated 24 Jul 1765.
73 - Dennys de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth], expressing his pleasure at seeing Lord Dartmouth nominated First Lord of Trade, hoping he will be the means of retrieving the commerce and harmony that formerly existed between America and England, states the disadvantages under which the commerce now labours in regard to Spain, France, and England
74 - Dennys de Berdt to Lord Dartmouth, Artillery Court, sends a letter from Boston, showing the confusion which the American trade now is in.
75 - Doctor John Fothergill to Lord Dartmouth, near Middlewick, Cheshire, congratulations, recommends Capel Hanbury, merchant in London, as a person well versed in American trade, and worthy of Lord Dartmouth's confidence.
76 - Doctor Wheelock's Indian Charity School, recommended by Sir William Johnson, Johnson Hall, and agrees with enlargement of plan, application to Britain to enable a number of missionaries to be employed in the Indian country.
77 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Halifax, New York, regarding erecting a fort at the mouth of the Missouri, thinks it would be proper to have a fort at the mouth of the Illinois to prevent the French trading up the Lakes
78 - Lord Hyde to Lord Dartmouth, The Grove - thinks the affair given in the enclosures can be settled privately, and had better not be produced at a public Board.
79 - The Earl of Moira to Lord Dartmouth, Moira, near Dromore, Ireland, desires him to recommend his petition for a grant of land so that he and others now anxious to settle in America may be enabled to do so.
80 - J or T Price to Lord Dartmouth, First Commissioner of the Council of Commerce
81 - Doctor John Fothergill to Lord Dartmouth, Lea Hall, the late acts and regulations have caused universal discontent in America For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO reading room
82 - Stamp Act, article signed Caesariensis, newspaper cutting headed "New York September 12", remarks on the resignation of several of the stamp officers.
83 - Dennys de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth], seeks to show the injustice of taxation and sending troops to America, remarks on the sole right of the Americans to tax themselves by their own representatives
84 - Mohock Indians to the King, Johnson Hall, transcribed by their desire in the presence of Sir William Johnson and transmitted by Lord Adam Gordon
85 - Rhode Island, newspaper cutting headed "Newport 16 Sep 1765" giving on one side six resolutions of the Rhode Island Assembly of last session, and on the other, a letter from Thomas Ringgold to Mr Green, 27 Aug 1765, refuting a report that he had applied for the office of distributor of stamps for Maryland, Resolutions For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO reading room
86 - R. Charles to Lord Dartmouth, Great Marlborough Street has visited Lord Dartmouth for the purpose of conversing with him about the instruction to Sir Henry Moore on the subject of appeals and a petition presented to the King by the Agent of New York.
87 - Constitutional courant, number one (2 copies)
88 - Andrew Symmer to [Lord Dartmouth], agrees with his Lordship that there could not have been a more unlucky time to impose a tax on America.
89 - The Boston Gazette and Country Journal, number 547
90 - The Boston Evening Post, number 1568
91 - Resolutions of a Congress held at New York, composed of the Committee of the several Houses of Representatives of the British Colonies.
92 - Reverend Doctor Thomas Dampier to Lord Dartmouth, Eton, observations on Hasenclever and his iron manufactory in New York
93 - Newspaper cutting, vote of a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of Cambridge, Massachusetts, William Brattle chosen Moderator.
94 - Messrs Baynton, Wharton and Morgan to the Reverend George Whitefield, Philadelphia, the desire of the Indians to have traders sent into their country, the cruel treatment shown to those sent, and the loss accruing to the merchants who supplied the goods.
95 - Massachusetts Bay, fourteen Resolutions of the House of Representatives touching their rights of representation in connection with taxation.
96 - The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Newsletter, number 3239
97 - Charles Yorke and William de Grey, report to the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs
98 - John Smith to Lord Dartmouth, letter about the funds of the East India Company
99 - John Smith to Lord Dartmouth, London, proceedings in the Colonies owing to the Stamp Act, many articles in the papers show an incendiary spirit
100 - Paper of Intelligence, dated variously from 4 Jul to 5 Nov 1765, containing copies of extracts relative to the Stamp Act For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO Reading Room
101 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, relative to Orders in Council of October 1765, references to letters from Secretary Cooper, Lord Grafton, General Conway, Governor Fauquier and the Governor of Georgia on American affairs, and Governor Melville on West Indian matters.
102 - Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Adam Gordon, Boston, his distressed circumstances, the General Court has refused him relief, he has now applied to the King, and seeks Lord Gordon's assistance to obtain some compensation, encloses copy of address from the Mohawk Indians to the King.
103 - Resolution of Merchants of Philadelphia, signed Samuel Mifflin, and addressed to Messrs Richard Neave and Son, merchants, in London, to import no goods from Great Britain until the Stamp Act be repealed.
104 - Massachusetts Bay, Council Chamber Governor Francis Bernard, speech to the House of Representatives and Council, with minutes of the 11 Nov 1765 introducing it.
105 - Massachusetts Bay, Council Chamber Governor Francis Bernard, speech to the House of Representatives and Council, with minutes of the 11 Nov 1765 introducing it
106 - Roger Hale to William Dowdeswell, Chancellor of His Majesty's Exchequer, London, in obedience to his command, lays before him such observations as his residence in Boston in New England, while Collector of His Majesty's Customs in that port, may have enabled him to make on the trade of the Northern Colonies and the laws affecting it.
107 - Massachusetts Bay, House of Representatives, extracts from journal, presentation of a report by the committee appointed to prepare a proper remonstrance to the Governor against the establishment of a new company at Castle William and the additional expense of £116, 17 shillings, proceedings thereupon.
108 - The Boston Gazette and Country Journal, number 554
109 - Thomas Cushing and Samuel Adams to "Revd Sir", Boston, consider the Stamp Act an infringement of their constitutional rights, complain of the duty put on molasses.
110 - Mr Russel to Mr [Dennys] de Berdt, Charles Town, near Boston, commercial reasons why the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act should be repealed.
111 - Treasury minute, the export trade of Britain has suffered from the late orders and commissions given to commanders of His Majesty's ships stationed in the West Indies and America, it has been decided that bullion may be imported into the Colonies in foreign bottoms.
112 - Governor Francis Bernard to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, Congratulations on his Lordship's appointment as President of the Board of Trade, (with seal)
113 - Talbot County, New England, five resolutions of the Freemen, consider the Stamp Act an infringement of their liberties.
114 - Governor Francis Bernard to John Pownall, Boston, Proceedings in the town on 5th of November.
115 - Joseph Manesty to Lord Dartmouth, London, has been over and traded with, for the past twenty years, many parts of Europe, all the West India Islands, and most of the North American plantations.
116 - Governor Francis Bernard to the Board of Trade, Boston, transmitting and commenting upon the votes of the last session of the Assembly
117 - Governor Francis Bernard, extract from the Board of Trade recommending compensation to be made to the sufferers by the late disturbances.
118 - Extracts from the votes of the Assembly of New Jersey against the Stamp Act.
119 - Dennys de Berdt to Lord Dartmouth, fatal consequences the late measures have had with regard to American trade, advisability of preserving trade with the Spaniards.
120 - Lieutenant-Governor Cadwallader Colden to Lord Dartmouth, New York, private letter sent because some person has obtained copies of his letters to Dartmouth's predecessor and used them for malicious purposes.
121 - Benjamin Hallowell to Sir Charles Knowles, refers him to the public papers to see the state of the country at this time, and to the enclosure for the quantity of American subjects to be governed.
122 - Private memorandum book of Lord Dartmouth, containing notes on Parliamentary affairs, Colonial affairs and other items from 17 Jul to 17 Dec 1765.
123 - Lieutenant-Governor Francis Fauquier to Lord Dartmouth, First Lord Commssioner for Trade and Plantation Affairs, etc, in London.
124 - Draft for the King's speech to Parliament, not dated but from references to the Journals of the House of Commons believed to be of this date.
125 - House of Lords to the King, return thanks for the speech from the throne, congratulations on the birth of a prince, American affairs.
126 - Samuel Adams to John Smith, Boston, addressed on a wrapper containing also a letter of 20 Dec, to John Smith, Esq, in London, per favour of Reverend Mr Whittaker.
127 - Reverend J William Giberne to Lord Dartmouth, Sabine Hall in Richmond County on Rappahanock River, Virginia, congratulations upon his Lordship's recent appointment.
128 - Samuel Adams to John Smith, Boston, Proceedings of the Colonies on the proposal of the Stamp Act and after the passing of the Act.
129 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, mention letters from the Governor of New Jersey, 10 Oct 1765, and the Governor of Virginia 2 Oct 1765, other minutes refer to trade with Portugal.
130 - Samuel Garbett to Lord Dartmouth, Birmingham, addressed on a wrapper covering also a letter of 24 Dec, to the Earl of Dartmouth, St James Square, London
131 - Henry Kennan to Lord Dartmouth, Crutched Friars, has given particular attention to the silk culture of South Carolina and Georgia, this culture by no means answers the expectations formed of it, and has annually declined.
132 - Samuel Garbett to Lord Dartmouth, Birmingham, a committee has been nominated to deliver a sketch of a petition to Parliament, and a letter to all the nobility likely to favour such.
133 - Henry Kennan to Lord Dartmouth, Crutched Friars, respecting the silk culture in Georgia and South Carolina, some private gentlemen are willing to take the filature in Savannah into their own hands, paying one shilling for each pound of cocoons.
134 - Duke of Newcastle to Lord Dartmouth, Newcastle House, has heard that an application has been received by the Board of Trade from the Representatives of the Colonies, asks that a copy may be transmitted to him.
135 - Dennys de Berdt to the Earl of Halifax, the recent regulations concerning American trade have caused hardships to that country, and are detrimental to Great Britain, shows how, if put into force, they will operate on English commerce.
136 - Dennys de Berdt to Lord Dartmouth, gives extract from a letter of William Donaldson of New York, showing the distress of the country through want of money.
136a - Observations on the commerce of our Colonies with those of Spain, so far as regards the legality of the importation of bullion in foreign bottoms, several reports of the Board of Trade and others are annexed, dated 1708 and 1720.
137 - Proposal to allow the importation of bullion into the Colonies in foreign bottoms
138 - Considerations on the laws made for the increase of navigation, and for the regulation of the plantation trade, so far as they relate to bullion, in Lord Dartmouth's hand.
139 - On letters from Governors Fauquier, Bernard Colden, Franklin, Sharpe, Wentworth, and General Gage, in June, August, September, October, and November, concerning the state of affairs in their respective provinces with regard to the arrival and distribution of stamps.
140 - Mr Fuller's plan of accommodation, reasons why Britain should not tax the Colonies.
141 - Captain Francis Legge to General Seymour Conway, Secretary of State, memorial, in view of his long services desires permission to dispose of his commission
142 - New York Assembly, extract from the Journal, twelve resolutions stating their allegiance, but representing their great objection to the Stamp Act, as it deprives them of their constitutional rights.
143 - New York Gazette, extracts, preservation of the Colony of Connecticut, agreement of the inhabitants of America not to receive stamps.
144 - James Otis, extracts from the vindication of the British Colonies, etc, said to be by James Otis, Boston.
145a - John Smith to Lord Dartmouth, remarks on the right of Britain to lay internal taxes on American Colonies, grievances arising from the Stamp Act, proposes other means to raise a revenue, that is, several articles to be taxed, and the improvement of ceded lands, etc
146 - Duke of Newcastle to Lord Dartmouth, Claremont, returns papers on the subject of American taxation, gives his opinion
147 - Samuel Garbett to Lord Dartmouth, Birmingham, petition to Parliament
148 - General Phineas Lyman to Lord Dartmouth, London, thoughts on the Act of Parliament establishing a stamp duty in America
149 - Joseph Manesty to Lord Dartmouth, London, Copt Hall Court, Throgmorton Street, offering service to His Lordship
150 - King's speech to Parliament, not dated, but from reference to the Commons' Journals believed to be of this date, the important proceedings in America demand their serious attention
151 - House of Lords to the King, draft, with corrections in Lord Dartmouth's hand
152 - Peter Hasenclever to Lord Dartmouth, New York, Reverend Doctor Dampier
153 - Governor Sir Henry Moore to Lord Dartmouth, New York, announcing the forcible boarding of a ship just arrived from England and seizure and burning of the stamped paper, duplicate letter signed
154 - General Phineas Lyman to Lord Dartmouth, London, facts which render the Stamp Act most distressing to the Americans, reasons why the British Parliament should not lay internal taxes on their Colonies, letter signed
155 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, Friday, partly concerning Senegambia, representation on behalf of Governor Boone
156 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, concerning various papers relating to America, account of the annual expenses of government in America
157 - Earl of Huntingdon to Lord Dartmouth, Donnington Park sends his proxy
158 - [Thomas Crowley] to Lord Dartmouth, Grace Church Street, signed Amor Patriae, offers suggestions on the repeal of the Stamp Act
159 - Joseph Manesty to Lord Dartmouth, unhappy state of America in consequence of the Stamp Act, advocates its repeal and makes a suggestion which he thinks would be generally accepted
160 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, with reference to letters received that day from governors in America
161 - Dennys De Berdt to Lord Dartmouth, annexed extract of a letter from Charles Town dated 21 Dec 1765, hopes the unjustifiable lengths into which the Americans are gone will not be laid to the town of Boston which has publicly condemned such proceedings
162 - Stamp Act, cutting from the Daily Advertiser number 11518, containing a letter signed 'A lover of Britain'
163 - House of Commons, five proposed Resolutions for a Committee
164 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, Nova Scot, Georgia Silk Culture, 14 Feb 1766
165 - Sons of Liberty, New York, Thomas Robinson, Isaac Sears, John Lamb, William Willey and Gersham Mott, Committee of the Sons of Liberty
166 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, East and West Florida 19 Feb 1766
167 - John Scott to Lord Dartmouth, Philadelphia, on the deplorable state of affairs in New York on account of the Stamp Act
168 - Earl of Chesterfield to [Lord Dartmouth], expresses his abhorrence of the Stamp Act, begs Lord Dartmouth to accept his proxy
169 - Christopher Gadsden to James Pearson, Charles Town, preceded by an autograph copy of a previous letter of 13 Feb 1766
170 - Governor Sir Henry Moore to Lord Dartmouth, New York, touching a present which the Assembly has resolved to make him
171 - Grey Elliott to [Doctor Campbell] Savannah in Georgia, in favour of Mr Bowen, who is acquainted with the method of making sago etc
172 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, Carolina, Grenada, Leghorn, Silks
173 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, refers to two estimates of surveys, one from Mr Holland, the other from Mr de Brahm
174 - Duke of Manchester to Lord Dartmouth, Mr Williamos has a great knowledge of America, so hopes that he will not be totally laid aside
175 - Petitions of London Merchants trading to North America, to the House of Lords and the House of Commons
176 - General Henry Seymour Conway to Lord Dartmouth, Little Warwick Street
177 - Duke of Grafton to [Lord Dartmouth], Grosvenor Square
178 - Resolution of London Merchants
179 - Copy of Resolution of London Merchants
180 - Thomas Crowley to Lord Dartmouth, Grace Church Street, author of the letter signed Amor Patriae
181 - Act to secure the dependency of His Majesty's Dominions in America upon the Crown and Parliament of Great Britain
182 - Presbyterian Church in New York to the Moderator and Members of the Assembly of the Church of Scotland
183 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Gerard Street, proposals for putting an end to the illicit trade carried on between Great Britain and Holland
184 - Thomas Crowley to Lord Dartmouth, Grace Church Street, transmits four letters from J D Hammerer who has gone to America with the view of civilising and educating the Indians and their children
185 - Henry Seymour Conway to Governor Francis Bernard, St James, Governor Bernard's speech to the Council and House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay 3 Jun 1766
186 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, concerning letters from Sir Henry Moore in January and February, from Governor Wright and others
187 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, concerning a letter from Governor Pallisser to Mr Pownall 31 Mar 1766, a letter from Governor Lyttleton to the Board, 29 Dec 1765 and petitions for land in America
188 - Edward Smith to Lord Dartmouth, Chavy, by the request of his brother, offers his sentiments upon the effect of a repeal of the stamp duty may have in America
189 - Right Honourable Charles Townshend to [Lord Dartmouth], Grosvenor Square, apologises for reminding him of the petition subscribed by Lord Adam Gordon, himself, and Mr Kinlock, for a grant of lands in East Florida
190 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Gerard Street, refers to a letter he wrote to the Board of Trade in 1742, concerning the illicit trade carried on between the Northern Colonies and Holland, proposals he has made for the better execution of the laws for securing the plantation trade
191 - Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Hutchinson to his son [query Elisha or Thomas], Milton, does not expect the House of Representatives will make any compensation to the sufferers
192 - Bishop of London to Lord Dartmouth, Bond Street, appoint a bishop to ordain deacons and priests intended for America
193 - Manufacturers in the Colonies, hints for the prevention of the establishment of manufacturers in the Colonies, suggests the granting of lands and better privileges
194 - Major Thomas Mant to [Lord Dartmouth], encloses the paper he mentioned concerning Detroit, which he hopes will convince his Lordship that the King has a right to dispose of the lands surrounding it
195 - Governor Sir Henry Moore to Lord Dartmouth, Fort George, New York, the steps he is taking to secure an exact return of all the quit rents of the Province
196 - Stamp Act, extract of a letter from Joseph Reed at Tunton [Trenton?]
197 - Lieutenant-Governor William Bull to Lord Dartmouth, Charlestown, on the 24 of last month Lord Hope arrived in this province
198 - Doctor John Fothergill to Doctor Templeman, London, concerning the result of some experiments he has made upon sago prepared from the produce of Georgia by Mr Bowen
199 - Massachusetts Gazette Extraordinary, containing Governor Francis Bernard's speech to the General Assembly, 29 May 1766, and proceedings of a meeting for the election of Councellors
200 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Gerard Street, information he has received concerning an increased illicit trade carried on between Holland and New York
201 - Reverend J William Giberne to [Lord Dartmouth], Sabine Hall, Richmond, Virginia, expresses the admiration of the Americans for the Earl of Dartmouth
202 - New York Sons of Liberty, New York, Circular, congratulations on repeal of the Stamp Act, thanks for co-operation in the glorious cause
203 - J Tudway to Lord Dartmouth, Wimple Street, recommends a young man who is desirous of gaining a competent maintenance in any part of America or elsewhere
204 - Massachusetts Bay House of Representatives to [Governor Francis Bernard], voted in the House of Representatives, Boston, 3 Jun 1766
205 - William Brattle to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, sets forth the allegiance of the province, and explains the late proceedings
206 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Gerard Street, encloses a letter on the subject of supplying masts for the navy
207 - Massachusetts Bay House of Representatives to [Governor Francis Bernard]
208 - Captain Gavin Cochrane to Lord Dartmouth, London, account of his proceedings with reference to the repairing of the forts in South Carolina and Georgia in 1764
209 - Captain Gavin Cochrane to Lord Dartmouth, London, journey from Savannah to Augusta, description of Augusta
210 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Gerard Street, sending the enclosed, letter signed
211 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, on American timber for masts
212 - Merchants of Lancaster to Lord Dartmouth, Lancaster
213 - Captain Gavin Cochrane to Lord Dartmouth, London, the Indian trade is carried on by the people of South Carolina with the Cherokees, and by Georgia with the Creeks For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO Reading Room
214 - Colonel John Randolph to [Lord Dartmouth], Williamsburg, Virginia, concerning a young eagle and other birds he is sending his lordship
215 - Thomas Cushing, Speaker, to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, New England
216 - Henry Kennan to Lord Dartmouth, Crutched Fryars, containing proposals concerning the culture of silk in Georgia
217 - Captain Gavin Cochrane to Lord Dartmouth, London, concering the Mortar and Creek Indians in 1764 and of the influence of the French over them
218 - C Williamos to [Lord Dartmouth], Williamsburgh in Virginia, his voyage to Charles Town
219 - Merchants, manufacturers and traders of Manchester to Lord Dartmouth
220 - The Marquis of Rockingham to [Lord Dartmouth]
221 - Sir William Johnson to Secretary H S Conway, Johnson Hall, with reference to the enclosed
222 - Lord [Dartmouth] to Robert Livesey
223 - Major-General Thomas Gage to Henry Seymour Conway, New York, advises from the Ilinois mention an illicit trade, whereby French goods are smuggled up the Ohio and to the Lakes, and the peltry of those Countrys carried down the Mississippi to New Orleans For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO Reading Room
224 - Merchants of Liverpool to Lord Dartmouth, Liverpool
225 - Lord D[artmouth] to Dennis de Berdt, in Artillery Court, near Goswell Street
226 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand
227 - Dennys de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth], Enfield, is obliged for the care he took of the Boston address
228 - Merchants of London trading to America and the West Indies, to Lord Dartmouth, London
229 - Dennys de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth], Enfield
230 - Doctor Eleazar Wheelock to Lord Dartmouth, Lebanon in Connecticut
231 - Extract of a letter from the assembly of South Carolina to Charles Garth
232 - Propositions and observations relating to the Stamp Act
233 - Letter undated and unsigned on cultivation of Connecticut
234 - Charters of various provinces of North America, printed
235 - Sir James Jay to Lord Dartmouth, Freeman's Court, Cornhill
236 - John Smith to Lord Dartmouth, London
237 - General Phineas Lyman to Lord Dartmouth, observations on the navigation of the Mississippi by General Phineas Lyman
238 - Governor Sir Henry Moore to Lord Dartmouth, New York
239 - Captain Gavin Cochrane to Lord Dartmouth
240 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand
241 - Merchants of New York to the House of Commons
242 - Bills and schemes touching the American Colonies
243 - Clause of an Act with reference to the seizure of bullion in America
244 - Scheme for a union between Great Britain and her Colonies by a representation in Parliament
245 - A list of duties laid on certain articles by "The Act of Parliament passed in 1764 called the American Act" with observations thereon
246 - Paper of suggestions on the best measures to be pursued with regard to America
247 - Lord Dartmouth's draft of a speech in the House of Lords
248a - Private memorandum book of Lord Dartmouth, containing notes of Parliamentary proceedings in 1765 and 1766, concerning the Stamp Act and other miscellaneous items
249 - Preservation of roads in North America required to enable open and secure roads and protect the country from the Indians
251 - General Phineas Lyman, reasons for a settlement on the Mississippi
252 - Major Thomas Mant, extracts from his proposal for a settlement at Detroit
253 - J Robarts, paper endorsed, Observations upon trade in general and upon the trade with the Spanish West Indies in particular
254 - William Prince Starch-maker to the Commons of Great Britain
255 - Sir William Johnson to the Earl of Shelburne
256 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Shelburne
257 - Captain Francis Legge to Lord Dartmouth
258 - Reverend Edward Davies to Lord Dartmouth
260 - Enclosure, Extracts from the Journal of Captain Harry Gordon, halted on the 6 Aug 1766 at Fort Masiach formerly a French post 120 miles below the mouth of the Wabash
261 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Shelburne
262 - John Randolph to Lord Dartmouth
263 - Lady Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth
264 - Stephen Sayre to Lord Dartmouth
265 - Marquis of Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth
266 - Marquis of Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth
269 - Memoranda, paper headed "Agenda" consisting of memoranda of letters and papers
270 - Dennys de Berdt to the Earl of Shelburne
271 - General Phineas Lyman to the King
272 - West Florida, extract of a letter to Mr Oldham from a gentleman (sic) arrived from West Florida
273 - New York, Charles Williamos, proposal for taxing a lease of the quit-rents of the province of New York
274 - Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Shelburne
275 - Earl of Hillsborough to the Lords of the Admiralty
276 - Earl of Hillsborough to Lord Viscount Barrington
277 - Doctor Wheelock's Indian Charity School
278 - Dr Nathaniel Whitaker to Lord Dartmouth, London
279 - Dr Nathaniel Whitaker to Lord Dartmouth, London
280 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Shelburne
281 - Cabinet minute
282 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Shelburne
283 - Earl of Hillsborough to the Earl of Shelburne
284 - Earl of Hillsborough to the Lords of the Admiralty
285 - Earl of Hillsborough to General Gage
286 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Hillsborough
287 - J Williams to the Commissioners of Customs, Boston
288 - Earl of Hillsborough to Governor Francis Bernard
289 - Thomas Cushing, chairman, at the desire and in behalf of the Committee, to Dennis de Berdt
290 - Letters to Dennis de Berdt
291 - Copy of Agreement with Stockbridge Indians
292 - John Spottiswoode to Mrs Woolridge
293 - Earl of Hillsborough to Major-General Thomas Gage
294 - Marquis of Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth
295 - Alexander Clunie to Lord Dartmouth
296 - House of Lords, nine resolutions, that the votes, resolutions and proceedings of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay in the months of January and February last are illegal and unconstitutional For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO Reading Room
297 - New York General Assembly to the House of Lords, Assembly Chamber, petition
298 - Doctor Eleazer Wheelock to Lord Dartmouth
299 - American petitions
300 - John Gordon, late of South Carolina, merchant, to the King in Council
301 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Hillsborough
302 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Hillsborough
303 - Major-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Hillsborough
304 - Massachusetts Bay
305 - Disorders in Massachusetts Bay
308 - Thomas Wooldridge to Lord Dartmouth
309 - Indian speech to Commissary Roberts
310 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
311 - Savannah, William Gerard de Brahm, a treaties on natural philosophy dedicated to the King
312 - Marquis of Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth in Sandwell Hall, Staffordshire
313 - A Drummond to [Mr Pownall]
314 - Governor Sir Francis Bernard to Lord Dartmouth
315 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand
316 - The King's speech
317 - Marquis of Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth
318 - Lord Gables to Lord Dartmouth
319 - Doctor Eleazar Wheelock to Lord Dartmouth, Lebanon
320 - James Bowdoin, Samuel Pemberton and Joseph Warren to Lord Dartmouth
321 - James Bowdoin, Samuel Pemberton and Joseph Warren to Lord Dartmouth
322 - Marquis of Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth
323 - East Florida, list of grantees, the dates of the grants run from 23 May 1764 to 6 Jun 1770, and the total number of acres granted amounts to 2,757,000
324 - Massachusetts Bay, state of the disorders, confusion and misgovernment which have lately prevailed and do still continue to prevail
325 - St James, order in Council with reference to the same disturbances
326 - John Williams, Inspector-General of the Customs in America
327 - Governor Peter Chester to the Earl of Hillsborough
328 - Marquis of Rockingham to Lord Dartmouth
329 - Virginia, Whitehall, Board of Trade, representation to the King
330 - Indian traders to the King
331 - William Knox Massachusetts Bay, thoughts upon the reform of the Constitution of the Massachusetts Bay
332 - David Martin to Lord Dartmouth, at Mr Williams, at the Feathers, St Martins' Street, Leicester Fields, memorial
333 - Settlement of lands, propositions for the establishment of a colony and government upon the lands west of the Alligany Mountains
334 - Considerations on the settlement of lands west of the Alligany Mountains to be called Pittsylvania
335 - Mr Webster's observations on tar, and the advisability of encouraging the Americans to make it in furnaces in the same manner as is done in Sweden
336 - Earl of G[uilford] to Lord Dartmouth is grieved to find he appeared wanting in duty and regard to the King
336a - Earl of Guilford to Lord Dartmouth, inquiries after Lady Dartmouth's health, hopes to see them both on Tuesday
336b - Earl of Guilford to Lord Dartmouth, Sunday night and Monday morning, will be much disappointed if both he and Lady Dartmouth do not come on Tuesday
337 - Peter Livius to the Earl of Hillsborough, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, relative to the Governor appropriating lands granted to his predecessor.
338 - Samuel Lloyd to Lord Dartmouth, Winchester Street
339 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to the Earl of Hillsborough, Boston, transmitting a printed paper called an oration
340 - Arthur Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, London
341 - East Florida, a true copy taken from the original, inhabitants of Saint Augustine
342 - Governor Peter Chester to the Earl of Hillsborough, Pensacola
343 - Governor Peter Chester to the Earl of Hillsborough, settlements near the Mississippi
344 - Lieutenant-Governor Elias Durnford to Governor Peter Chester, Pensacola
345 - Georgia, estimate of the Civil Establishment and other incidental expenses attending the same from 24 Jun 1770 to 24 Jun 1771
346 - Earl of Hillsborough to William Gerard de Brahm, Whitehall
347 - [Lord Dartmouth] to the Bishop of London, relative to a letter and papers from Governor Wentworth on Doctor Wheelock's schools
349 - Governor Peter Chester to the Earl of Hillsborough, Pensacola
350 - Mr [W] Bollan to the Massachusetts Council
351 - Thomas Wooldridge to Lord Dartmouth, New York
352 - Cabinet minute held at Lord Rochford's
353 - John Williams to Lord North, with regulations for the security and improvement of the duties on tobacco
354 - Cabinet minute, at Lord Suffolk's
355 - Earl of Hillsborough to Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage, Whitehall, extract
356 - [Lord Dartmouth] to Governor James Grant
357 - An account of the several articles - the actual produce of the Colony- exported from East Florida for four years
358 - Mr Kelly to Lord Dartmouth
359 - George Mercer to the King, London, copy of a memorial
360 - Dutch Church of New York to the King
360B - Jean Daniel Roux to the Board of Trade
361 - Mr Kelly to Lord Dartmouth
362 - Merchants of London to the Board of Trade
362a - Edward Thurlow and Alexander Wedderburn to the Earl of Hillsborough
363 - Merchants of London to the Board of Trade
363a - Massachusetts Bay, state of the Proceedings respecting the complaint of the Commissioners of Customs, as to their being taxed by the Boston Assessors.
364 - Thomas Wooldridge to Lord Dartmouth
365 - The Earl of Hillsborough to the Lords of the Admiralty
366 - William Bollan to the Earl of Hillsborough, Southampton Street , Covent Garden
367 - John Williams, regulations humbly submitted to Lord North, for better securing the duties upon wine, fruit, oil and other dutiable goods in America preventing the foreign trade
368 - Sir William Johnson to the Earl of Hillsborough
369 - Rear Admiral John Montagu to the Earl of Hillsborough
370 - Massachusetts Bay House of Representatives to the King
371 - Richard Stockton to Samuel Smith, Princeton
372 - Cabinet minute, St James, the Rhode Island business placed by Lord Hillsborough before the Cabinet
373 - Lord North to Lord Dartmouth, Bushy Park, remarks on the petition for a grant of land on the Ohio
374 - Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to the Earl of Hillsborough, New York, transportation of troops from America to St Vincent
375 - Earl of Hillsborough to Lord [North], Hanover Square
376 - Earl of Hillsborough to the Governor and Company of Rhode Island, Whitehall
377 - John Pownall to Lord [Dartmouth], expresses his gratification at the prospect of his Lordship becoming Secretary of State
378 - Frederick Montagu to [Lord Dartmouth], Papplewick, recommends his accepting the seals of the American Department
379 - Edward Thurlow and Alexander Wedderburn to the Earl of Hillsborough, Lincoln's Inn
380 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord [Dartmouth], London
381 - The King to Lord North, St James, five minutes past 1 pm, Lord Dartmouth cannot have the seals until tomorrow if the Council is not held today
382 - Oath of Secretary of State, St James, Order in Council with the Oath, taken by William, Earl of Dartmouth
383 - Lady Edgecumbe to [Lord Dartmouth], Mount Edgecumbe
384 - Thomas Boone to [Lord Dartmouth], Nassau Street, Soho
385 - Anonymous to [Lord Dartmouth], arguments against the proposed Ohio settlement
386 - Cabinet minutes, St James's, agreed that all the papers on the affair of the "Gaspee" schooner be laid before the King
387 - Stephen Sayre to [Lord Dartmouth], 38 Berners Street
388 - Dennis de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth], London
389 - Gaspee enquiry, St James, Order in Council
390 - Thomas Taylor to [Lord Dartmouth], Alnwick
391 - John Willday to Lord Dartmouth, Secretary of State for the Colonys in London on American trade, Atherstone, Warwickshire
392 - Sir Matthew Fetherstonhaugh to [Lord Dartmouth], Brighthelmstone
393 - Gaspee enquiry, St James, Order in Council
394 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
395 - Andrew Rea to [Lord Dartmouth], Grigsby's Coffee House, Royal Exchange, London
396 - David Blissett to the Reverend Mr Talbot, Reading
397 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
398 - Thomas Wilson to [Lord Dartmouth], Leicester Street
399 - Edward Thurlow and Alexander Wedderburn, report to the King
400 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
401 - Lord Viscount Gage to [Lord Dartmouth], Fife
402 - Duke of Manchester to [Lord Dartmouth], Spa
403 - John Osborn to Lord Dartmouth, Dresden
404 - [Lord Dartmouth] to the Governor and Company of Rhode Island, Whitehall
405 - The King to Governor Joseph Wanton, Daniel Horsmanden, Frederick Smyth, Peter Oliver, and Robert Auchmuty
406 - Rodolph Valltravers to [Lord Dartmouth], Somerset Chapel, Strand
407 - Noel Hill to [Lord Dartmouth], Tern
408 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
409 - Lord Dartmouth to Governor Joseph Wanton, Whitehall
410 - The King to governor Joseph Wanton, Daniel Horsmanden, Frederick Smith, Peter Oliver and Robert Auchmuty, St James
411 - Captain Archibald Blane to Lord Dartmouth, Reading
412 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
413 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Rochester
414 - William Knox to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
415 - Henry Basset to Lord Scarsdale, Detroit, with a slip of paper on which is written "to Captain Basset Major to the 10th Regiment at Detroit by New York to be forwarded by General Gage", refers to a letter in which he desired his Lordship's influence with Lord Hillsborough to get him appointed Governor of Detroit, necessity there appears to be for a Governor, should this not succeed, proposes that he be appointed Surveyor General of the lands and woods and receiver of the quit rents of Detroit and his dependencies, has been an officer nearly thirty years
416 - Lord Dartmouth to Captain Archibald Blane, Sandwell
417 - Lord Dartmouth to Lord Viscount Gage, Sandwell
418 - John More to Lord Dartmouth, Rothimurchus
419 - Monsieur Lavanchy to [Lord Dartmouth], Utrecht
420 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
421 - Sir James Wright, Baronet, to Lord Dartmouth, Venice
422 - Earl of Rochford to Lord Dartmouth, St James
423 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
424 - Charles Williamos to [Lord Dartmouth], Dover Street
425 - Lord Edgcumbe to Lord Dartmouth, Mount Edgcumbe
426 - Earl of Rochford to Sir William Trelawny, Baronet, Whitehall
427 - Lord Scarsdale to [Lord Dartmouth], Kidleston
428 - John Pownall to Lieutenant General Thomas Gage, Whitehall
429 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth, Whitehall
430 - Relief of troops
431 - Deer Island settlers to John Calef
432 - J Mallet to Doctor William Hunter in Wind-Mill Street, London
433 - Fox Island settlers to John Calef
434 - John Thornton to Lord Dartmouth, Clapham
435 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Chandos Street, Cavendish Square
436 - Reverend Bernard Page to Lord Dartmouth, London
437 - Richard Cracraft to Lord Dartmouth, Philpot Lane
438 - William Samuel Johnson to Lord Dartmouth, Stratford in Connecticut
439 - General Phineas Lyman to Lord Dartmouth, Suffield
440 - Deposition of John Beath, Lincoln Island
441 - Samuel McCobb, William Moore and William Fullerton, depositions, Lincoln Island
442 - Reverend William Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica Plain
443 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, London
444 - Lieutenant Governor Andrew Oliver to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, congratulations
445 - Cortland Skinner, Attorney-General of New Jersey, to Lord Dartmouth, Perth Amboy
446 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
447 - John Calef to the King
448 - A Londoner to [Lord Dartmouth]
449 - Ohio settlement, observations on the new settlement on the Ohio
450 - Sagadahock and Penobscot rivers
451 - Duke of Manchester to [Lord Dartmouth], Paris
452 - Lord Dartmouth to Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage, Whitehall
453 - Reverend James Alice to [Lord Dartmouth], Paisley
454 - Board of Trade minutes, Plantation Office
455 - Judge Robert R Livingston to Lord Dartmouth, New York
456 - Philip Skene to Lord Dartmouth, Skenesborough in the County of Charlotte
457 - Board of Trade, representation to the King, Whitehall
458 - Montfort Browne, memorial to Lord Dartmouth
458A - Earl of Hillsborough to Montfort Browne, Hanover Square
458B - Civil government on the Mississippi
460 - Cabinet minute
461 - [Board of Trade] minutes
462 - [Board of Trade] minutes
463 - Thomas Wooldridge to Lord Dartmouth, New York
464 - Settlers on Southern Fox Island to John Calef
465 - Board of Trade to the Lords Committee of the Privy Council for Plantation Affairs, Whitehall
466 - [Lord Dartmouth] minutes
467 - Governor Sir James Wright to Lord Dartmouth, memorial
468 - Board of Trade to the Lords Committee of the Privy Council for Plantation Affairs, Whitehall
469 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
470 - William Cooper, Town Clerk, to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
471 - Major-General Phineas Lyman to Lord Dartmouth, Suffield
472 - Marblehead, proceedings of a town meeting
473 - Lord Dartmouth to Lieutenant General Thomas Gage, Whitehall
474 - Lord Dartmouth to Governor Thomas Hutchinson, Whitehall
475 - Minutes, Governor Hutchinson concerning the clause to give the Governors custody of lunatics and idiots
477 - Town meeting at Plymouth
478 - Town meeting at Roxbury
479 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, London
481 - Virginia, Council Chamber, Whitehall, Order of Committee of Council, with seal
482 - B Roberts to Lord Dartmouth, Kings Bench
483 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Southampton Street, Covent Garden
484 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
485 - Lord Suffolk to Lord Dartmouth, Duke Street, Westminster
486 - Reverend Thomas Atkin to [Lord Dartmouth]
487 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
488 - Town meeting at Pembroke
489 - Reverend Eleazer Wheelock to Lord Dartmouth
490 - Report of the Committee on the Public Treasurer's accounts between 19 Feb 1770 to 31 Dec 1772
491 - Thomas Wooldridge to Lord Dartmouth
492 - Edward Abbott to [Lord Dartmouth]
493 - Joseph Adams, mate of sloop Liberty to [Lord Dartmouth]
494 - Trade and revenue of North America
495A - Major-General John Bradstreet to the King
495B - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
496 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
497 - William Gerard de Brahm to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury
498 - Minutes, paper in John Pownall's hand, endorsed Cabinet and headed memorandum of business upon which the King's Pleasure is to be taken
500 - New York and New Hampshire disputed grants
501 - Reverend Temple Henry Croker to Lord Dartmouth
502 - [Lord Dartmouth] to the Lord President of the Council
503 - Trade of Dunkirk
504 - Memorial of the inhabitants of East Florida
505 - Captain John Gordon, Jacob Vanbraam and others to the King
506 - Case of Captain John Graeme of Duchrie
509 - Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Howard
510 - Description of the Illinois
511 - Nathaniel Jones of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law, to Lord Dartmouth
512 - William Knox to Lord Dartmouth
515 - Mississippi Settlement
516 - Natchez, thoughts on erecting a new government at the Natchez
517 - Claim of Mr Remson
518 - Captain Sinclair, late of the 15th regiment, to Lord Dartmouth
520 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth] Bath, hopes to return to his duty in a week or ten days
521 - John Thornton to Lord Dartmouth, Clapham
522 - Thomas Woolridge to Lord Dartmouth, New York
523 - Edward Elmsall to Lord Dartmouth, Thornhill
524 - Governor William Tyron to Lord Dartmouth, Fort George, New York
525 - Joseph Cawthorne to Lord Dartmouth, at Mrs Hix's, Vine Street, Piccadilly
526 - Daniel Coxe to Lord [Dartmouth], Trenton, New Jersey
527 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, Massachusetts Bay, New England
528 - Samuel Cutts to Lord Dartmouth, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, New England
529 - South Carolina, Clerk of the Assembly to Mr Garth
530 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
532 - Mrs Deborah Chetwynd to Lord Dartmouth, St James's Palace
533 - William Story to Lord Dartmouth, Ipswich, New England
534 - Granville Sharp to Lord Dartmouth, Old Jewry
535 - The Boston Gazette and Country Journal, number 928, containing resolves of some Town-Meetings
536 - Tea, observations upon the consumption of tea in North America
537 - Doctor C Morton to [Lord Dartmouth], Royal Society
538 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
539 - John Thornton to Lord Dartmouth, Clapham
540 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, London
541 - Hans Stanley to Lord Dartmouth, Privy Garden
542 - American Revenue, J Williams, an account of the produce of the American Revenue and proposing remedies for extending and securing the same
543 - Relief of regiments, War Office
544 - Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick Tonyn to [Lord Dartmouth], New Norfolk Street, soliciting the Government of East Florida
546 - Newspaper cutting containing a letter signed "Raleigh" to the Earl of Dartmouth, giving an extract of a letter from Boston
548 - Alderman Barlow Trecothick to Lord Dartmouth, London
549 - Mrs Chetwynd to Lord Dartmouth, St James's, concerning some lands in New York
550 - Lord Dartmouth to the Earl of Dunmore, Whitehall, number one
551 - Lord Dartmouth to Governor Thomas Hutchinson, Whitehall number 6
552 - Lord Dartmouth to Governor William Tryon, Whitehall
553 - Lord Dartmouth to the Lords of the Admiralty, Whitehall
554 - Lord Dartmouth to the Earl of Rochford, Whitehall
555 - Lord Dartmouth to Lord Viscount Barrington, Whitehall, to give directions for the various regiments required to replace those returning from America, to be in readiness
557 - Isaac Spooner to Lord Dartmouth, Birmingham
558 - Relief of Regiments, notes in Lord Dartmouth's hand
559 - Chief Justice Frederick Smyth to Lord Dartmouth, New York
560 - Jacob Blackwell to Lord Dartmouth, London, praying the renewal of a grant of land in West Florida and that Governor Chester may receive directions for that purpose
561 - Lord Hyde to Lord Dartmouth, thinks it a public as well as a private duty to transmit the enclosed
562 - Newspaper cutting from the Public Advertiser number 11824, containing a further letter signed "Raleigh" addressed to Lord Dartmouth concerning the restrictions laid on American commerce
563 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, New England
564 - William Gerard de Brahm to [Lord Dartmouth], Queen's Square , Westminster
565 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Queen's Square, Westminster
566 - Land in East Florida belonging to Lord Dartmouth
567 - Lord Stamford to Lord Dartmouth, Sackville Street, recommending Mr Nelson to the Council of Virginia
568 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Queen's Square
569 - The Honourable Mr Thynne to Lord Dartmouth
571 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
572 - Mr Reeve to Lord Dartmouth, 12 Craven Street, sending the enclosed papers
573 - Troops, arrangement proposed concerning the transportation of troops from Great Britain or Ireland to the colonies in Africa and America, and as to their return from the colonies
574 - The Royal Society, Daines Barrington, suggestions for obtaining natural productions from the colonies
575 - [Board of Trade], list of business for the Committee, two papers
576 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, London
577 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
578 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
579 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
580 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, New England
581 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
582 - Daniel Bercher to William Gerard de Brahm, 44 Harley Street
583 - William Gerard de Brahm to [Daniel Bercher], London
584 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand, on Mr Livius's complaints (New Hampshire)
585 - Richard Jackson to Lord Dartmouth
586 - The Bishop of London to Lord Dartmouth, London House
587 - Hans Stanley to [Lord Dartmouth], Privy Garden, with regard to Captain Hamond's memorial would be glad to know what hopes may be entertained of his success
588 - Lord Barrington to [Lord Dartmouth], Cavendish Square, recommending Lieutenant Colonel Leland for a government
589 - The Duke of Manchester to [Lord Dartmouth], concerning his brother Lord Charles Montagu, late Governor of South Carolina
590 - Lord Edgecumbe, memorandum concerning Captain Nicholas Cox, late of the 47th, who has been in the army 32 years
591 - The Bishop of Ely to Lord Dartmouth, Hertford Street, recommending Mr Powell for some law office in the Colonies
592 - Charles Smith to [Lord Dartmouth], London
593 - Lieutenant Thomas Webb to Lord Dartmouth, memorial
594 - Thomas Macdonough to Lord Dartmouth, Charles Street, Westminster
595 - Lieutenant John Cartwright to [Lord Dartmouth], Marnham, on securing a supply of oak timber
596 - Lord Dartmouth to Governor Thomas Hutchinson, Whitehall
597 - Caleb Jo Garbrand to [Lord Dartmouth]
598 - Lord Guernsey to [Lord Dartmouth], recommending Mr Franklyn to succeed the present Governor of New Hampshire
599 - The Honourable Thomas Greville to Lord Dartmouth
600 - Newspaper cutting from the Public Advertiser containing another letter signed "Raleigh" addressed to the Earl of Dartmouth, concerning a sermon lately preached by the Lord Bishop of St Asaph, remarks on the wisdom of Lord Dartmouth's policy touching the American colonies
601 - The Reverend Doctor Eleazar Wheelock to [Lord Dartmouth], Hanover
602 - Governor Lord Charles Greville Montagu to Lord Dartmouth, Bath
603 - Minute of the Council of New York, Fort George, concerning petition of the inhabitants of Spencer Town against their land being included within the line of Colonel Renselaer's grant incorrectly laid down on the map
604 - Jonas Brown to Nathaniel Cholmley Esquire, requesting his interest in procuring an office for his son in Georgia or South Carolina, his son's letter enclosed
605 - William Gerard de Brahm to [Lord Dartmouth]
606 - Newspaper cutting containing a letter from "A friend to the community" addressed to Governor Hutchinson, reflections upon the dispute between Great Britain and her colonies
607 - William Gerard de Brahm to [Lord Dartmouth], Queen's Square, Westminster, on subject of enclosure
608 - William Kelly to Lord Dartmouth, Crescent, gives his opinion and observation upon the advisability of the introduction of corn from America
609 - Board of Trade to the King, Whitehall, on the application of Messrs Walpole etc, representation with names of the persons to be inserted in the grant of lands on the Ohio
610 - Sir John Dalrymple to [Lord Dartmouth], Vine Street, Piccadilly, encloses a catalogue of plants which might be carried to the new North American or West Indian settlements for cultivation and for purposes of trade, remarks on the usefulness of the plan
611 - The Royal Society (by Daines Barrington, Marmaduke Tunstall and William Hudson) to Lord Dartmouth, Crane Court
612 - The Earl of Sandwich to Lord Dartmouth, Edmund Thomas of the "Squirrell" shall be appointed to the first fifth rate that becomes vacant
613 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Massachusetts Bay, New Zealand
614 - Board of Trade to the King, Whitehall, report, New Hampshire dispute, relating to the complaint exhibited by Peter Livius against Governor Wentworth
615 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Southampton Street, Covent Garden
616 - William Gerard de Brahm to [Lord Dartmouth]
617 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, member of the Royal Society
618 - Vice President of the Royal Society to the Earl of Dartmouth, recommending Mr John Abbott to Governor of Virginia
619 - The Earl of Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth, Williamsburg
620 - John Williams to Lord Dartmouth
622 - George Clement to Lord Dartmouth, Bunn House, Field Gate, Whitechapel
623 - Major Henry Basset, 10th Regiment, to Lord Scarsdale, Detroit
624 - Sir Charles Thompson to Lord Dartmouth, Old Bond Street
625 - [Lord Dartmouth] to Governor Thomas Hutchinson
626 - Instructions to American Governors
627 - Colonel Howard to Lord Dartmouth, sending the enclosed
628 - Mr Williamos to Lord Dartmouth, St James Place
629 - Samuel Kirkland to [possibly Doctor Wheelock]
630 - The Duke of Manchester to Lord Dartmouth, Huntingdon
631 - Governor William Tryon to [Lord Dartmouth], New York
633 - Testimonial to Joseph Ward, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
634 - Charles Garth to [Lord Dartmouth], Devizes
635 - Adam Wood to [Lord Dartmouth], Great Titchfield Street
636 - Testimonial to Joseph Ward, Portsmouth, Province of New Hampshire
637 - Reverend William Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica Plain
638 - Reverend William Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica Plain
639 - Thomas Danforth, Junior, to [Lord Dartmouth], New England Coffee House
640 - Lord Hyde to Lord Dartmouth
641 - Lord D[artmouth] to Thomas Cushing, St James's Square
642 - The Reverend Doctor G Berkeley to [Lord Dartmouth], Canterbury
643 - B Roberts to Lord Dartmouth
644 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, Massachusetts Bay
645 - Charles Wright to Sir P Musgrave, Admiralty Office, soliciting an appointment
646 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Queen's Square, Westminster
647 - The Earl of Rochford to [Lord Dartmouth], Berkley Square
648 - The Board of Trade to the Lords Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs, Whitehall
649 - The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter
650 - Thomas Irving to Lord Dartmouth, Hay Market
651 - J. H. Livingston to Lord Dartmouth, New York
652 - Dutch Church of New York to the King
653 - Lieutenant Thomas Webb to Lord Dartmouth, Burlington
654 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Queens Square, Westminster
655 - The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter
656 - The Earl of Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth, Williamsburg
658 - Captain Samuel Hood to Lord Dartmouth, Catherington by Petersfield
659 - The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter
660 - Captain Gavin Cochrane to [Lord Dartmouth], Edinburgh, applying for lands at Crown Point
661 - Lord Dartmouth to Lord Robert Spencer
662 - The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter
663 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Queens Square, Westminster
664 - William Gerard de Brahm to [Lord Dartmouth], Queens Square, Westminster
666 - The Honourable Daines Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, sending the enclosed
667 - The Duke of Manchester to [Lord Dartmouth], Kimbolton Castle
668 - Sir Sydney Stafford Smythe, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, to Lord Dartmouth, Chelmsford
669 - Lord Robert Spencer to Lord Dartmouth, receipt of letter, returns thanks
670 - Governor Thomas Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
671 - The honourable Daines Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, King's Bench Walks
672 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth, London, a letter signed "Fact"
673 - Caleb J Garbrand to Lord Dartmouth
674 - Lord Hyde to [Lord Dartmouth], The Grove
675 - The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter, part only
676 - John Stuart to Lord Dartmouth, Charles Town
677 - Grey Cooper to William Gerard de Brahm, Treasury Chambers
678 - C[harlotte], Countess of Dunmore, to [Lord Dartmouth], Berkley Street
679 - Governor Thomas Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Chesterford
680 - Peter Duval to Lord Dartmouth, Hackney, requesting an Office in North America
681 - Sir William Draper to Lord Dartmouth, George Street, Hanover Square, recommending Mr Delancey to be Naval Officer of New York
682 - Dennis de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth], London
683 - John Thornton to Lord Dartmouth, Clapham
684 - George Rice to [Lord Dartmouth], Windsor Castle
685 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, at Mrs Smith near Queens Place Westminster
686 - William Gerard de Brahm to [ ], at Mrs Smith 2nd door South of Queens Place Westminster
687 - Lord Craggs Clare to [Lord Dartmouth], Gosfield
688 - John Woddrop to Lord Dartmouth, Tollbrook Glasgow
689 - William Bollan and Doctor B. Franklin to Lord Dartmouth, Southampton Street, Covent Garden, transmitting the enclosed letter
690 - Cape Florida Society to Lord Dartmouth, London
691 - Mary Hayns or Hayne to [Lord Dartmouth], London
692 - Thomas Cushing to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
693 - The Earl of Dartmouth to [Lord Dartmouth]
694 - Reverend William Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica Plain
695 - William Whately to Lord Dartmouth, Lombard Street
696 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, at Mrs Smith, Queens Place Westminster
697 - Lord Dartmouth to the [Cape Florida] Society, Sandwell
698 - Major Gavin Cochrane to [Lord Dartmouth], London
699 - Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Desbrisay to Lord Dartmouth, Dublin
700 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
701 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
702 - The Earl of Rochford to Lord Dartmouth, St James's
703 - [Lord Dartmouth] to the Earl of Rochford, Sandwell
704 - Captain George Lehunte to Lord Dartmouth, Wexford
705 - The Reverend William Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica Plain
706 - David Pryce to [Lord Dartmouth], Upton Grey near Basingstoke
707 - Edward Fox to [Lord Dartmouth], Mount Street
708 - The Earl of Rochford to Lord Dartmouth, St James
709 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, London
710 - Julian Legge to Lord Dartmouth,Mrs Lloyds, Hemlock Court, Carrey Street near Lincolns Inn London, addressed to his Lordship at Sandwell Hall near Birmingham
711 - George Wentworth to Lord Dartmouth, London
712 - Benjamin Hallowell to John Pownall, Boston
714 - Archibald Duff to Lord Dartmouth
715 - The Honourable Lucius Ferdinand Cary to [Lord Dartmouth], Grosvenor Street
716 - The alarm number 1, printed paper, consisting of a letter signed Hampden, New York
717 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, New York
718 - Governor Lord Charles Greville Montagu to [Lord Dartmouth], Bath
719 - Thomas Danforth to John Pownall, Boston
720 - Order in council, New Hampshire, St James
721 - "The alarm" number 2
722 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to [Lord Dartmouth], New Norfolk Street
723 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to Lord Dartmouth, will always retain the highest sense of his Lordship's patronage
724 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to Lord Dartmouth, New Norfolk Street, concerning his recommendation of Mr Leadbeater for the appointment of minister in East Florida
725 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to Lord Dartmouth, concerning his recommendation of Mr Leadbeater for the appointment of minister in East Florida
726 - Robert Hayne to [Lord Dartmouth], 43 Shoreditch London
727 - Robert Hayne to Lord Dartmouth, petition, with a memorandum concerning the will of Richard Salter
728 - United Presbyterian Churches of New York to Lord Dartmouth, New York, address of the Ministers, Elders and Deacons, signed John Rodgers, Moderator
729 - United Presbyterian Churches of New York to Lord Dartmouth, petition from the Ministers etc to Lord Dartmouth for a charter of incorporation
730 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, London
731 - Extract of a letter from Boston, addressed to J T Esq, thoughts on the means of restoring peace to the Colonies
732 - Charles Garth to [Lord Dartmouth], Devizes
733 - William Kelly to Lord Dartmouth, Worcester
734 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth
735 - Sagadahook, a list of the number of inhabitants settled on lands eastward of the Sagadahook River to the River St Croix, total number of families 2438
736 - William Gerard de Brahm to Mr Loup, concerning a letter forwarded by him from the Earl of Dartmouth to which no answer has been received, remarks upon his Lordship's generosity with regard to the grant he has made, asks whether the plan of the Society is to take place or is dropt
737 - Governor Josiah Martin to Lord Dartmouth, New Bern, North Carolina, private
738 - Montfort Browne to [Lord Dartmouth], Greenwich
739 - Governor Sir Francis Bernard to [Lord Dartmouth], Aylesbury
740 - J Temple to [Lord Dartmouth], Great George Street
741 - Commodore Samuel Hood to [Lord Dartmouth], Catherington by Petersfield
742 - James Loup to William Gerard de Brahm, Basinghall Street
743 - Captain Williamos to Lord Dartmouth, St James Place
744 - Robert Tomlinson to Lord Dartmouth, "Resolution" at Portsmouth
745 - John Jones to Mr Padmore, Denmark Court, number 15, Strand, London, on the subject of the enclosures
746 - Case of John Jones, respecting lands bequeathed to him in South Carolina, draft
747 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, New England
748 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
749 - Corbyn Morris to Lord Dartmouth. Storys Gate, Westminster
750 - Two copies of a printed paper headed "Boston" containing proceedings of the people of Boston and the neighbouring towns 29 and 30 Nov 1773, assembled for the purpose of consulting, advising and determining upon the most proper and effectual method to prevent the unlading, receiving or vending the "detestable tea" sent out by the East India Company
751 - Tea, "Scaevola" to the Commissioners appointed by the East India Company for the sale of tea, in America, setting forth the odium attached to the office held by them
752 - Tea, postscript to a letter from Boston dated 6 Dec 1773, from an officer on board the Arthur
753 - Case of Colonel George Mercer, London, beginning "In 1754, the Government of Virginia raised a regiment, to prevent the encroachments of the French", his services in the army and later as a stamp distributor
754 - The Reverend William Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica Plain
755 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Queens Square, Westminster, religious sentiments with reference to the enclosed essay
756A - B Romans to Doctor Williamson
756B - House of Assembly of North Carolina
757 - Printed paper headed "Philadelphia" containing an account of the transactions in this city with reference to the tea sent to America
758 - Thomas Danforth to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
759 - Fire at Fort George, New York, an estimate of the loss of several persons (servants of Governor Tryon) by the fire in the evening of 29 December, in cosideration whereof the Governor gave them £340 sterling equal to £595 currency of New York
760 - John Pownall to Peter Michell, Whitehall
761 - Boston, New York and Philadelphia
762 - Bank in America
763 - William Bollan Agent for the Council of Massachusetts Bay to the King
764 - [William Gerard de Brahm] to [Lord Dartmouth]
765 - The Earl of Buchan to Lord Dartmouth, intimating his intention of visiting the Colonies and offering information
767 - John Calef to the King
768 - Notes for letters to American Governors
769 - John Gordon to the King
770 - Mary Hayne to [Lord Dartmouth]
771 - Thomas Irving
772 - William Knox, on the proposed mode of granting lands in America, a long essay containing comparison between the present mode and that intended to be adopted
773 - Lord Charles Greville Montagu to Lord Dartmouth
774 - New England, a list of New England grievances, for full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO Reading Room
775 - Paper money in America, paper concerning the issuing of paper bills of credit in the Colonies
776 - Pennsylvania, a paper headed "The foreign trade of Pensylvania," being imports from and exports to the foreign European ports, extracted from the Collector's account
777 - South Carolina, proceedings concerning the commitment of Powell the Printer, Aug 1773, quoting amongst other items, the protest of William Henry Drayton of 27 Aug and the addresses of the Council of 11 Sep to the King and to Governor Bull
778 - South Carolina, a sketch of the proceedings of the Assembly relative to the transmission of money form the Public Treasury to England
779 - Edward Southouse to Lord Dartmouth, memorial, is by profession an attorney
780 - John Wentworth reply to P Livius
781 - P Livius reply
782 - Royalist Militia, New York, general return of the Orange Regiment consisting of two battalions commanded by Colonel William Bayard
783 - Mrs S Osborn to [Lord Dartmouth]
784 - Fire at Fort George, New York, various depositions of Governor Tryon's servants
785 - The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly News Letter, number 3666
786 - Samuel Kemble to [Lord Dartmouth], New York, returning thanks for his appointment of Naval Officer of New York
787 - [Thomas Crowley] to Lord Dartmouth, Grace Church Street
788 - William Gerard de Brahm
789 - Thomas de la Mayne to Lord Dartmouth, New Bond Street upon the subject of the enclosure
790 - The King's speech to Parliament
791 - Lieutenant Governor Elias Durnford to Lord Dartmouth, London
792 - T Webb to [Lord Dartmouth]
793 - Thomas Hunt to the Reverend Mr Madan, 15 Bread Street
794 - Sir Francis Bernard to John Pownall, Aylesbury, sends extract of a letter which comes from one who is firm in the interests of government
795 - Samuel Wharton to Thomas Pitt, Argyle Street, concerning Vandalia, the grant of land made to Mr Walpole and his associates and the objections made to it by the Attorney and Solicitor General
796 - William Bollan to the King
797 - Sir George Savile to Lord Dartmouth, relative to Mr Green's desire of being secretary of North Hampshire
798 - Hans Stanley to [Lord Dartmouth], Privy Garden, on behalf of Captain Pryce who has lately submitted a memorial of his services and of his pretensions to a grant of lands in America
799 - Cabinet minute, (held at the Earl of Suffolk's), concerning American advices to be laid before the House of Lords
801 - Lieutenant Colonel William Dalrymple to Lord Dartmouth, London
802 - John Malcolm to Governor Hutchinson and the House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay
803 - Royalist militia, a list of the foot company of Flatbush in King's County whereof Leffert Martense is Captain, Johannes Ditmas Lieutenant and Jacob Snediker Ensign
804 - Return addressed to his Excellency Governor Tryon of the strength of the regiment of militia an West Chester County by James Van Cortlandt Colonel of the Regiment
805 - An opinion on American affairs, concerning the present disposition of the colonies and measures to be pursued in consequence
806 - American trade, Britannicus, how to make the Colonies serviceable to the Mother Country
807 - Paper headed "Case" beginning "the advices received from Boston in letters from Governor Hutchinson, Admiral Montagu and the Commandant of the King's troops at Castle William, and the information taken here of Captain Scott lately arrived from thence, contain the following facts" etc, with two queries "on the foregoing case" and appendices A to I For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO Reading Room
808 - Paper headed "Case" beginning "the advices received from Boston in letters from Governor Hutchinson, Admiral Montagu and the Commandant of the King's troops at Castle William, and the information taken here of Captain Scott lately arrived from thence, contain the following facts" etc, with two queries "on the foregoing case"
809 - Tea, paper headed "narrative", similar to the foregoing "case" but giving also abstracts of letters from Major General Haldimand, from Philadelphia and the agents of the East India Company there, and from Governor Bull of South Carolina
810 - John Hurst to Lord Dartmouth, Bow churchyard, transmitting enclosure With seal
811 - John Lane to [Lord Dartmouth], Nicholas Lane, desires Mr Woodbury Langdon may be appointed to a vacancy in the Council of New Hampshire occasioned by the death of Mr Daniel Pierce
812 - Returns of Royalist militia, a list of the militia company of foot in the township of Flatlands in King's County signed by Captain Jeremiah Vander Bilt
813 - "A list or roole of the names of the troupers in King's County under the command of Captain Rem Couwenhoven" signed by him
813a - A list of the company of militia of the township of New Streight under the command of Jacques Denyse
814 - A list of the militia of Gravesend, whereof Isaac Denyse is Captain, signed by him
815 - A list of the militia etc of the north side of the Rode of the township of Brookland under the command of Captain Abraham Remson
816 - A list of the men's names in the western division of the township of Brooklands in the King's County signed by Captain Farnandus Suydam
817 - Cabinet minute (at Lord Rochford's office) in Lord Dartmouth's hand, to recommend to the King that the Governor remove to some place in the province least likely to be influenced by Boston, the Attorney and Solicitor General to consider whether the late proceedings amount to high treason, rough draft
818 - William Bollan to Lord Dartmouth, Covent Garden
819 - Cabinet minute (at the Earl of Sandwich's) in Lord Dartmouth's hand, measures to be pursued in case the Attorney and Solicitor General are of opinion that there is sufficient ground to institute a criminal proceeding against any of the persons concerned in the late outrages committed in Boston
820 - "Amor Patriae" [Thomas Crowley] to Lord Dartmouth, Grace Church Street
821 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth, North America
822 - Returns of Royalist Militia, a list of the militia company of foot of Bushwick in King's County, signed by Captain Petrus Lott
823 - A list of the names of the officers belonging to the regiment of King's County who are not included in the several rolls of the respective companies
824 - A return of the militia in Richmond County, with a list of persons recommended by Christopher Billopps to Governor Tryon, dated 8 Feb 1774, the commissions dated 25 Feb 1774
825 - Colonel William Dalrymple to [Lord Dartmouth], London, desiring employment in the Measures with America
826 - The New Hampshire Gazette and Historical Chronicle, containing amongst other items, speeches of Governor Wentworth of 12 and 14 Jan 1774 and address of the Assembly on the 21 Jan 1774
827 - [Lord Dartmouth] to John Thornton
828 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth], Downing Street
829 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, at Mr Roberts, Queen Street, Westminster
830 - Royalist Militia, return of the Southern regiment of militia in the County of Cumberland within the Province of New York, signed by Colonel Wells, the commissions issued 15 Mar 1774
831 - Corbyn Morris to Lord Dartmouth, Board Room, Custom House
832 - Cabinet minute, at Lord Rochford's, in Lord Dartmouth's hand, decision concerning the information lately received from Boston touching the disorders there, agreed that two guard ships be added to the squadron under the command of Admiral Montagu at Boston
833 - Heads, apparently for the following Cabinet Minute, in Lord Dartmouth's hand
834 - Cabinet minute, at Lord Dartmouth's, in John Pownall's hand
835 - Royalist Militia, a muster roll of the regiment on the North side of the Highlands in Orange County
836 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to the House of Representatives, Boston dated 22 Feb 1774, headed Boston, Thursday, 24 Feb 1774
837 - Royalist militia, Windsor, return of the Second Regiment of Militia in the County of Cumberland, commanded by Colonel Nathan Stone, Commissions issued 19 Mar 1774
838 - Thomas Bridgen Atwood to the Earl of Rochford, New York
839 - Cabinet minute
840 - Boston, remarks of a Merchant who makes an annual progress through the colonies on the continent of North America upon the character of the people at Boston, saying they lack meekness, gentleness and patience and are the most truly immoral men he has ever had to deal with For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO reading room
841 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth, letter not signed, the importance of removing Messrs Hutchinson and Oliver
842 - Cabinet minute, in Lord Dartmouth's hand, with a memorandum in Pownall's hand dated from the Secretary's Office 4 o'clock concerning the opinion of the Attorney General on a certain case
843 - Corbyn Morris to Lord Dartmouth, Princes Street, submits a plan for an American representation
844 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth], Caroline Park
845 - Minute of Council, New York, Wednesday, accompanied by copy of a petition of the inhabitants of Spencer Town Albany County to Governor Tryon
846 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Great Queen Street, Westminster, Captain Atkins will be obliged if his Lordship will recommend him to Lord Sandwich for the command of the sloop ordered for the service of the General Survey
847 - Count Bruhl to [Lord Dartmouth], Great George Street, John Augustus Ernst has a grant of 20,000 acres in East Florida dated 13 May 1767 which he is desirous of having located, Jean Andre de Luc, a citizen of Geneva, is the other gentleman mentioned
848 - The Earl of Suffolk to Lord [Dartmouth], 8 30 am, Duke Street, Westminster, will Lord Dartmouth send him the American papers
849 - Lord Chancellor Apsley to Lord Dartmouth, Sunday evening, his opinion of the different bills being discussed in Parliament concerning Boston
850 - The King to Parliament, draft of a royal message to the Houses of Parliament, desiring that they will take into consideration the state of affairs in Boston and the best measures to be pursued
851 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to Lord Dartmouth, Augustine, private letter
852 - Sir Jeffery Amherst to Lord Dartmouth, Wednesday, Whitehall, transmitting the enclosed Enclosure, extract of a letter from a friend in America, concerning the importation of English and Dutch teas in America
853 - Cabinet minute, Thursday, Lord Rochford's office, in Lord Dartmouth's hand, concerning the Bills for removing the port and seat of Government in Massachusetts Bay and for indemnification
854 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to Lord Dartmouth, Caroline Park
855 - Mr Abercromby to Lord Dartmouth, at Mr Russell's Oxenden Street
856 - Corbyn Morris to Lord Dartmouth, suggesting the use of the enclosed form
857 - Benjamin Barons to Lord Dartmouth, Acton, Middlesex
858 - Thomas Knox Gordon to [Lord Dartmouth], Charlestown, South Carolina, without presuming, he would like to suggest that the son of the late naval officer of Georgia might be appointed in his place
859 - Lord North to Lord Dartmouth, settled the Bill yesterday evening, did not adopt the Attorney General's plan, the Bill does not differ in matter from the old one but is extremely altered in form
860 - John Williams to Lord Dartmouth
861 - William Bradley to Lord Dartmouth, plan for a coinage for America recommended by Mr Ward
862 - John Willday to Lord Dartmouth [Athe]rstone near Coventry, writes from a desire of rendering some service to both countries
863 - The Earl of Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth, Williamsburg, private
864 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
865 - Royalist militia, a return of Colonel John Peters' regiment in Gloucester County and Province of New York
866 - Johnson Hall, return of the Militia both horse and foot of the Northern District of the Province of New York under the command of Sir William Johnson, serving for Ulster, Albany, Tryon and Charlotte County, of which no return has been made to His Excellency Governor Tryon by the several colonels
867 - The Reverend Thomas Rankin to [Lord Dartmouth], New York, on the state of religion in America
868 - Petition to the King by natives of America to suspend his Royal signature to the Boston Port Bill, signed by William Lee, Dr Franklin, John Ellis, Jonathan Williams and others
869 - Two drafts of the Boston Port Bill and of Clauses A and B
870 - Peter Livius of New Hampshire, details of his career, with question and observations in reply giving extracts from Acts relating to the right of an alien to fill a place of trust in America
871 - Lincoln's Inn Fields, opinion of Samuel Wegg on the foregoing case, as to the right of holding office in the colonies with his cosmopolitan nationality
872 - Orders of the Lords Committees, American papers to be laid before Committee at their next meeting
873 - Boston, two queries concerning the port of Boston and the removal of the Custom House
874 - Colonel Petrus Ten Broeck to Governor William Tryon, Rhynobeck, transmitting enclosures containing returns of his regiment, twelve papers
875 - Governor Lord William Campbell to Lord Dartmouth
876 - The Earl of Dunmore to [Lord Dartmouth], W[illiams]burg, Private, in behalf of Captain Foy
877 - Isaac Edwards to Governor William Tryon, Newbern
878 - Matthew Brickdale to Lord Dartmouth, Clifton near Bristol
879 - Mrs Maria Cowper to [Lord Dartmouth], Park Street
880 - New York, Docquet of Lands granted by His Excellency, William Tryon Esquire, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of New York
881 - Inhabitants of New Concord to Lord Dartmouth, New York
882 - New York, a docquet of lands granted by Governor William Tryon (exclusive of military grants) from 5 Sep 1771 to 6 Apr 1774
883 - Cabinet minute, at Lord Rochford's office
884 - Paper headed "Questions", probably those referred to in the foregoing minute
885 - Order of the House of Lords, Lord Dartmouth to lay before the Lords Committee extracts of papers relative to proceedings at Boston, which have been received at his office, signed by their Lordship's command, Matthew Robert Arnott
886 - Colonel William Dalrymple to [Lord Dartmouth], London, submits the expediency of securing Castle William at Boston to the Government
887 - [Lord Dartmouth] to Governor Thomas Hutchinson, the King's approval of his conduct, state of his province
888 - [Order of the House of Lords], in William Knox's hand
889 - Lord Barrington to [Lord Dartmouth], Cavendish Square, concerning Captain Campbell
890 - Lord Montfort to [Lord Dartmouth], takes the liberty of enclosing this "poor-man's" memorial
891 - The Duke of Newcastle to [Lord Dartmouth], Exchequer, Thursday
892 - Charles Garth to [Lord Dartmouth], Golden Square, recommending Mr Tatnell to succeed to the Naval Office of Georgia
893 - Sir Roger Newdigate to Lord Dartmouth, Spring Garden, recommending Mr William Stephens of Georgia to be Naval Officer
894 - Colonel Elias Durnford to Lord Dartmouth, London, difficulty there is in obtaining fees for surveys of land made by himself or his deputies
895 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Great Queen Street, Westminster, concerning his astronomical researches
896 - James Ferguson to Lord Dartmouth, memorial
897 - Edward Webster to Lord Dartmouth, Lisson Green near Paddington, advantage of continuing the bounty granted on the importation of naval stores
898 - Massachusetts, queries for consideration previous to the instructions to be given to General Gage and the other steps to be taken in consequence of the Act for regulating the Government of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
899 - The Earl of Hardwicke to [Lord Dartmouth], Richmond, has been reading over the American Regulation Bill, his opinion and suggested alterations
900 - Paul Wentworth to [Lord Dartmouth], Poland Street, requesting an audience on American affairs
901 - Reverend William Stringer to Lord Dartmouth, Philadelphia
902 - Major General Haldimand to Lord Dartmouth
903 - Joseph Ward to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
904 - B Roberts to Lord Dartmouth, has mentioned to his Lordship that his long acquaintance with Governor Browne has made him wish to be settled near his concerns of the Mississippi
905 - Governor Sir Francis Bernard to Lord Dartmouth, Aylesbury, requesting an office for his son
906 - Sir Charles Burdett to [Lord Dartmouth], Roston near Boston in New England
907 - American trade
908 - Colonel William Dalrymple to [Lord Dartmouth], Great Pulteney Street, soliciting preferment
909 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, Lower Grosvenor Street, Private
910 - Richard Reeve to Lord Dartmouth, number 17 Strand
911 - Governor William Tryon, London
912 - Maryland, proceedings of a meeting of the Committee appointed by the several counties of the Province of Maryland at the city of Annapolis 22 Jun 1774, continued by adjournment from day to day until the 25th day of the same month
913 - Duke of Portland to [Lord Dartmouth], Saturday, Welbeck
914 - Royalist Militia, London
915 - Beret Tavel to Mons de Walltravers, London
916 - Fire at Fort George, New York,
917 - John Cambel to Lord Dartmouth
918 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson, paper marked C
919 - Earl of Hardwicke to Lord Dartmouth, Richmond
920 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to [Lord Dartmouth], Parliament Street, remarks concerning the Council of Massachusetts, difficulty of arranging precedence
921 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Great Queen Street Westminster
922 - Major Philip Skene to [Lord Dartmouth], Ballymote near Boyle, items of intelligence
923 - Honourable Mrs D Chetwynd to [Lord Dartmouth], St James, relative to her lands in America
924 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, Parliament Street
925 - Peter Livius to [Lord Dartmouth], sending, according to his Lordship's direction, the enclosed memorial
926 - Colonel J Burgoyne to Lord Dartmouth, Tingrith near Wodburn, in favour of Captain Grant whose memorial he encloses
927 - C Williamos to [Lord Dartmouth], St James Place, desiring to succeed Mr Colden as Surveyor etc of New York
928 - Governor Montfort Browne to [Lord Dartmouth], Cowes, Isle of Wight, difficulty of getting out of port on account of bad weather
929 - Bishop of London to [Lord Dartmouth], Tunbridge Wells
930 - [Lord Dartmouth] to [the Episcopal Clergy of New York and New Jersey
931 - George Suckling to [Lord Dartmouth], desiring employment
932 - Major Philip Skene to [Lord Dartmouth], Ballymole near Boyle
933 - Charles Garth to [Lord Dartmouth], Devizes
934 - Meeting of the sons of liberty, print
935 - Frederick Montagu to [Lord Dartmouth], Popplewick
936 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth, signed a friend of ye public
937 - William Gerrard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Dartmouth Street, Westminster
938 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Thursday night
939 - Samuel Lee to Lord Dartmouth,Manchester, New England, enclosing a letter to His Majesty
940 - Resolves of the Colony of Virginia
941 - Earl of H[ardwicke] to [Lord Dartmouth], Wrest
942 - Peter Livius to Lord Dartmouth,Tunbridge
943 - Duke and Duchess of Northumberland to Lord Dartmouth, Alnwick Castle, with reference to Lord Percy's safe arrival at Boston
944 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth], Saturday, Bushy Park, "The paper which Mr Tryon shewed me at the Treasury could hardly be called an account"
945 - Governor Robert Eden to [Lord Dartmouth], Conduit Street
946 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, Bloomsbury Square
947 - Honourable [Henry] Wilmot to [Lord Dartmouth], Bloomsbury Square
948 - George Reynolds to [Lord Dartmouth],1 Laurence Poultny Lane, Cannon Street
949 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to Lord Dartmouth, St Augustine number 2 private
950 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Dartmouth Street, Westminster, desiring Mr Ferguson appointment as his assistant
951 - John Blackburn to [Lord Dartmouth], Wednesday, Scots Yard, gives intelligence received in various letters concerning the state of New York
952 - Earl of Hardwicke to [Lord Dartmouth], Wrest
953 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth], America Square, Crutched Friars
954 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to Lord Dartmouth, St Augustine, number 3 private
955 - Reverend John Vardill to Lord Dartmouth, 33 Suffolk Street, Charing Cross
956 - Colonel T Howard to [Lord Dartmouth], Earsham, near Bungey, Suffolk, apologises for both his friends and himself having been troublesome upon the subject of American Governments, desires to succeed Sir William Johnson
957 - Earl Gower to [Lord Dartmouth], Trentham
958 - Reverend John Vardill to Lord Dartmouth, Suffolk Street
959 - Reverend William Gordon, Rector of Mobile, to the Board of Trade petition for land on the River Mobile
960 - Sir Gilbert Elliot to Lord Dartmouth, Moule near Keswick by Carlisle, receiving Mr Jauncey to be of the Council of New York
961 - Captain Grant to Lord Dartmouth, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, desires to pay his respects in person, wishes to convey some ideas concerning America
962 - Peter Duval to Lord Dartmouth, Hackney
963 - Edmund Fanning to Lord Dartmouth, New Bond Street, London
964 - General Sir Jeffery Amherst to Lord Dartmouth, Montreal
965 - List of letters, from Colonel Howard and various persons on American affairs, the dates ranging from 31 Jan to 14 Sep 1774, with a note of the contents of each letter
966 - Edmund Fanning to Lord Dartmouth, New Bond Street, London, rests his pretensions to the consideration of His Majesty's Ministers, on his sufferings in the cause of Government, and on Lord Dartmouth's goodness
967 - General Gage to Governor Hutchinson, postscript of a letter dated Boston 17 Sep 1774 referred to General Gage's letter of the [ ] Sep to Lord Dartmouth, in Mr Knox's hand
968 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, Golden Square
969 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, Mr Royall has declined, which Hutchinson thinks is very well, reasons for thinking it probable that Messrs Danforth, Erving and Green will finally decline
970 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, Golden Square
971 - List of letters, from Governor Hutchinson and others, the dates ranging from 1 Mar 1774 to 21 Sep 1774, with a note of the contents of each
972 - Cabinet minute, held at Lord North's in Downing Street, upon the advisability of dissolving Parliament, and calling a new one
973 - James Ireland to Lord Dartmouth, steps taken by the Americans upon their resolution to receive no teas from England
974 - Extract of a letter from Connecticut
975 - Cabinet minute, Monday held at Lord North's house
976 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, London, nominates James Jauncey, junior, Colonel William Bayard, and David Colden to serve in the Council of New York
977 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth at noon, Dartmouth Street, Westminster
978 - Pierre Roubard to [Lord Dartmouth], Volburg, his sentiments concerning the present state of America, remarks on the measures being pursued by Government, in French
979 - Lord Barrington to [Lord Dartmouth], Bath
980 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Dartmouth Street, Westminster
981 - Newspaper cutting, includes extracts of letters from Plymouth and Portsmouth, as to the arrival and departure of frigates etc for America, also 16 Oct 1774
982 - General Gage, excerpta from letters of General Thomas Gage
983 - William Eden to John Pownall
984 - Note from John Pownall, account of steps taken upon intelligence received from Sir Joseph Yorke of a vessel loading at Amsterdam with firearms, [after Oct 1774]
985 - General Gage to the Provincial Congress, Boston, minute of 20 Oct 1774 containing General Gage's answer to the Address of the Provincial Congress dated Province House 17 Oct 1774, in Governor Hutchinson's hand
986 - Reverend John Vardill to Lord Dartmouth, London, quotes from a letter which he has received from New York, injury done to the fair trader by these smugglers, at the Isle of Ascension, added to the great number of those who import tea from Holland
987 - J Allen to [Lord Dartmouth], Shrewsbury, enclosure sent from Hardwick by Mrs Powys, presumes she wishes it forwarded to his Lordship
988 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Dartmouth Street, Westminster
989 - Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, private
990 - [Lord Dartmouth] to the Lords of the Admiralty
991 - Extract of a letter from New York, reasons for it being impolitic to call the Assemblies together at this time
992 - Henry White to Governor William Tryon, New York
993 - Reverend J W Giberne to [Lord Dartmouth], Belle Ville, in Richmond County, Rapphanock River, Virginia
994 - William Knox to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
995 - Emanuel Mathias to the Earl of Suffolk, Hamburgh
996 - Sir Joseph Yorke to the Earl of Suffolk, Hague, imagines he will soon have no further occasion to trouble His Lordship about the Rhode Island vessel, as, according to information, he ha begun to unload and is to winter at Amsterdam
997 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, Bath
998 - James Hutton to William Knox, at night, King's Road, Chelsea, conduct of the Virginians towards the Moravians, with seal (broken)
999 - Robert Hayne to Lord Dartmouth, Shore Ditch
1000 - Meeting of Press, list of Peers invited to a meeting at Lord Rochford's, arranged alphabetically
1001 - Cutting from the Public Advertiser, number 14087
1002 - William Smith to Governor William Tryon, New York
1003 - Sir Stanier Porten to John Pownall, St James's, Lord Rochford's readiness to meet the Committee of His Majesty's servants tomorrow evening
1003a - [From the Public Advertiser], newspaper cutting containing the thoughts of a traveller upon our American disputes signed Viator
1004 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Westminster
1005 - Chief Justice Daniel Horsmanden to Governor William Tryon, New York
1006 - Granville Sharp to Lord Dartmouth, Old Jewry
1007 - [Dr Franklin] Hints for a conversation upon the subject of terms that may probably produce a durable union between Great Britain and her colonies
1008 - William Smith to Governor William Tryon, New York
1009 - Lieutenant Governor Cadwallader Colden to Governor William Tryon, New York
1010 - Lieutenant Governor Cadwallader Colden to Governor William Tryon, New York
1011 - Mr W[hite] to [Governor William Tryon], New York
1012 - [?] to Charles Williamos, New York, desiring that James Savage's petition for a grant of land on the Westenhook may be dismissed
1013 - Duke of Dorset to Lord Dartmouth, London
1014 - James Savage to Lord Dartmouth, London
1015 - A Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Royal Hospital, Greenwich, on the subject of the enclosure
1016 - John Crawford to [Lord Dartmouth], Grafton Street, applies on behalf of his brother, for the Government of East Florida, vacant by the reported death of Colonel Tonyn
1017 - Mr Watson to Lord Dartmouth, Garlick Hill
1018 - [Jonathan Sewall, Attorney General, Massachusetts,] to Governor Hutchinson
1019 - John Florry to [Lord Dartmouth], Cleobury near Bewdley
1020 - Excerpta from some private letters to Governor Hutchinson
1021 - Lord Hardwicke to Lord Dartmouth
1022 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
1023 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth], America Square, Crutched Friars
1024 - John Hanson to [Lord Dartmouth], New York, sacrifice he has made for the public good, requests the place of Ranger of Woods in America, now vacant
1025 - John Blackburn to [ ]
1026 - William Gerard de Brahm to [Lord Dartmouth], Westminster
1027 - American Congress to the King, laying their grievances before the throne
1028 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth], America Square
1029 - William Molleson to Lord Dartmouth, Wednesday evening, a meeting of North American merchants on Friday next, promises that nothing on his part shall be wanting to confine their deliberations to commercial objects alone
1031 - Richard Jackson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1032 - List of letters from Mr Hunter, Mr Molleson, Reverend Jackson etc, extending from 12 Mar 1773 to 21 Dec 1774, with a brief note of the contents of each
1033 - John Blackburn to Mr Brummell, Scotland Yard
1035 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth
1036 - Earl of Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth, Williamsburg
1037 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth], Saturday 6 o'clock, America Square
1038 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth, on the subject of the enclosure
1039 - John Florry to [Lord Dartmouth], Birmingham
1040 - Theophilus Hardenbrook to Governor William Tryon, survey of the fireplace and chimney piece of the Council room at Fort George, New York, with plan of the fireplace
1041 - Reverend Thomas Rankin to Lord Dartmouth, Philadelphia
1042 - William Molleson to Lord [Dartmouth], Friday 3 o'clock
1043 - William Molleson to Lord Dartmouth, Thursday 4 o'clock [December], America Square
1044 - Various papers on measures for America and American business generally
1045 - List of business for the Committee, amongst the business to be discussed are reports of the Board of Trade relative to some extraordinary proceedings of the Assembly of New York in 1772, to various memorials and petitions of John Gordon, Major-General Bradstreet, Monsieur Hocquart, Lieutenant Campbell, John Calef and others
1046 - Paper concerning the trial of military officers or men, engaged in the fatal riots in the colonies, that such military officers or men be sent home for trial
1047 - Paper endorsed "propositions"
1048 - A plan for allaying the present complaints of the British American colonies, also plan of the proportion of representatives proposed to be allotted to the several British Islands and provinces in America
1049 - Plan for indemnifying the East India Company for the loss sustained on such of the teas sent to America as have been destroyed there or returned to Europe, and for reducing our North American colonies to a proper sense of their duty, without the effusion of blood, and without expense to the Mother Country
1050 - Resolutions, probably of the House of Commons, with references to the restoration of order and Government in Massachusetts Bay
1051 - Memorandum in Lord Dartmouth's hand "How is the Town of Boston assessed? If the selectmen are not already empowered by law, direct them to call a town meeting, and levy the money upon the town, or upon such particular persons as they shall find to have been guilty of the destruction of the teas
1052 - Colonel Dalrymple, report of the state of trade, presented soon after his return to England, to the first Lord of the Treasury and Board of Trade
1053 - Memorandum of business in Lord Darmouth's hand "Mr Watson, compensation for tea duty in America, Dr Calef, the twelve townships" etc
1054 - Minutes in Lord Dartmouth's hand on American affairs, mention made of the taking possession of the Castle of Boston, supposes that the Governor of Rhode Island means to do his duty
1055 - Regulations humbly submitted to the Earl of Dartmouth for the better preventing the smuggling of tea by the French and Dutch into our American colonies and the West Indies
1056 - Paper regarding the propriety of the measures of opening a channel of communication and consultation with America upon points that may lead to a restoration of harmony and good understanding by means of a commission
1057 - Paper headed "Proposal"
1058 - Elias Durnford to Lord Dartmouth, Thursday noon, Bland Street, remarks on his plan to survey the province by dividing it into townships to be granted to certain persons
1059 - John Gordon to the Board of Trade
1060 - John Gordon to Lord North, memorial
1061 - John Gordon to Lord [North], Quit rent and Casual Revenue Scheme
1062 - [John Gordon] to Lord North, copy of Mr Gordon's intended letter with his Quit rent Scheme
1063 - John Gordon, accompt of Mr Gordon's purchases of lands in East Florida for himself and other British subjects
1066 - Robert Hayne to Lord Dartmouth
1067 - Governor Hutchinson, paper endorsed "hints from Governor Hutchinson" consisting of two forms of an oath to be taken by an inhabitant of any town in His Majesty's dominions, (in America) of allegiance to the King
1068 - Lord Marchmont, paper concerning America
1069 - New Hampshire
1070 - New Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay
1071 - Royalist militia
1072 - Return of the Regiment of Militia in Suffolk County, under Colonel Platt Conklin
1073 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth], Tuesday, Bushy Park
1074 - Draft of an Act for the more effectual security of the kingdom of Great Britain and the dominions thereunto belonging
1075 - [John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth]
1076 - John Pownall, notes in the hand of John Pownall
1077 - Mr Renselaer, paper endorsed "State of Mr Renselaer's title as well under the patents of 1685 and 1704 as under the confirmations in 1717 and 1773
1078 - George Reynolds to Lord Dartmouth, memorial, desires to be appointed Chief Justice or Magistrate of such a court of Judicature as shall be established on the River Mississippi
1079 - Proposals by Stephen Sayre, that every American colony should appoint one person, and the person thus appointed meet at New York once a year, receive commissions and be formed into a Board of Trade to correspond with the Board of Trade here
1080 - Office of Secretary of State, two papers, establishment of the Office of Secretary of State and Account of the Salaries, Allowances, and Annual expence of the Office
1081 - Ambrose Serle, memorandum in the hand of Ambrose Serle
1082 - Ambrose Serle
1083 - Daniel Shaw, late Captain in the 62nd Regiment, to the King, proposal to raise 300 men in 3 months time after his arrival in Scotland to serve in America or elsewhere
1084 - Doctor James Smith to [Lord Dartmouth]
1085 - South Carolina, list of the members of His Majesty's Council for South Carolina
1086 - Tea, amount of teas exported by the United East India Company for Boston, per ships "Beaver", "Dartmouth" and "Eleanor"
1087 - Captain Villeneufve, memorandum concerning Captain Gedeon Villeneufve, possibly from his widow
1088 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth, letter not signed nor dated
1090 - Honourable Oliver Delancy to Captain Oliver Delancy of the 17th Light Dragoons, New York
1091 - Pierre Roubaud to [Lord Dartmouth], London, remarks on the importance of his enclosure, in French
1092 - Extract of a letter to Mr Williams, New York
1093 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
1094 - Israel Mauduit to Lord North, Clemens Lane, when appointed will wait upon his lordship concerning Mr Ruggles
1095 - Lord William Campbell to Lord Dartmouth, London
1096 - [?Corbyn] Morris to Lord Dartmouth, Story's Gate, Westminster
1097 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, Cavendish Square, send a paper received yesterday from General Gage, the writer was Lieutenant-Colonel of Royal Highlanders in the last war, now settled in some North American province
1098 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, Cavendish Square, considers it proper he should see the enclosed and states that the transport mentioned therein has arrived
1099 - Matthew Boulton to [Lord Dartmouth], Soho near Birmingham, relates proceedings of a meeting of Birmingham merchants dealing with America, setting forth their distress and determination to petition Parliament for redress, notwithstanding remonstrances offered by Doctor Roebuck and himself against such an unwise action
1100 - James Burrow to [Lord Dartmouth], hopes his Lordship will confer with His Majesty on the enclosed paper, with seal
1101 - Nathaniel Walker to [Lord Dartmouth], Newman Street, has just arrived from New York
1102 - Minute of Cabinet, held at Lord Rochford's office, agreed to recommend to the King the reinforcement of General Gage's army from Ireland, and suggests the acceptance of Brigadier Ruggle's proposal to raise a corps of irregulars
1103 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth, letter signed Z Y X
1104 - Matthew Boulton to [Lord Dartmouth], Soho
1105 - Matthew Boulton to [Lord Dartmouth], Birmingham
1106 - Fleet in North America, Admiralty Office, list of ships and vessels under the command of Vice-Admiral Samuel Graves
1107 - Pierre Roubaud to [Lord Dartmouth], London, remarks on enclosure, in French
1108 - Governor Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
1109 - Andrew Pepp Sparhawk to Lord Dartmouth
1110 - Sir Stanier Porten to Mr Pownall, Thursday morning, St James, sends a list of peers invited by Lord Rochford to hear the King's speech at the opening of this session
1111 - Granville Sharp to Lord Dartmouth Old Jewry
1112 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, Bath
1113 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, Bath
1114 - Lieutenant Robert Tomlinson to Lord Dartmouth, 9 o'clock, evening, New Round Court, (number 4), Strand
1115 - Petition of merchants, heads of the petition from the merchants, traders and others, concerned in the North American commerce [presented to the House of Commons on this day]
1116 - Major Philip Skene to Lord North, 48 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square
1117 - Brook Watson to Lord Dartmouth, Garlick Hill, sends enclosure according to desire
1118 - John Gordon to Lord Dartmouth, Brompton Row
1119 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, Cavendish Square
1120 - Matthew Boulton to [Lord Dartmouth], Soho
1121 - John Malcom to Lord Dartmouth, Westminster, desires him to read the enclosed papers and present them a second time to the King in hopes of obtaining some compensation for sufferings endured when Commissioner of Customs at Boston
1122 - New York Assembly, Assembly Chamber
1123 - Lord William Campbell, Governor of South Carolina, to the King
1124 - Lord Dartmouth, paper headed "Hints etc" being remarks on items 1 to 17 of Doctor Franklin's Hints for Conversation of 6 Dec 1774 Two copies
1125 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], has settled with Lord North that extracts only of such of Lord Dartmouth's letters as accompanied the Acts of Last year, should be laid before Parliament, military arrangements to complete the regiments for America
1126 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth, Friday midnight, signed Z Y X
1127 - Doctor John Calef to Sir Francis Bernard, Ipswich, New England
1128 - Doctor John Calef to Lord Dartmouth, Ipswich in New England
1129 - Lord Chatham's Bill, [presented to the House of Lords and rejected], a provisional Act for settling the troubles in America and asserting the supreme legislative authority and superintending power of Great Britain over the colonies
1130 - New York, London, a paper endorsed "State of case between Daniel, William and Rebecca Coxe, John T Kempe and Grace his wife and Robert Lettis Hooper and others relative to lands in New York, signed by John Coxe
1131 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, Cavendish Square, Major Generals Howe, Clinton and Burgoyne are appointed to serve under General Gage and have received the King's orders in the most becoming manner
1132 - George Payne to [Lord Dartmouth], desires him to second his application to Lord North for some appointment in the American Plan
1133 - Doctor John Fothergill to [Lord Dartmouth], Harpur Street
1134 - Lieutenant Governor William Bull to William Knox, Charlestown
1135 - Stephen Fuller to Lord Dartmouth, informs his Lordship that the West India planters and merchants have this day signed a petition to the House of Lords, this petition is of the same tenor and purport as that to the House of Commons herein enclosed
1136 - David Ingersoll (of Great Barrington, Massachusetts Bay) to Lord Dartmouth, memorial, personal sufferings owing to his loyalty, annexes narrative giving details
1137 - Colonel W Dalrymple to Lord Dartmouth, London
1138 - Lord Hardwicke to Lord Dartmouth
1139 - Richard Oswald to Lord Dartmouth, Achincrue near Ayr
1140 - Parliament to the King, three drafts for the address of the Houses of Parliament, separately and jointly
1141 - Captain John Stanton to [Lord Dartmouth], Dover
1142 - John Boyd to [Lord Dartmouth], Grafton Street, expresses his gratitude for attention shown to his application and would be obliged if the affair could be finished before he goes out of town
1144 - James Abercromby to [Lord Dartmouth], Oxendon Street, recommending Mr G Corbin to be of the Council of Virginia
1145 - Governor Peter Chester to Lord Dartmouth, Pensacola, sends by Mr Hervey (son of the Bishop of Derry and nephew of the Earl of Bristol) some plants grown in West Florida, will be glad to be of any service to his Lordship
1146 - Major-General William Howe to Lord Dartmouth, Monday 3 o'clock, Queen Street, since he had the honour of seeing his lordship this morning, has been informed by Amherst of the state of the artillery now at Boston and considers it fully adequate to any service in America
1147 - Major Philip Skene to [Lord Dartmouth], Monday evening, 50 Margaret Street, thanks for obtaining for him the Lieutenant Governorship of Crown Point and Ticonderoga and place vacant by Mr Benzell's death, will go to America as soon as possible and there seek to show his gratitude by zealous service
1148 - E Vanderhorst to the Reverend Dr Samuel Cooper, Boston, New England, per ship "Ann", Captain Forten, via Philadelphia, Bristol
1149 - Plan of Conciliation and Union, a plan for a permanent union between Great Britain and the colonies with remarks, the plan begins "first the tea destroyed to be paid for, and in order that no time may be lost to begin the desirable work of conciliation, it is proposed that the agent in a petition to the King should engage that the tea destroyed shall be paid for"
1150 - Philip Stephens to John Pownall, Admiralty, has been informed that the "Falcon" sloop has been driven back by contrary winds to St Helens, mentions this in case further dispatches were intended to go by her
1151 - Paul Wentworth to [Lord Dartmouth], Poland Street, received yesterday about 12 o'clock a letter sent by an express which left Amsterdam last Monday, stating that three ships were in the Texel nearly ready to sail to America with warlike stores, plan he has adopted to intercept them
1152 - Earl of Hardwicke to [Lord Dartmouth], St James Square, is told that Lord North is to move some very material motion relative to America tomorrow, wishes it may bring about the end desired
1153 - Earl of Hardwicke to Lord Dartmouth, St James Square, thanks for the communication of the intended resolution, will return it as soon as possible, fears it will not forward conciliation with the colonies
1154 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth], Caroline Park, hearing that General Hodgson is dangerously ill asks him to interest Lord North on his behalf to obtain the Government of Fort George if a vacancy occurs, as he considers he has some natural claim to it
1155 - House of Commons, two drafts of a resolution of a committee that it is their opinion that when any of the colonies are raising money to be disposed of by Parliament for the common defence of his Majesty's dominions, it will be proper to forbear in respect to such levying duty or tax or to impose any further duty or tax excepting those expedient to impose for the regulation of commerce
1156 - Richard Oswald to [Lord Dartmouth], Achincrue in Airshire, remarks on the enclosures, has replied to the first and endeavoured to engage his friend on the side of moderation, his Lordship may see this answer if desired before it is sent to America
1157 - Lord Dartmouth to Governor Francis Legge, Whitehall (number 12)
1158 - Richard Oswald to [Lord Dartmouth], Achincrue, Airshyre, sent by yesterdays post to his friend in London various papers, thinks his answer to his friend in Charlestown of some importance and has requested Mr Herries to forward it to his Lordship without delay for his approbation, his own doubts of its propriety
1159 - Colonel James Robertson to [? ], New York
1160 - Isaac Royall to Lord Dartmouth, Medford
1161 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, Cavendish Square
1162 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, reports that the King's armed vessel the "Cherokee" ordered to attend him on the general surveys is floating in the river and despatching her rigging to sail as soon as ordered, desires instructions, remarks on his salary and the enclosed paper, with seal
1163 - Henry White to Governor William Tryon, New York
1164 - John Cambel to [Lord Dartmouth], Brompton, Kent
1165 - Richard Oswald to [Lord Dartmouth], Achincrue
1166 - Reverend Samuel Peters to Lord Dartmouth, Heralds Office
1167 - Joseph Galloway, paper headed "Secret Intelligence"
1168 - Sir William Hamilton to Lord Dartmouth, Naples
1169 - Remarks on Lord Chatham's speech
1170 - William Hey to [Lord Dartmouth], Tuesday morning, Jermyn Street, recommending Captain Hamilton of the 19th regiment to the office of Superintendent of a post at Detroit
1171 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to Lord Dartmouth
1172 - Captain Thomas Webb to [Lord Dartmouth], New York, disposition of the people in America is more favourable than a few months ago
1173 - [Henry White] to Governor William Tryon, New York
1174 - Sir Egerton Leigh to Lord Dartmouth, sends his memorial being unable to obtain access to his Lordship, Lord Gower recommended a memorial and promised to speak for him
1175 - New York Gazetteer of Connecticut, Hudson's River, New Jersey and Quebec Weekly Advertiser number 98
1176 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, Saville Row, thanks for permssion to remain in England till next May for the re-establishment of his health
1177 - Circular to Governors, Whitehall [Lord Dartmouth]
1178 - Colonel William Dalrymple to [Lord Dartmouth], London, offers his services as Adjutant General for America should it be thought proper to make the appointment
1179 - Lieutenant General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston (number 25)
1180 - Colonel James Robertson to [?], New York
1181 - John Fenton to [Lord Dartmouth], Portsmouth
1182 - Lord Townsend to Lord Dartmouth, Portman Square
1183 - Major [David] Hay
1184 - [Governor Jonathan Trumbull] on behalf of the Governor and Company of Connecticut, to Lord Dartmouth, Lebanon
1185 - Paul Wentworth to Lord Dartmouth, Poland Street, contains intelligence concerning the measures of the Dutch Government with reference to vessels carrying powder to St Eustatius
1186 - Major Rogers to [Lord Dartmouth]
1187 - Patrick Stuart to Lord Dartmouth, London
1188 - Reverend Samuel Peters to Lord Dartmouth, Herald's Office
1189 - James Perry to Lord Dartmouth, Wolverhampton
1190 - William Lee to Josiah Quincey, Junior, Boston
1191 - New York General Assembly to the King, Assembly Chambers, City of New York
1192 - New York General Assembly to the House of Lords, Assembly Chamber, City of New York, memorial signed by John Cruger, Speaker
1193 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, Cavendish Square
1194 - John Fenton to Lord Dartmouth, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1195 - Governor Patrick Tonyn to Lord Dartmouth, on board the Britannia and Florida, St John River, number 7, private
1196 - [?] to [Lord Dartmouth], Wednesday, letter not signed nor addressed, possibly from a secretary
1197 - Cabinet minute, in Lord Dartmouth's hand
1198 - Thomas Wharton to Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia
1199 - Thomas Parker to [Lord Dartmouth], Lincolns Inn
1200 - Colonel Philip Skene and the Reverend John Vardill to [Lord Dartmouth]
1201 - Intelligence from America, copy of an intercepted letter or part of a letter
1202 - Restraining Act, draft of a Bill to restrain the trade and commerce of certain provinces in North America therein mentioned to Great Britain, Ireland and the British Islands in the West Indies for a limited time
1203 - Lord Barrington to [Lord Dartmouth], Cavendish Square
1204 - Henry Cruger to Henry Cruger, junior, New York
1205 - Robert Ray to J H Chabanel, Amsterdam
1206 - Sir Jeffrey Amherst to Lord Dartmouth, Wednesday 7 o'clock, Whitehall
1207 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, Cavendish Square
1208 - Sir George Collier to Lord Dartmouth, Southampton Street
1209 - John Cruger, James Jauncey, Jacob Walton, and James Delancey to Edmund Burke, New York
1210 - List of the artillery in North America, in Sir Jeffrey Amherst's hand Duplicate of the enclosure in Amherst's letter in 1206
1211 - Earl of Galloway to [Lord Dartmouth], Charles Street, St James
1212 - A Pepperrell to Lord Dartmouth, draws his attention to the distressed situation of several friends to Government (especially Mr Ingersoll) as shown in the paper transmitted
1213 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth, Dartmouth Street, Westminster
1214 - [Arthur] Lee to Lord Dartmouth, (number 2), Gordon Court, Temple
1215 - Richard Jackson to John Pownall, returns, with his opinion, a petition and draught of Charter of Incorporation desired for a college in some place in America
1216 - John Drinker to William Neate, Philadelphia
1217 - George Wilmot to Lord Dartmouth, Charing Cross
1218 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth], Good Friday, Bushy Park
1219 - Ebenezer Richardson to Lord Dartmouth, London
1220 - A "True Protestant" to [Lord Dartmouth], Cork
1221 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, London
1222 - Governor John Wentworth to Paul Wentworth, Poland Street, Soho
1223 - Sir Francis Bernard to Lord Dartmouth, Aylesbury
1224 - Concord, paper endorsed "Intelligence respecting the Concord Skirmish", "on the 19 Apr 1775 General Gage dispatched 800 men under the command of Colonel Smith, to seize some provisions and artillery at Concord, were attacked by the Provincial Militia and finally retreated to Lexington where they were joined by 1000 men under Lord Percy, details of killed and wounded
1225 - Return of troops, at Boston, on this date, the reinforcements afterwards sent out, and a return dated 1 Apr 1775 of all the forces under the command of General Gage
1226 - Governor Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, Saville Row, transmits the enclosed according to directions
1227 - Governor Josiah Martin to Lord Dartmouth, Newbern, North Carolina, number 31
1228 - Lord Dartmouth to Governor William Tryon, Whitehall
1229 - Captain [Walter Sloane] Laurie to his father, Boston
1230 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, London, is delighted that his Lordship sees the importance at the present time of granting New York subjects all reasonable requests, desires that he may be authorised to assure them that their difficulties will soon be settled satisfactorily
1231 - Massachussetts Committee of Safety to Asa Lawrence, Cambridge, notice, signed Joseph Warren, chairman, that a Captain's commission will be granted to him as soon as he has finished enlisting 96 soldiers according to orders, he is allowed to nominate a Lieutenant and Ensign to serve under him
1232 - Alexander Duncan to Lord Dartmouth, Birchanger, Essex, regrets contents of enclosure as it clearly shows that America is preparing for war, hopes his Lordship may be instrumental in advising measures to prevent such a calamity
1233 - Governor William Tryon to Lord North, London, applying for assistance from the Treasury to answer exigencies before his departure to America
1234 - Lieutenant General James Prevost to Lord Dartmouth, Breda
1235 - Accompanying 1234, Breda, copy of Lieutenant General Prevost's letter to Lord Barrington desiring to be recommended to the King for further service "notwithstanding his peculiar circumstances" and enclosing copy of this letter to the King
1236 - Dennis de Berdt to Lord Dartmouth, Wednesday evening, 9 o'clock, forwards the enclosed as they are the latest intelligence from America and may be acceptable for their importance though he is aware their contents are not pleasant
1237 - Quakers to the King, address and petition
1238 - Earl of Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth, Williamsburg, (number 26)
1239 - Earl of Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth, Williamsburg, number 26
1240 - Richard Yates to John Sargent, New York
1241 - Nicholas Hoffman to Messrs Perry and Hayes, Bristol
1242 - John Shaw, Junior to Joseph Wharton, Junior, Philadelphia
1244 - Henry Cruger, Junior, to Henry Cruger, Westminster
1245 - Henry Cruger to Messrs Cruger and Mallard, New York
1246 - Henry Cruger to Peter V Schaack, New York
1247 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, St James Street, hopes that the distress he feels from the present state of his family will excuse his repeated applications for assistance
1248 - Ab P Lott to Alexander Baxter, New York, if affairs are not soon settled, most of the merchants will become bankrupts, New England much in debt
1249 - Philip Lott to George Elphinstone, Copenhagen, New York, no sale for this tea at present, if times change expects to consign a vessel to his house, politics in great confusion here
1250 - Isaac Low to John Blackburn, Merchant, London
1251 - Lord North to Lord Dartmouth, Downing Street, encloses budget of today
1252 - S Pintard to George Spencer, New York
1253 - Smith Ramadge to Messrs Johnston and Canning, New York
1254 - [Governor William Tryon] to Lord North, London
1255 - Anthony Van Dam to William Neate, New York
1256 - Lieutenant Governor Cadwallader Colden to Lord Dartmouth, New York
1257 - John Cruger to Edmund Burke, New York
1258 - James Richardson to Alexander Gordon, student of physick, at Doctor George Skene's, Aberdeen
1259 - A Pepperrell to Lord Dartmouth, his reason for seeking the appointment of naval officer of New Hampshire, desires his Lordship to consider his situation and grant his request, sails for America in about ten days and will gladly be the bearer of any commands
1260 - Colonel Joseph Gorham to Lord Dartmouth, (number six) Buckingham Gate
1261 - G Green to [Lord Dartmouth], desires to be remembered for any vacancy that may occur in any province
1262 - Captain Laurie to his father, Boston
1263 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, 8 o'clock pm, on board the "Johanna", expects to leave tomorrow, thanks for past favours and hopes to merit future protection
1264 - Edmund Burke to Lord Dartmouth, Tuesday evening, Westminster
1265 - Articles of confederation and perpetual union, entered into by the delegates of the several colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay etc, in General Congress met at Philadelphia 10 May 1775
1266 - John and Peter Chevalier to Ingham Foster, Philadelphia
1267 - Thomas Wharton to Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia, Congress has met for three days but wait for delegates from Rhode Island before making propositions
1268 - Witting [Willing] Morris and Company to Thomas Stone, Cornfactor, London
1269 - Chief Justice Frederick Smyth to [Lord Dartmouth], New Jersey
1270 - Alexander Innes to [Lord Dartmouth], Charles Town
1271 - John Inman to Richard Benson Walker, Hodsdon, Boston
1272 - Governor Josiah Martin to Lord Dartmouth, New Bern, North Carolina, separate
1273 - Thomas Wharton to Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia
1274 - Captain Laurie, Boston
1275 - Frederick, Bishop of Derby, to Lord Dartmouth, Derry
1276 - Joseph Goldthwait to John Blackburn, Boston
1277 - Lieutenant Colonel W Dalrymple to [Lord Dartmouth], Monday evening
1278 - Governor Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, 9 o'clock pm
1279 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Monday 4 30 pm
1280 - Countess Gower to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
1281 - Jonathan Sewall to Major General Frederick Haldimand, Boston
1282 - Jonathan Sewall to Major General Frederick Haldimand, Boston
1283 - Lord Barrington to [Lord Dartmouth], War Office, "There are three officers named King in the Army, but none of them in Regiments serving in America"
1285 - Thomas Wharton to Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia
1286 - Reverend Thomas Hatton to [Lord Dartmouth], Waters Upton, Shropshire
1287 - Alexander Innes to [Lord Dartmouth], Charles Town, Saturday
1288 - John Pemberton to Jonathan Wilkinson, at Cockermouth
1289 - John Pitcairn to Lord Adam Gordon, Boston
1290 - Thomas Fisher to George Logan, at John and Robert Barclay's, London
1291 - Doctor Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Life, Philadelphia
1292 - John Penn to William Baker, Philadelphia
1293 - Sir W Pepperrell to Lord Dartmouth, Summer Street
1294 - Disposition of the colonies, copy of a letter unsigned and unaddressed, Philadelphia
1295 - Edmund Burke to the Committee of Correspondence for the General Assembly at New York, Westminster
1297 - Mr Philips to Lord Dartmouth, giving a sketch of a plan for the government of the American provinces
1299 - William Strahan to Doctor Benjamin Franklin, London
1300 - Richard Yates to Messrs Sargents, Chambers etc, New York
1301 - Acting Lieutenant H Dawson to the Reverend Mr Goodricke, Aldborough, near Boroughbridge, Yorkshire
1302 - John Morton to Thomas Powell, Merchant, London
1303 - Peter Renaudet to Ingham Foster, New York
1304 - Lord Drummond to [Lord Dartmouth], 10 o'clock evening, Whitehall
1305 - Messrs Gibson and Aston to Messrs John and Robert Barclay, Merchants in London
1306 - Mordecai Lewis to Joseph Woods, Whitehart Court, Gracechurch Street, Philadelphia
1307 - Alexander Innes to [Lord Dartmouth], Charles Town
1308 - Artillery at Boston, John Montresor, Commanding Engineer at Head Quarters, memoranda of Cannon, Workmen, and works lately carried on at Boston, sent to Major General Haldimand
1309 - Thomas Wharton to Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia
1311 - Joseph Goldthwait to John Blackburn, Boston
1312 - Enoch Story to Messrs John and Robert Barclay, Philadelphia
1313 - Major General William Howe to General Harvey
1314 - Major General William Howe to General Harvey
1315 - Major General William Howe to Lord Howe, Boston
1316 - Brigadier General James Robertson to [?], Boston
1317 - Lieutenant Robert Tomlinson to Lord Dartmouth
1319 - Cabinet minute, held at Lord North's
1320 - Lieutenant Jocelyn Feltham to [Major General Frederick Haldimand], York
1321 - Thomas Wharton to Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia
1322 - Bunker's Hill, a sketch of the action, between the British forces and the American provincials, on the heights of the peninsula of Charlestown
1323 - A list of officers killed and wounded on Saturday 17 Jun 1775, total army killed and wounded 1041
1324 - James Hutton to Lord Dartmouth, King's Road, Chelsea
1325 - Lord Percy to [?], Boston
1326 - Cabinet minutes, meeting held at Lord North's house
1327 - John Florry to [Lord Dartmouth], Cleobury near Bewdley
1328 - James Hutton to [Lord Dartmouth], Kings Road, Chelsea
1329 - Lord Hyde to [Lord Dartmouth]
1330 - Captain Laurie to [?], camp on Charles Town Heights, an account of the Battle of Bunker's Hill, and his opinion respecting America
1331 - [Paul Wentworth] to [Lord Dartmouth], with references to some 'tho'ts towards forming a plan of operations in America' For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO reading room
1332 - Frederick, Bishop of Derry, to [Lord Dartmouth], Derry
1333 - Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston (number 33)
1334 - Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, (number 34)
1335 - Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, private
1337 - Alexander Fraser, Midshipman on the "Scarborough" Man-of-War to [ ], Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1338 - James Hutton to Lord Dartmouth, Monday
1339 - Sir Egerton Leigh to Lord Dartmouth, Saville Row, proposing the resignation of his seat in the Council of South Carolina, if necessary
1340 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth], Tuesday, America Square
1342 - Congress rules for the Government of the troops, Philadelphia
1343 - Governor Josiah Martin to Lord Dartmouth, Fort Johnson, North Carolina, (number 34)
1344 - Intelligence, paper in John Pownall's hand endorsed "Intelligence"
1346 - Virginia, address of the Council of Virginia to all the good people of the Province
1347 - Edward Fisher to Lord Dartmouth, Mr Chapman's, Cheap Street, Bath
1348 - Is Seagrove to John Blackburn, New York
1349 - Reverend Doctor John Ewing to Lord Dartmouth, 25 Ludgate Street, on the desirability of granting the request stated in the enclosed memorial
1350 - Alexander Innes to Lord Dartmouth, Charles Town
1351 - Lord Hyde to Lord Dartmouth
1352 - Donald McLean to Timothy Bevan, Druggist, Lombard Street
1353 - William Smith to Major-General Frederick Haldimand, New York
1354 - Thoughts upon the dispute between Great Britain and the colonies, written by William Smith of New York copy of 1353
1355 - A Z to the Reverend John Vardil [l], New York
1356 - John Harris Cruger to Henry Cruger, Junior, New York
1357 - Messrs McFarran and Dunlap to Messrs Johnston and Canning, New York
1358 - John Weatherhead to Charles Williamos Esq, St James Place
1359 - John Bayard to John Sargent, Downing Street
1360 - Governor Josiah Martin to Lord Dartmouth, Fort Johnston, North Carolina, (number 35)
1361 - John Williams to Lord Dartmouth, (number 7), Furnival's Inn, appears to have been engaged in the customs in America, begs his Lordship to interpose on his behalf with Lord North to "obtain the prayer of his petition"
1362 - Walter and Thomas Buchanan and Company, to Messrs George and John Buchanan, Glasgow
1363 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, New York
1364 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, New York
1365 - Benjamin Moore to the Reverend Doctor Cooper at Dr Thurloe's, Temple
1366 - Governor Thomas Shirley to Lord Dartmouth, Dominica
1367 - Lord Viscount Townshend to Lord Dartmouth, Portman Square, requests the loan of Captain Holland's plan of the town of Boston and its environs for a few days
1369 - Lord Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth
1370 - Duke of Chandos to Lord Dartmouth, Acrington, highly recommending Captain Shaw who has resided for several years past at Winchester, and whose two sons are now serving His Majesty at Boston under General Gage
1371 - Colonel T Howard to [Lord Dartmouth], White Hall, desiring a vacant regiment for his friend Governor Tryon
1372 - Cadwallader Colden, Junior, to the Reverend Doctor Myles Cooper, Coldengham
1373 - Governor Josiah Martin to Lord Dartmouth
1374 - John Gibson to Messrs John and Robert Barclay, Philadelphia
1375 - Governor Lord William Campbell to [Lord Dartmouth], Charles Town, (number 2)
1377 - Soame Jenyns to [Lord Dartmouth], Botisham
1378 - Benjamin Harrison to General George Washington, Philadelphia
1379 - Lord Townshend to [Lord Dartmouth], Rainham
1380 - Willing Morris and Company to Messrs Heyett and Barclay, Philadelphia
1381 - [? to Lord Dartmouth]
1382 - [Colonel Christie] to Lord Dartmouth, reasons for taking immediate possession of New York, not signed but in the same hand as the body of Colonel Christie's letter of 31 Jul For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO reading room
1383 - Maria Eliza Kenward to [Lord Dartmouth], Saint Augustine
1384 - J[ohn] A[dams] to Mrs Abigail Adams, Braintree
1385 - [John Adams] to the Honourable James Warren, Philadelphia, favoured by Mr Hitchborne, "this letter was anonymous but written in the same hand as that to Abigail Adams
1386 - Lieutenant General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, (number 35)
1387 - Lieutenant General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston, Private
1388 - Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
1389 - Major-General John Burgoyne to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
1390 - G Colman to General Lee, London
1391 - Jonathan Garton to General Charles Lee, London
1392 - Savannah, printed extract from the minutes of the Council of Safety, Georgia, eight resolutions as to regulations of troops, marked at the foot in Governor Sir James Wright's hand, received this paper Monday 21 Aug
1393 - James Tilghman to the Right Honourable Lady Juliana Penn, Spring Garden, London
1394 - American intelligence, paper in the hand of John Robinson, Secretary of the Treasury, headed "minutes"
1395 - Letter to Ingham Foster [from his brother], Philadelphia
1396 - Lord Townshend to [Lord Dartmouth], Rainham
1397 - H Byrd to Sir Jeffrey Amherst, Westover
1398 - Governor Lord William Campbell to Lord Dartmouth, Charles Town, (number 4)
1399 - James Tilghman to William Baker, Philadelphia
1400 - Lord Viscount Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, War Office, directions concerning the five regiments mentioned in the margin of his letter, to embark from Ireland for North America
1401 - Colonel G Christie to Lord Dartmouth, Leicester Square
1402 - [Colonel G Christie] to Lord Dartmouth, memorandum
1403 - Congress, paper containing extracts from the address of Congress to the people of Ireland, 28 Jul, from their Resolutions, 31 Jul, after the debate on the Resolution of the House of Commons the 20 Feb, and from their Declaration of the cause of taking up arms [6 Jul]
1404 - Henry Kelly to Messrs Kelly and Company, Chester Town
1405 - Edward Stratford to Lord Dartmouth, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, offering to raise a Regiment in the service of Government for America, upon certain conditions
1406 - Willing Morris and Company to Messrs John Motteux and Company
1407 - Henry Cruger to John Cruger, New York
1408 - Henry Cruger to John Harris Cruger, London
1409 - John Harris Cruger to Moses Franks
1410 - Lord Dartmouth to Lieutenant General Thomas Gage, Whitehall (number 22)
1411 - Lord Dartmouth to Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage, Whitehall (number 23)
1412 - Lord Dartmouth to Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage, Whitehall
1414 - Lord Dunmore to Lord Dartmouth, "Otter" Sloop of War in Elizabeth River, Virginia, arrival of troops from St Augustine, also dispatches from Governor Tonyn for his Lordship, which are very important
1415 - J Ingersoll to Jonathan Ingersoll, New Haven
1416 - William Strahan to Benjamin Franklin, London
1417 - Joseph Swift to Messrs John and Robert Barclay, Philadelphia
1418 - Robert Watts to the Honourable John Watts, New York
1419 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Secretary's Office
1420 - Willing Morris and Company to Messrs Errecarte Del Rio and Company, Philadelphia
1421 - Post Office Interceptions
1422 - John Gray to [Lord Dartmouth], 7 Orange Street, Leicester Fields
1423 - J Ingersall [Ingersoll] to Jared Ingersall, Philadelphia
1424 - William Knox to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
1425 - The Reverend Robert Boucher Nickolls to [Lord Dartmouth], London
1426 - Sir James Aldolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth], Caroline Park
1427 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
1428 - William Pierie, 1st Lieutenant Royal Regiment of Artillery, to Lord Dartmouth, 4, Titchfield Street, Cavendish Square, London
1429 - George Bryan to Hugh Williamson, M D, Philadelphia
1430 - Stephen Ceronio to Messrs Marsh Reeve and Company, Philadelphia
1431 - J G to Thomas Charles Williams, New York
1432 - Is Foster to Major Robert Rogers, Clifford's Inn
1433 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth], American Square
1434 - John Moore to Messrs Davis Strachan and Company, New York
1435 - Christopher Starbuck and Company to George Hayley, Nantucket, recommends William Vassal as a man of honour and integrity and well acquainted with all public affairs in this country as well as the distressed state of this island
1436 - R Gordon to [?], Corke
1438 - A Pepperrell to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
1439 - Walter Barrell to Joseph Green, Boston
1440 - Maryland, proceedings "at a meeting of the delegates appointed by the several counties of the province of Maryland, at the city of Annapolis, on Wednesday 26 Jul, and continued till 14 Aug, in the same year
1441 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth], Whitehall
1442 - Judges report, the case of Jerry, a free Negro, now under sentence of death, for an attempt to raise an insurrection
1444 - R Ross to Robert Woodgate, Golden Square
1445 - T Walker [Waller] to Lieutenant Beazley, Dover
1446 - Governor Lord William Campbell to Lord Dartmouth, Charles Town, (number 5)
1447 - Lieutenant General Thomas Gage to Lord Dartmouth, Boston
1448 - Jo Irving to Sir George Collier
1449 - [?] Graves to Thomas Graves at Thaneke, near Plymouth
1450 - Chevalier de Marolles de Luce to [Lord Dartmouth], Paris, desiring to go to America In French
1451 - Richard Penn and [Arthur] Lee to Lord Dartmouth, 2 Garden Court, Middle Temple
1452 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
1454 - David Barclay to Lord Dartmouth
1455 - American anecdotes
1456 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
1458 - Lord Dartmouth to Richard Penn and Arthur Lee
1459 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth], Caroline Park
1460 - Lord Townshend to [Lord Dartmouth], Rainham
1461 - Thomas Jefferson to [?], Monticello
1462 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth], Caroline Park
1463 - Paul Wentworth to [Lord Dartmouth], Poland Street
1464 - William Tongue, 49 Prescott Street, Goodmansfields, London
1465 - Lieutenant D'Auvergne to Captain Phipps
1466 - Mrs Wilkins to her husband Isaac Wilkins, Castle Hill
1467 - Governor Lord William Campbell to Lord Dartmouth, Charlestown
1468 - John Ewing to Lord Dartmouth, 25 Ludgate Street, rejoices in the interest taken by his Majesty in the arts and sciences, especially astronomy, suggests that astronomical observations could be more effectually and speedily accomplished by another observatory at Philadelphia
1468a - [Governor Francis Legge] to Lieutenant General Thomas Gage, Halifax, two copies
1469 - Governor Josiah Martin to Lord Dartmouth
1470 - Proclamation, George III, draft of proclamation for suppressing rebellion and sedition
1471 - Information obtained from two French officers
1472 - Lieutenant Colonel Thomas James
1474 - [Lord Dartmouth] to Sir Stanier Porten, Whitehall
1475 - Richard Ford and Company to Walter Franklin, New York
1476 - Prince de Masserano to Lord Dartmouth, Great George Street
1477 - Reverend George Panton to the Reverend Doctor Chandler, Trenton
1478 - P[aul] W[entworth] to Lord Dartmouth, proposing that the lands of West of Connecticut River may be declared extra-provincial
1479 - Moses Franks to John Harris Cruger, Teddington
1480 - Moses Franks to the Honourable Oliver de Lancey, New York
1481 - A Pepperrell to Lord Dartmouth, Portsmouth
1483 - [?] to the Reverend Doctor Myles Cooper or to Isaac Wilkins
1484 - Gilbert Barkly to William Strahan, Philadelphia
1485 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
1486 - Joshua Steele to Lord Dartmouth, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square
1487 - Walter and Thomas Buchanan and Company to George and John Buchanan, Glasgow
1488 - T B Chandler to the Reverend Mr Inglis, New York
1489 - John Coxe to James Bogle French, Swithins Lane, London
1490 - William Donaldson to Peter N B Livingston, New York
1491 - Jacob Franks to Moses Levy, Newport, Rhode Island
1492 - Alexander Gillon to Edward Van Harthals, New York
1493 - Vice-Admiral Graves to Philip Stephens
1494 - William Strahan to Doctor Benjamin Franklin, London
1495 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth, New York
1496 - T S to the Honourable Henry Whit [White], New York
1497 - J Watts, Junior, to John Watts, New York
1498 - Lieutenant Colonel George Christie to Lord Dartmouth, Leicester Square
1499 - Le Chevelier de Marolles de Luce to [Lord Dartmouth], Paris, praying an appointment in the Artillery employed in America, in French
1500 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
1501 - Thomas Wharton to Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia
1502 - Colonel George Mercer to [Lord Dartmouth], Curzon Street
1503 - An officer in the East India Company to Lord Dartmouth, London
1504 - Charles Simpson, Town Clerk, to [Lord Dartmouth], Lichfield
1505 - Captain George Vandeput to Sir George Vandeput, Baronet
1506 - John Wilson to Doctor James Hutchinson at Messrs Barclay's, Philadelphia, recounting the preparations being carried on for the security of the city
1507 - Sergeant John Osbaldeston to Lord Dartmouth, Blackburn
1508 - James Perry to [Lord Dartmouth], Wolverhampton
1509 - Sir Stanier Porten to John Pownall, St James's
1512 - J Ingersoll to Jared Ingersoll, Inner Temple, Philadelphia
1513 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth], Caroline Park
1514 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
1515 - Lord D[artmouth] to [Charles Simpson]
1516 - O Hulme to [Lord Dartmouth], Charterhouse Square, respecting reconciliation with the colonies
1517 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
1518 - James Lorimer to Lord Dartmouth, Edinburgh
1519 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
1521 - Governor Lord William Campbell to Lord Dartmouth
1523 - Lord Rochford to Lord Dartmouth, St James's
1524 - Lieutenant Colonel Gabriel Christie to Lord Dartmouth, Leicester Square
1526 - Moses Kirkland to [Lord Dartmouth]
1527 - C Leslie to William Beard, New York
1529 - Jonathan Clarke to Elisha Hutchinson, Quebec
1535 - George Wilmot to Lord Dartmouth, King's Arms, Charing Cross
1540 - Messrs Watts and Maskelyn to [Lord Dartmouth], Bristol
1541A - [?] to Lambert Cadwalader, Philadelphia
1541B - A folio manuscript in a stiff paper cover, dated at the end but not signed, on the subject of American affairs in the present crisis
1542 - Governor Robert Eden to Lord Dartmouth
1543 - Edward Montagu to Peyton Randolph
1544 - James Perry to Lord Dartmouth
1545 - Treasury, abstract of proceedings at the Treasury, relative to North America, from 1 Jan 1775 to 2 Oct 1775, with abstract of account of monies paid and ordered to be paid in the year 1775 on account of the extraordinary expenses of the Army there
1546 - Dr J B Chandler to the Reverend Charles Inglis, New York
1547 - John Maunsell to Doctor Auchmuty
1548 - John Maunsell to Peter Vanschaack, New York
1549 - Moses Frank to the Honourable John Harris Cruger, London, packets to America now stopped, earnest desires for peace
1550 - J Ingersoll to Jared Ingersoll, Philadelphia
1551 - [Edward] Montagu to Anthony Todd
1552 - William Strahan to Doctor Benjamin Franklin
1553 - William Strahan to Thomas Wharton
1554 - Hugh Williamson to John Dickenson, Philadelphia
1555 - [?] to Richard Cary
1556 - [?] to Thomas Quin
1557 - Major General William Howe to Lord Dartmouth
1558 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
1559 - Lieutenant Colonel William Dalrymple to [Lord Dartmouth]
1560 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1561 - David Ingersoll to Lord Dartmouth
1562 - Reverend John Erskine to [Lord Dartmouth]
1563 - Lieutenant Colonel John Vaughan to [Lord Dartmouth]
1564 - Wrapper endorsed Post Office interceptions
1565 - Charles Simpson, Town Clerk to Lord Dartmouth
1566 - Captain Hugh Bromedge to Lord Dartmouth
1568 - William Parsons to [Lord Dartmouth]
1569 - A recipe to cure the prevalent malady among the Americans
1570 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth
1572 - John Kenward to Lord Dartmouth
1573 - Robert Gordon to Sir John Blaquiere
1574 - William Parsons to [Lord Dartmouth]
1575 - William Parsons to Lord Dartmouth
1578 - Lord Townshend to [Lord Dartmouth]
1579 - Commodore George Mackenzie to Lord Dartmouth
1580 - William Knox
1581 - Lord Sandwich to Lord Dartmouth
1582 - Alexander Schaw to Lord Dartmouth
1583 - Lord Chancellor [Apsley] to Lord Dartmouth
1585 - Edward Montagu to [Lord Dartmouth]
1586 - V Admiral Lord Howe to [Lord Dartmouth]
1587 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
1588 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
1589 - John Robinson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1590 - John Robinson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1591 - John Robinson to Lord Dartmouth
1592 - Alexander Schaw to [Lord Dartmouth]
1593 - John Robinson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1594 - John Robinson to Lord Dartmouth
1595 - Lord North to Lord Dartmouth
1596 - John Robinson to Lord Dartmouth
1598 - William Jackson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1600 - J[onathan] W[atson] to [Lord Dartmouth]
1601 - A V to Mrs Tolver
1602 - Jonathan Watson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1603 - Congress, minutes and resolution
1604 - Thomas Hayes to Lord Dartmouth
1605 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
1606 - Governor Tryon to Lord Dartmouth
1608 - John Cambel, Lieutenant of Engineers, to Lord Dartmouth
1609 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth]
1610 - Connecticut
1611 - Monsr de Lotbiniere
1612 - Sir Grey Cooper to Lord Dartmouth, Parliament Street, respecting the clause of Amendment to the American Act, proposed by the Bristol Merchants
1613 - Bernard Page to Lord Dartmouth
1614 - Rhode Island, form of Oath of Allegiance administered to the inhabitants of Rhode Island by General Lee of the rebel army
1616 - Reverend Thomas Rankin to [Lord Dartmouth]
1617 - Cyrus Griffin to Lord Dartmouth
1618 - Earl of Suffolk to Lord Dartmouth
1619 - Paper of intelligence
1620 - Act to prevent illegal meetings in any of His Majesty's Colonies in North America
1621 - Dennis de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth]
1622 - Draft of commission with notes, no names or dates given, it empowers to protect the loyalists and trade, and to restore peace and order
1623 - House of Commons to the King
1624 - House of Commons to the King, similar draft as in 1623
1625 - House of Commons
1626 - Memorandum by [Lord Dartmouth]
1627 - Paper by Lord Drummond, containing hints that may lead to a permanent reconciliation
1628 - Doctor John Fothergill to Lord Dartmouth
1629 - Earl Gower to [Lord Dartmouth]
1630 - Captain Elihu Hall to Lord Dartmouth
1631 - Major-General Howe
1632 - Paper by [Lord Hyde], proposing measures for bringing the rebels back to their allegiance
1633 - Reverend N Madan to Lord D[artmouth]
1634 - Hints from Sir Adolphus Oughton relative to carrying on the War in America
1635 - Parliament, resolutions, apparently of a Parliamentary Committee For full description see HMC 14th report available in SRO reading room
1636 - [John Pownall]
1637 - Sketch by Mr Pownall, of a resolution for the House of Lords
1638 - Propositions
1639 - Royalist militia, Colonel Jacob Blackwell, a return of his regiment in Queens County
1640 - Richard Speaight of New York to [Lord Dartmouth], soliciting the aid of Government for his losses by the rebels
1641 - Captain John Stanton, thoughts on what the Americans really are and what they hereafter may be
1642 - [Mr Thomson]
1643 - Trade with America, paper respecting trade and commerce with the American Colonies and directions to be given with regard to seizures by the Admiralty Court
1644 - Paul Wentworth, paper not dated in Paul Wentworth's hand, entitled "Ideas which may be woven into a plan, tending to promote a happy issue to the present critical state of affairs in America as they regard Great Britain
1645 - John Williams to Lord Dartmouth
1646 - Lord George Germain to Major-General Howe
1647 - Rates of postage, General Post Office, London, a table of the rates of postage in Great Britain and Ireland, the British Dominions in America are included in this table
1648 - Governor William Franklin to Lord Dartmouth
1649 - Lieutenant-Colonel G Christie to Lord Dartmouth
1650 - The Constitutional Gazette (47)
1651 - Lieutenant-Colonel G Christie to Lord Dartmouth
1652 - Reverend Thomas Rankin to [Lord Dartmouth]
1653 - John Pownall to [Lord Dartmouth]
1654 - Lord George Germain to Lord Dartmouth, Plantation Office, resignation of Mr Pownall, Mr Cumberland to be appointed Secretary to the Board, and Mr Serle Clerk of the reports
1655 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
1656 - John Amall to Lord Dartmouth
1657 - Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Oliver to Lord Dartmouth
1658 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
1659 - William Cruden to Lord Dartmouth
1660 - Sir James Jay to Lord Dartmouth
1661 - Thomas Davison to John Robinson
1662 - John Robinson to Lord Dartmouth
1663 - William Molleson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1665 - Dennis De Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth]
1666 - Sir James Jay to Lord Dartmouth
1667 - [William Knox] to [Lord Dartmouth]
1669 - John Thornton to Lord Dartmouth
1670 - Lord Sandwich to Lord Dartmouth
1671 - Captain Hugh Bromedge to Lord Dartmouth
1672 - Draft of a Royal Commission, granting power to extend pardon to the rebels under certain conditions, and authority to protect those colonies to which peace order and legal government are restored
1673 - Rum contract, Lords of the Treasury on behalf of the King, articles of agreement with Richard Atkinson
1674 - George Green to Lord Dartmouth
1675 - Instructions [for Lord and General Howe]
1676 - Archibald Neilson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1677 - [James] Hutton
1678 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1682 - Edward Sneyd to Montfort Brown[e]
1683 - Admiralty licenses, minutes of a meeting of His Majesty's confidential servants at the Admiralty, minute concerning Admiralty licenses for the conveyance of stores to the army and navy in North America
1684 - George Green to [Lord Dartmouth]
1686 - Edward Sneyd to Montfort Brown[e]
1687 - Edward Sneyd to his Excellency Governor Brown[e] at Middletown
1688 - Dennis de Berdt to [Lord Dartmouth]
1689 - William Sanford Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth
1690 - Intelligence from General Howe
1691 - Extracts from the Boston and New Hampshire newspapers to 11 Jul
1692 - William Pollock to [Lord Dartmouth]
1693 - J Key to Lord Dartmouth
1694 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1695 - Montfort Browne to General Howe
1696 - General Putnam to Major Moncrieffe
1697 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1698 - Advices from General Howe
1699 - James Burrow to Lord Dartmouth,
1700 - Edward Sneyd to Governor Brown[e]
1701 - William Knox to Lord Dartmouth
1702 - Intelligence from America
1703 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1704 - Edward Sneyd to James Babbidge, Secretary to Governor Browne
1705 - Edward Sneyd to Governor Browne
1707 - Edward Burrow to [Lord Dartmouth]
1708 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1709 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1710 - [Ambrose Serle] to Lord Dartmouth
1711 - Advertisement
1712 - Duke of Richmond to Lord Dartmouth
1713 - Montfort Browne to [Lord Dartmouth]
1714 - Montfort Browne to [Lord Dartmouth]
1715 - General Carleton to John Robinson
1716 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1717 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1718 - American prisoners
1719 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1720 - Advice from America
1721 - [?] to Lord Dartmouth
1722 - Dr John Fothergill to Lord Dartmouth
1723 - Thomas Pitt to Lord Dartmouth
1724 - Captain Williamos
1725 - Considerations on the American rebellion, it is headed with a quotation from Livy "Ea charitas patriae esse, debet, ut tam ignominia eam, quam morte nostra, si opus sit, servemus"
1726 - Live stock for use of the troops in America, a list of the Vessels taken up to carry live stock to North America for the use of His Majesty's Forces there in 1776
1727 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1728 - Governor William Tryon to Lord Dartmouth
1729 - Cabinet minute, Lord George Germain's office
1730 - The London Chronicle, number 3136, 9 to 11 Jan 1776, containing an appeal to the unprejudiced, or a vindication of the measures of Government with respect to America
1731 - Messrs Mure, Son and Atkinson to General Sir William Howe
1732 - Messrs Mure, Son and Atkinson to Joshua Loring June at New York, London, marked number 3, same subject as 1731
1733 - Thomas Vivian to [Lord Dartmouth]
1734 - Mr Gordon to Messrs Muir [Mure] Son and Atkinson
1735 - Jonathan Watson to [Lord Dartmouth}
1736 - Intelligence
1737 - Whitehall, intelligence received in dispatches from General Howe, detailed account of the movements of Lord Cornwallis, General Lee taken prisoner by Colonel Harcourt, forage and provisions taken by the King's troops in the Jerseys
1738 - Cabinet Minute
1739 - John Robinson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1740 - John Robinson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1741 - Richard Atkinson to J Robinson, London, proposals for furnishing Jamaica rum to the troops in North America
1742 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1743 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1744 - Sketch of Peek's Kill Town and Bay up the North River showing the expedition sent there to destroy the rebels provisions and stores 25 Mar 1777, note in Mr Serle's hand "This sketch was given me by Lieutenant Durnford of the engineers, who conducted the whole conflagration"
1745 - Governor Montfort Browne
1746 - Montfort Browne to [Lord Dartmouth]
1747 - Rum contract, copy of contract between D Chamier Esq, Commissionary General and Jos Loring Esq, agent to Messrs Mure Son and Atkinson for furnishing rum to the Army in America
1748 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1749 - General Howe to John Robinson, concerning the contract for rum to be supplied to the troops in North America
1750 - Lieutenant John Cartwright to [Lord Dartmouth]
1751 - New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury
1752 - Royal American Gazette, number 14
1753 - New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, number 1330, amongst other items, continuation of Dr John F D Smyth's [Smith] narrative 28 Mar 1777
1754 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1755 - Ambrose Serle to [Lord Dartmouth]
1756 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1758 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1759 - Daniel Weir to John Robinson, New York, concerning the contract for rum with the agents of Messrs Mure Son and Atkinson
1760 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1761 - J Marriott to Lord Dartmouth
1762 - J Robinson to Richard Oliver, a like letter to Beeston Long and Richard Neave relating to Mr Atkinson's Rum Contract
1763 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1764 - Messrs Mure Son and Atkinson to [the Lords of Treasury], on their Rum Contract
1765 - [Ambrose] Serle to [Lord Dartmouth]
1766 - Rum for the troops, New York, certificate by Sir William Howe for the Lords of the Treasury
1768 - Colonel Philip Skene to Lord Dartmouth
1769 - Letters concerning the Rum Contract
1770 - London, Richard Atkinson to Beeston Long, Richard Neave, Richard Glover and William Crichton, referees, with their minute in answer dated 18 Jul 1777
1771 - London, Richard Atkinson to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury on the report of the referees
1772 - London, Mure Son and Atkinson to the Lords of the Treasury
1774 - John Robinson to Robert Gordon, five months provisions for 8000 men to be sent to New York as a supply for the troops under General Burgoyne
1776 - Intelligence from New York
1777 - Beeston Long, Richard Neave, Richard Glover, and William Crichton to the Lords of the Treasury, London, further report on Mr Atkinson's rum contract
1778 - James Gardiner to [Lord Dartmouth]
1779 - [Ambrose Serle] to [Lord Dartmouth]
1780 - Philip Skene to Lord Dartmouth
1781 - Transports, "Lord Effingham's motion with remarks thereon", "that there be laid before this House the names and tonnage of all the transports employed by the Treasury since 1 Sep 1775 distinguishing the freight per ton
1782 - Paper containing particulars desired by the House relative to the transport service, with remarks thereon in 2 columns
1783 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
1784 - Rum for the troops, headquarters, Pencader, certificate by Sir William Howe, with memorandum of the rum shipped for the use of His Majesty's forces
1785 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1786 - Philip Skene to Lord Dartmouth
1787 - Intelligence from America
1788 - Messrs Perry and Hayes to Lord Dartmouth
1789 - Victuallers and storeships
1790 - Brook Watson to William Knox
1791 - Philadelphia
1792 - John Robinson to [Lord Dartmouth]
1793 - William Knox to Lord Dartmouth
1794 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1795 - John Robinson to Mr Gordon
1796 - Transmits copy of a letter which has been sent to the several contractors directing them to prepare a further supply of provisions for three months for the forces in America
1798 - Robert Gordon, Commissary at Cork, to John Robinson
1799 - Intelligence
1800 - John Cruden to [?]
1801 - Earl of Hardwicke to [Lord Dartmouth]
1802 - Earl of Hardwicke to [Lord Dartmouth]
1803 - Daniel Wier, Commissary General, to Sir William Howe
1804 - John Cruden to [?]
1805 - Sir William Howe to Mr Robinson, Philadelphia, speaks of enclosing Mr Wier's report with regard to the last contract for rum with Messrs Mure Son and Atkinson
1806 - London Gazette extraordinary
1807 - Joseph Galloway to Lord Dartmouth
1808 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1809 - Joseph Galloway to Richard Jackson "Council to the Board of Trade, London
1810 - William Stringer to [Lord Dartmouth]
1811 - Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Mordaunt to Lord Dartmouth
1812 - London Gazette, 13 to 16 Dec 1777, number 11831, containing the correspondence between General Burgoyne and Major General Gates of the American Army and the Articles of Convention of 16 Oct
1813 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to [Lord Dartmouth]
1814 - Intelligence off Mud Island, Delaware River and 20 Jan 1778, New York
1815 - Major General William Tryon to General Browne, Headquarters, Morrisses House, thanks to Browne's corps for their zeal for His Majesty's service, at a time when scarcity of materials has prevented any accommodation being prepared for their winter quarters
1816 - Thomas Crowley to Lord Dartmouth, number 49, Gracechurch Street, sets forth the work undertaken by John Daniel Hammerer to instruct and civilize the Indians at the back of South Carolina, his cash being now exhausted, desires he may be assisted from the fund under his Lordship's direction
1817A - William Knox to [Lord Dartmouth]
1817B - Considerations on the great question, what is to be done with America, part first, heading and endorsement in William Knox's hand Considerations on the great questions, what is to be done with America, part second, a few sentences in Knox's hand, apparently corrections
1818 - Rum contract, observations on the contract made by the agents of Messrs Mure Son and Atkinson for supplying His Majesty's Forces with rum
1819 - Stores and provisions, an account of what has been done by the Treasury Board in freighting ships to convey provisions and stores to America
1820 - Up to 1 Jan 1778, Number 2, a particular account of the name and tonnage of each ship of which a general account is given in number 1
1821 - Number 3, a list of ships remaining on the service on 1 Jan 1778 showing how each ship was employed according to the then latest advices, and also showing some subsequent variations
1822 - London Gazette Extraordinary
1823 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1824 - Messrs Mure Son and Atkinson to [the Lords of the Treasury], London, on their rum contract and pressing the settlement
1825 - Ideas for instructions for the Commissioners
1826 - Sir Joseph Yorke to Lord H[ow]e
1827 - Montfort Browne to Lord Dartmouth per Captain Barrett
1828 - Richard Atkinson for company and self, to the Lords of the Treasury, London, relative to their rum contract
1829 - [Joseph Galloway] to Lord Dartmouth
1830 - Richard Atkinson for Company and self to the Lords of the Treasury on his rum contract, London
1832 - John Robinson to Robert Gordon, London, directing him to dispatch victuallers to Philadelphia
1833 - Robert Gordon, Commissary, to John Robinson, Corke, concerning the fleet loading with provisions for Philadelphia
1834 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
1835 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
1836 - Rum contract, calculation referred to in the observations on the Rum Contract
1837 - Mure and Company Rum Contract, Treasury Chamber, Whitehall, copy of Treasury minutes 21 Jan 1776 to 10 Feb 1778
1838 - Lord Bathurst to [Lord Dartmouth]
1839 - Lord Hardwicke to [Lord Dartmouth]
1840 - Lord Hardwicke to [Lord Dartmouth]
1841 - William Cruden to Lord Dartmouth
1842 - Commissary Robert Gordon to John Robinson, Cork, sends return of eight cargoes of provisions and stores for the use of the troops under Sir William Howe at Philadelphia
1843 - T Webb to Lord Dartmouth
1844 - J Galloway to [Lord Dartmouth]
1845 - Reverend William Stringer to [Lord Dartmouth]
1846 - William Cruden to [Lord Dartmouth]
1847 - Richard Oswald to [Lord Dartmouth]
1848 - Robert Gordon to John Robinson, Corke, asks if he may send five ships, laden with provisions, away to Philadelphia, instead of waiting for the others
1849 - Royal message [to the House of Lords]
1850 - Lord George Germain to the Lords of the Admiralty
1851 - Lord George Germain to the Earl of Sandwich
1852 - John Robinson to Robert Gordon, Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, expressing the surprise of the Board at not having received advices of the sailing of the last division of the fleet, and urging its immediate dispatch
1853 - J Galloway to Lord Dartmouth
1854 - Robert Gordon to John Robinson, Corke, respecting the delay of the last division of the fleet with the fourth quarter's provisions
1856 - Robert Gordon [to John Robinson], Cork, advising that the fourth quarter's provisions will sail the first fair wind and enclosing return of the "British Queen's" fleet
1857 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to Lord Dartmouth
1858 - Intelligence, Whitehall, account from America
1859 - Thomas Macknight to Lord Dartmouth, number 87 Strand, desires justice from Government on account of the claim he had made to Lord Dartmouth, memorial sent to Lord North, his loss of two vessels, sets forth his grievances, and his efforts in the cause of the King, recounts his services
1860 - Lord North to Lord Dartmouth, Friday night 10 o'clock, Downing Street, sending the enclosed
1861 - Robert Hogg to Lord Dartmouth
1862 - A Pepperell to [Lord Dartmouth]
1863 - Major-General James Grant to Lord George Germain
1864 - Robert Gordon to John Robinson, Cork "our six sail of victuallers are ready under orders at the harbour's mouth waiting for a wind to go to Philadelphia"
1865 - Robert Gordon to John Robinson, Cork, "I have the honour to send you enclosed a return of the provisions shipped by me in 6 ships now ready to sail for Philadelphia" returns of the cargoes of the Sibella's Fleet
1866 - Precis of orders to Mr Gordon, 2 Aug 1777 to 4 Jun 1778, relative to dispatching of the supplies of provisions to America
1867 - John Robinson to Robert Gordon, acknowledging his letter of 29 May, giving information concerning the victuallers, instructions to complete the loading of the ships, and to get them ready to sail at a moment's notice, supplies for New York
1868 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, War Office, acquainting him of the appointment of Mr Thornton as Ensign in the 12th Regiment of Foot, commanded by Sir Henry Clinton
1869 - J Galloway to [Lord Dartmouth]
1870 - Lord Howe to Lord Dartmouth
1871 - J Galloway to [Lord Dartmouth], Delaware Bay, sends this by Mr Serle who is furnished with a great knowledge of American affairs and the civil and military state of the country
1872 - Edward Newenham to [Lord Dartmouth]
1873 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
1874 - Lord George Germain to the Lords of the Admiralty
1875 - Thomas Danforth to [Lord Dartmouth]
1876 - Thomas Danforth to Lord Dartmouth
1877 - Intelligence from America
1878 - William Knox to [Lord Dartmouth]
1879 - Earl of Suffolk to Lord Dartmouth, St James's, sends the copy of a letter and paper which have been transmitted by Lord Grantham, the consideration of which is postponed until the 22nd instant, when he desires his Lordship's attendance
1880 - William Cruden to [Lord Dartmouth]
1881 - Earl of Suffolk to [Lord Dartmouth]
1882 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
1883 - Captain James Ayscough, memorial
1884 - [Lord North], remarks submitted in answer to the observations communicated by Lord Dartmouth on the "Motions made some time ago for papers and the difficulty of making them out in any reasonable time"
1885 - Lord George Germain to Sir Henry Clinton, Whitehall, (secret and confidential)
1886 - Richard Lever to Lord Dartmouth
1887 - Thomas MacKnight to [Lord Dartmouth]
1888 - W Rawlings to [Lord Dartmouth]
1889 - W Rawlings to [Lord Dartmouth]
1890 - Taylor Penny to Philip Stephens, "Marlborough" at sea, details of his having been chased towards the Lands' End by French and Spanish ships
1891 - W Rawlings to [Lord Dartmouth]
1892 - W Rawlings to Lord Dartmouth
1893 - Sir David Lindsay to Lord Amherst
1894 - Lord Amherst to Sir David Lindsay
1895 - Bryan Broughton to [Lord Dartmouth], delay of Mr Downing's appointment, pursuit of Sir Charles Hardy's fleet by the French and Spanish, Hardy's intentions
1896 - Bryan Broughton to [Lord Dartmouth], announcing an action between Byron and D'Estaing, fears we have been worsted, difficulty of obtaining information, Grand Fleet still at Spithead, Paul Jones and his little fleet on the Limerick coast
1897 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
1898 - Parliament, drafts, not dated, of the King's Speech to the Houses of Parliament, of the motion for an address of thanks in reply, and of the Lords' address
1899 - In these last two months are about half a dozen papers, statements etc, with reference to the troops, stores, and defence of Plymouth and the adjacent coast in anticipation of a threatened attack by the combined fleets of France and Spain
1900 - Lieutenant T G Barrette, 23rd Regiment, to [Lord Dartmouth]
1901 - Precis of correspondence in the American Department 1779, with two tables of troops at New York and Rhode Island, the latter dated 1 Sep 1779
1902 - S[oame] Jenyns, verses on the Dean of Gloucester's plan to relinquish the American Colonies, they begin "Who first contrived the pin, to loose mad horses from the chaise, and save the necks within"
1903 - Earl of Sandwich to [Lord Dartmouth]
1904 - Duke of Richmond to Lord Dartmouth
1905 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1906 - Count Haxthausen to Lord Dartmouth
1907 - Ambrose Serle to Lord Dartmouth
1908 - Duke of Manchester to [Lord Dartmouth]
1909 - Samuel Hopkins to Lord Dartmouth
1910 - Intelligence, Whitehall, Brigadier General Dalrymple arrived this afternoon having left Rhode Island 1 Sep
1911 - William Gerard de Brahm to Lord Dartmouth
1912 - Richard Oswald, paper headed "the plan proposed in February altered, and contracted within a narrower compass"
1913 - Thomas Macknight to the Lords of the Treasury
1914 - Lord Stormont to Lord Dartmouth, St James's, as the business is of great importance, does not wish to deliver the papers until he has had his Lordship's opinion
1915 - Lord North to [Lord Dartmouth]
1916 - Thomas MacKnight to Lord Dartmouth
1917 - Thomas MacKnight to Lord Dartmouth
1918 - Naval inquiry
1919 - [W G] de Brahm to [Lord Dartmouth]
1920 - William Smith to Governor Skene
1921 - J[ohn] Wentworth to [Lord Dartmouth]
1922 - Thomas MacKnight to Lord Dartmouth
1923 - William Cruden to [Lord Dartmouth]
1924 - Philip Skene to [Lord Dartmouth]
1925 - [Admiral] R Digby to [Lord Dartmouth]
1926 - Jonathan Trumbull to Lord Dartmouth
1927 - [Admiral] Robert Digby to [Lord Dartmouth]
1928 - Admiral Robert Digby to Sir Charles Middleton
1929 - Montfort Browne to Lord Dartmouth
1930 - J Cruden to Lord Dartmouth
1931 - Reverend John Vardill to [Lord Dartmouth]
1932 - [Lord Dartmouth] to Lady [?], on the subject of the objections of Mr Russen to go to America after being advanced by the Bishop for that express purpose
1933 - Paper in Lord Dartmouth's hand beginning "Dissentient"
1934 - Paper in Lord Dartmouth's hand headed "for Cabinet"
1935 - Delaware River, pen and ink sketch showing the three branches called the Mohawk, Pakacktan and Fish kill
1936 - East Florida, paper beginning "A solution of the following plain questions is expected by the non-addressers"
1937 - A map of East Florida from surveys made since the last peace, adapted to Dr Stork's History of that Country, by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King
1938 - Plan for the settlement of East Florida, drawn up by Mr William Stork
1939 - East Florida, provincial litany
1940 - Emigration
1941 - [William Knox], memorandum concerning Mr Mease
1942 - Plan for lands in New York
1943 - Paper on the state of religion in America by William Knox
1944 - Lieutenants John Lees and William Scott and ten others, to the King, petition, desire a grant of 5000 acres of land to each of them, free of quit rent, in either of the provinces of New York or New Hampshire
1945 - Isaac Levy to [Lord Dartmouth]
1946 - Daniel Little to the Reverends Stevens, Lyman and Lancton, Trustees to the care of a missionary
1947 - Massachusetts Bay, list of names belonging to Boston, Charles Town and Cambridge, Marble Head, Salem and Newberry
1948 - New York, state of facts in support of the Secretary of New York's claim to the office of Register of the Prerogative or Court of Ordinary
1950 - Plants and trees, a catalogue of trees, flowering shrubs, ferns, gales, mountainous and bogg plants collected in the different provinces of North America by William Young
1951 - Potomack River, paper endorsed "computation of carriage from Potomack to the new Government, it is proposed by Mr Ballandine, that the locks in the River Potomack, shall always have four feet water in them"
1952 - John Pownall, memorandum in John Pownall's hand, the papers relative to Africa are ready to be laid before the House, remarks on the possession of Sagadahoc, Barbadoes Act
1953 - Proprietary Governments, copy of an Act for reuniting the Proprietary Governments in America to the Crown
1954 - Quit rents, heads of a plan for improving His Majesty's revenue of quit rents in America
1955 - St Augustine, two plans of the Court House, original, pen and ink
1956 - Timber, proposal for procuring a constant supply of timber from His Majesty's North American territories
1957 - Washington pedigree, showing the relationship of General George Washington with the Dartmouth family
1960 - Dr John Wheelock to Lord Dartmouth
1961 - Samuel Peters to Lord Dartmouth
1962 - Copy of a poem by Regina Heber on the death of Mr Pitt, from "Europe"
1963 - [William Wood] to Lord Dartmouth
1964 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth
1965 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth, Sandwell, Birmingham, per packet
1966 - William Wood, agent for the portrait, to Lord Dartmouth, Astley Castle, Coventry, per packet Chelsea
1967 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth
1968 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth
1969 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth
1970 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth
1971 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth
1972 - Newspaper cutting from the New York Journal of Commerce dated Wednesday morning 9 Jun
1973 - Doctor Nathan Lord, President, to Lord Dartmouth
1974 - William Wood to Lord Dartmouth
1975 - Lord Dartmouth to Doctor Lord
1976 - Doctor Nathan Lord to Lord Dartmouth
1977 - [Lord Dartmouth] to [Doctor Lord]
1978 - [Lord Dartmouth] to [William Wood]
1979 - William L Stone to Lord Dartmouth
1980 - Lord Dartmouth to [William L Stone], London acknowledges receipt of his letter of the 30 Mar, and thanks him for his Life of Joseph Brant, remarks upon the engravings etc
1981 - Antigua, copy of a letter from Antigua, "This island being the only one submissive to the Stamp Act is in eminent danger of being ruined by famine for want of provisions from North America and undone for want of stores to make sugar and rum casks, it will be well worth your while or any merchants to hire a ship and to load her with grey pease and beans and you need not fear a charter at a moderate freight, since your friends here can easily load her"
1982 - Note, undated, touching the solicitation of Colonel Douglas for the Government of the Leeward or Caribbee Islands Governor Thomas being about to return to England on account of his health
1983 - Lieutenant-Governor Valentine Morris to Lord [Dartmouth]
1984 - Sir Ralph Payne to Lord Dartmouth
1985 - John Lyons to Lord Dartmouth
1986 - William Mackinnon to Lord [Dartmouth]
1987 - Samuel Martin to Lord Dartmouth, Marshalswick near St Albans, Herts, in behalf of Mr Bryan to be Judge of the Admiralty at Antigua
1988 - C F Greville to Lord [Dartmouth], recommending Mr William MacKinnon
1989 - Valentine Morris to Lord [Dartmouth]
1990 - Sir Ralph Payne to Lord Dartmouth, Antigua, thanks for a letter of the 28 Oct previous and for approbation of his conduct
1991 - James Hutton to Lord Dartmouth
1992 - James Hutton (Secretary of the Unitas Fratrum) to the Lords of Trade, memorial, praying for a grant of land at or near Falmouth, Antigua, to build a chapel and mission house, and for a burying ground
1993 - Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
1994 - Sir Ralph Payne to Lord Dartmouth
1995 - Lieutenant Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
1996 - Memoranda of subjects on which Sir Ralph Payne has had the honour of speaking to the Earl of Dartmouth and which his Lordship has been pleased to promise to take under his consideration
1997 - Petition of John Green, Bahamas
1998 - Petition of John Green, Bahamas
1999 - Andrew Symmer to Lord [Dartmouth]
2000 - John Green to the Court of Chancery
2001 - Thomas Shirley to Lord Dartmouth, New Providence, desiring removal to a better Government
2002 - Joseph Green (linen draper in Wine Street) to Lord Dartmouth, Bristol, with reference to his brother in the West Indies
2003 - Joseph Green to Lord [Dartmouth], Bristol, with reference to his brother in the West Indies
2005 - Joseph Green to Lord Dartmouth, Bristol, 7 Jun 1773 on behalf of his brother at, Providence, Bahamas
2006 - Joseph Green to Lord Dartmouth, Bristol, has received a large packet of papers from his brother bearing on his case, is convinced New Providence affairs want searching into
2007 - Governor Browne to Lord Dartmouth, Greenwich, hopes his Lordship will seriously consider the enclosure
2008 - Montfort Browne to Lord [Dartmouth], Charlotte Street, Concerning administration of justice in the Bahama Islands
2009 - Joseph Green to Lord [Dartmouth], Bristol, with reasons against the Chancery Decree
2010 - Governor Montfort Browne to Lord [Dartmouth], Providence
2011 - Chief Justice Thomas Attwood to Lord Dartmouth, respecting his own affairs and Governor Browne at the Bahamas
2012 - Joseph Green to Mr Secretary Pownall, Bristol, relative to his brother's imprisonment in the Bahamas
2013 - Joseph Green to Lord [Dartmouth], Bristol, relative to his brother's imprisonment in the West Indies
2014 - Charlotte (Mrs) Browne to Lord [Dartmouth]
2015 - Ambrose Serle to Lord [Dartmouth], explaining the case of D McCarthy who possesses the secret for the manufacture of artificial stone
2016 - Thomas Atwood to Lord Dartmouth
2017 - Joseph Green to Lord Dartmouth
2018 - Montfort Browne to [Lord Dartmouth]
2019 - Papers by Andrew Symmer
2020 - Queries in relation to Turks Island and Inagua, beginning "the situation of Turks Island and Inagua command the passage of all French vessels bound to the North or West parts of Hispaniola and all North American vessels bound to Hispaniola or Jamaica", in Symmer's hand, not signed
2021 - Descriptive account of the Bahama Islands
2022 - To Lord Dartmouth, an account of the Bahama Islands
2023 - Barbados Council and General Assembly to the King
2024 - John Walter to Lord [Dartmouth], Farley Hill near Reading, recommending Mr Cobham
2025 - George Walker to Lord Dartmouth, Bentinck Street, Cavendish Square, recommending Mr Cobham to be a councillor in Barbados
2026 - John Pownall to Lord [Dartmouth], London, is laid up with a fever
2027 - Edward Hay to Lord Dartmouth, James Street, Westminster, desiring to be appointed Governor of Barbados
2028 - Archbishop of York to Lord Dartmouth, Brodsworth, recommending his brother Mr Edward Hay for the Government of Barbados
2029 - Lord Tyrawley to Lord Dartmouth, Isleworth, recommending his son for a Government in America
2030 - Edward Hay to Lord Dartmouth, James Street, thanks for his appointment to the Government of Barbados
2031 - Archbishop of York to Lord Dartmouth, Brodsworth, thanks for appointing his brother to the Government of Barbados
2032 - W S Clarke to Lord Dartmouth, West Bromwich, recommending his brother in Barbadoes to his Lordship's notice, to be mentioned to the new Governor, in case of a vacancy occurring which he might be fitted to hold
2033 - Samuel Estwick (Assistant Agent for Barbados) to Lord Dartmouth, Portman Square, respecting the impropriety of a Lieutenant Governor for Barbados
2034 - Printed paper headed "The case of Joseph Keeling, Esquire, relative to his claim to a large estate in the Island of Barbados"
2035 - Memorandum respecting Mr Keeling's affairs, draft in Lord Dartmouth's hand
2036 - Edward Hay to Lord Dartmouth
2037 - Note by Governor Hay, relative to a ship to convey him to his Government
2038 - Governor Hay to George Walker
2039 - Governor Hay to Lord Dartmouth, Barbados, desiring the Collectorship of the Port of Bridge Town for his son
2040 - Governor Hay to Lord Dartmouth, Barbados, private
2041 - George Walker to Lord [Dartmouth], Cavendish Square, relative to the forfeited bonds of the merchants of Barbados
2042 - Governor Hay to Lord Dartmouth, Barbados, on his Lordship recommending Mr Fitzherbert to be the agent of Barbados
2043 - Extract from the Commission to the Governor of Barbadoes, in case of the death or absence of the Governor, and there be no Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief appointed, the eldest councillor to assume the duties of same
2044 - Queries by the Bishop of London on instruction 55 arising on account of the petition of "the parishioners of St Lucy to deprive Mr Harris their Rector" for immorality
2045 - Lord Seaforth to Lord [Dartmouth], Pilgrim, wishes to be at the head of the commission coming out to survey and sell the Carribbee Lands, asks his Lordship to help him to that post
2046 - Lord Seaforth to Lord [Dartmouth], Pilgrim, wishes to be at the head of the commission coming out to survey and sell the Carribbee Lands, asks his Lordship to help him to that post, duplicate of 2045 with an extra paragraph concerning his property in Guiana
2047 - Bermudas, memorandum of minutes, possibly of the Board of Trade, relative to the trade of the Islands
2048 - Robert Nettleton to Lord Dartmouth, Leadenhall Street, praying his Lordship's recommendation for some provision for Mr Popple
2049 - Lionel Chalmers, account of whales
2050 - Henry Boldero to Lord Dartmouth, Lombard Street, transmitting papers relative to the recovery of debt at Bermuda
2051 - Mr Leonard, Chief Justice of Bermuda, to Lord Dartmouth, 14 Stafford Row, Buckingham Gate
2052 - Henry Guinand to Lord [Dartmouth], Little St Hellens, sending the reflections that have occurred to him relative to a free port at Dominica
2053 - Mr Dinwiddie's plan for a free port at Dominica, a true copy taken this 28 Dec 1768, Campbell Dalrymple
2054 - Mr Dinwiddie's plan for a free port at Dominica, a true copy taken this 28 Dec 1768, Campbell Dalrymple, main points of 2053
2055 - Colonel Dalrymple's plan for a free port at Dominica
2056 - Earl of Hillsborough to Lords of the Admiralty, Whitehall, transports for the 62nd Regiment to return to Ireland
2057 - Earl of Hillsborough to Lord Viscount Barrington, Whitehall, transports for the 62nd Regiment to return to Ireland
2058 - Merchants to the King, London
2059 - Oliver Nugent to Lord [Dartmouth]
2060 - Thomas Atwood to Lord Bruce
2061 - Mr Nugent to Lord Dartmouth
2062 - John Shepherd to Lord Dartmouth
2063 - Lord Bruce to Lord [Dartmouth], Seamore Place, recommending Mr Atwood
2064 - James Bogle French to Lord [Dartmouth], Swithins Lane, recommending Mr Lyons to be Chief Justice of Dominica
2065 - Lucius Ferdinand Cary to Lord Dartmouth, Lower Grosvenor Street, for the Government of Dominica
2066 - [John Lyons] to Lord Dartmouth, concerning the enclosed, incomplete
2067 - Daniel Shaw, Captain of the 62nd to Lord [Dartmouth],Winchester, praying to be appointed Governor of Dominica
2068 - William Fitzherbert to Lord [Dartmouth], Somerset House, praying to be appointed Governor of Dominica
2069 - Edward Lewis to Lord [Dartmouth], Stratton Street, on behalf of Mr Martin of Grenada for the Government of Dominica
2070 - Earl Harcourt to Lord [Dartmouth], Dublin Castle, recommending Mr Hewitt either for the Receivership or Government
2071 - Admiral William Parry to Lord Dartmouth, "Chatham" in Prince Rupert's Bay, Dominica, geographical account of Dominica, more particularly of Prince Rupert's Bay and Roseau
2072 - J Wilson Chief Justice of Dominica to Lord [?], describing the business of the Department over which he presides, no fixed salary attached to it, prays for recompense
2073 - Sir Lawrence Dundas to Lord [Dartmouth], Moor Park, Herts, recommending Lieutenant Colonel Bruce to be Governor of Dominica
2074 - William Knox to [? the Secretary of the Treasury], Whitehall, concerning the salary of Governor Shirley of Dominica
2075 - Extract of a letter from Mr Shirley to Mr Cumberland
2076 - W Lindon to Abram Rawlinson, senior, Grenada, his arrival in Grenada on 13 Jan and cool reception by the Governor, he (the Governor) "pays little or no regard to His Majesty's orders"
2077 - Governor William L Leyborne to Thomas Townsend, Grenada, suspending him from his office of Councillor on account of his conduct at the Council meeting of 23 Jul
2078 - Governor William L Leyborne to the Earl of Hillsborough, Grenada, number 25, acknowledging receipt of despatches numbers 6 and 7
2079 - Earl of Rochford to Governor Leyborne, Whitehall
2080 - Reverend John Botham to Lord Dartmouth, Abbey Yard, Bath, praying an appointment for his son in Grenada
2081 - Governor William L Leyborne to Lord Dartmouth, Grenada, introducing Sir Francis Laurent a gentleman of considerable property in the island
2082 - General Robert Melvill to Lord Dartmouth, in the offing of Madeira, respecting a memorial
2083 - General Robert Melvill to Lord Dartmouth, Great Pulteney Street
2084 - D'Hermand de Clery, avocat au Parlement de Paris et aux conseils du Roy, to Lord Dartmouth,
2085 - Henry Wilmot to Lord Dartmouth, Bloomsbury Square, with seal
2086 - William Snell to Lord Dartmouth, Austin Friars, stating objections to a law of Grenada for the recovery of debts
2087 - London, memorandum, not dated, Grenada Bill
2088 - Beeston Long (Chairman) to Lord [Dartmouth], thanks his Lordship on behalf of the West India Merchants for the part he has taken in disallowing the Grenada Act
2089 - Benjamin Duhamet, cure de St George representant Les nouveaux Sujets du quartier, to Lord [Dartmouth], St George, Grenade, thanking him for his attention to the petition presented to him last October concerning the lands of their church, in French
2090 - William Macintosh to Lord [Dartmouth]
2091 - Comte de Guines to Lord [Dartmouth]
2092 - George Mercer to Lord [Dartmouth], Curzon Street, desiring Government of Grenada
2093 - Thomas Harley to Lord [Dartmouth], Aldersgate Street, recommending Mr Martin for Government of Grenada
2094 - Robert Young to Lord [Dartmouth], Harrowgate, soliciting the Government of Grenada for his brother in the room of Mr Leyborne
2095 - Sir George Macartney to Lord [Dartmouth], Charles Street, B S, requesting the Government of Grenada
2096 - William Hewitt to Lord [Dartmouth], Craven Hill, some months back he was unsuccessful in obtaining the receivership of moneys arising from the sale of lands in the ceded islands, prays for the Government of Grenada
2097 - Reverend J Fountaine to Lord [Dartmouth], Marybone, desiring a place for his son
2098 - William Hewitt to Lord [Dartmouth], Craven Hill near Kensington, soliciting the Government of Grenada
2099 - Robert Young to Lord [Dartmouth], Crescent, London, recommending his brother to succeed to the Government of Grenada
2100 - Lady Jane MaCartney to Lord [Dartmouth], Charles Street, soliciting the Government of Grenada for her husband
2101 - Comte de Guines to Lord [Dartmouth], Londres, asking his Lordship for a letter of recommendation for M Vaihant to take to the Governor of Grenada, he having business matters to settle there, in French
2102 - Comte de Guines to Lord [Dartmouth], Londres, thanking him for his kindness in granting his requests, in French
2103 - W Lucas to Lord Dartmouth, concerning a dispute that occurred in 1774 respecting Mr Corsar's seat in the Council
2104 - Merchants to the King
2105 - State of Grenada, case, quoted here is the speech of Thomas Townsend to the Council for which he was suspended (see Governor Leyborne's letter of 24 Jul of that year)
2106 - "Extract from the Commission to the Governor of the Grenades", touching the provision for the carrying on of the Government in case of the death or absence of the Governor
2107 - "The Islands of Grenada, St Vincent and Tobago though under one Governor General are nevertheless each of them separate and distinct Governments"
2108 - Elizabeth Tolver, a native of Guadaloupe, to the King
2109 - Elizabeth Tolver to Lord [Dartmouth], London, at Mrs Crafford, Arundel Street, Panton's Square in the Top Hay Market, in French
2110 - "Extract of a report of Sir Philip Yorke and Sir Clement Weary, His Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor General, dated 18 May 1724"
2111 - Minutes, touching Jamaica papers and questions of resolutions as to riots and authority, rough draft
2112 - Remarks on the Spanish trade at Jamaica from the breaking out of the war with Spain in 1739 when the Assiento Contract was stopped to the present time
2113 - Remarks on the Spanish trade at Jamaica from the breaking out of the war with Spain in 1739 when the Assiento Contract was stopped to the present time, second part of 2112
2114 - Lords of the Privy Council to the Governor of Jamaica [William Henry Lyttleton], expressing the King's approval of the Governor's conduct, and his displeasure at several resolutions passed by the late House of Assembly, in support of certain pretended privileges
2115 - Mrs Sarah Ewer to Lord Dartmouth, Hatton Garden
2116 - Governor William Henry Littleton to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica, thanks for granting him leave of absence, misconduct of Lieutenant Colonel Musgrave, thinks he ought to be brought to a general court martial 2 copies
2117 - Sir Robert Murray Keith to Lord Dartmouth, London, recommending his brother Sir Basil
2118 - Drafts of Lord Dartmouth's answers to the letters in 2117, that Sir Basil will be among the first he will wish to recommend to the King and that he hopes at some future time to be able to give him a post as Governor
2119 - Mr Swiney to Mr Horsefall, Pontefract, respecting his sons at Jamaica
2120 - Lord Rochford to Lieutenant- General Gage, Whitehall, the first battalion of Royal Americans is to relieve the 36th Regiment at Jamaica
2121 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord [Dartmouth], announcing the death of Sir William Trelawney on the 18 (sic) Dec and his burial the next day
2122 - Messrs Rose and Stephen Fuller to Lord Dartmouth, Gerrard Street
2123 - William de Grey, Lord Chief Justice to Lord [Dartmouth], recommending Colonel Dalling
2124 - Sir James Adolphus Oughton to Lord Dartmouth, Caroline Park
2125 - Robert Keith to Lord Dartmouth, Hermitage
2126 - Sir Robert Murray Keith to Lord Dartmouth, Vienna
2127 - Lieutenant Governor John Dalling to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica
2128 - Lieutenant Governor John Dalling to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica
2129 - Sir George Brydges Rodney to Lord [Dartmouth], Jamaica
2130 - Lieutenant Governor John Dalling to Lord [Dartmouth], Jamaica, asking to be created a Baronet of England
2131 - Olympia Webb to [?] [mutilated], craving protection for Mr Webb who is in Jamaica, having purchased estates there
2132 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord [Dartmouth], London
2133 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord Dartmouth, London, will take his passage to Jamaica in a merchant ship as the "Squirrell" will be so long getting ready
2134 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord Dartmouth, Falmouth, has been waiting at Falmouth since the 6th for the "Dawkins", the ship to convey him to Jamaica, as the wind is favourable he hopes to sail this day
2135 - Bryan Edwards, Jamaica, thoughts on the Spanish Assiento Contract
2136 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord Dartmouth, King's House, Spanish Town, Jamaica, informing of his arrival at Jamaica
2137 - Sir Basil Keith to Mr Pownall, Jamaica
2138 - Edward Stanley to John Pownall, Custom House, London, account of cotton imported from and linen exported to Jamaica
2139 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica
2140 - Stephen Fuller to Lord Dartmouth, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Enclosure, 4 Jan 1774, paper by Bryan Edwards, thoughts on the Spanish Assiento Contract, same as 2135
2141 - Earl of Northampton to Lord [Dartmouth], London, asking for a Government in the West Indies or on the continent of America for Sir George Rodney, who is to be immediately superseded in the command at Jamaica by Admiral Gayton and is only waiting his arrival there
2142 - Prayer of the Jamaica Petition
2143 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord [Dartmouth], Jamaica
2144 - Sir G B Rodney to Lord [Dartmouth], Jamaica, relative to obtaining a Government
2145 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord [Dartmouth], Jamaica
2146 - Stephen Fuller to Lord [Dartmouth], Southampton Street, Bloomsbury, with intelligence of quiet in Jamaica
2147 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica
2148 - Stephen Fuller to Lord Dartmouth, the Office Whitehall, the "Seaford" of twenty guns and one hundred and thirty men being ordered home, hopes Lord Dartmouth will order another ship to be sent out in her room
2149 - Colonel W Dalrymple to Lord [Dartmouth], London, lays a memorial and account before his Lordship [not here], the poor man concerned has "been most unjustly dealt with by the Island"
2150 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord [Dartmouth], Jamaica
2151 - Charles Nethercote to Lord [Dartmouth], Hull, thanks for mentioning his name to Sir Basil Keith
2152 - Sir Basil Keith to Lord Dartmouth, Jamaica
2153 - Memorial for Francis Douglas
2154 - Precis 1780, applications for assistance from the Island of Jamaica from 1773 to 1779
2155 - Thomas Palmer to Lord Dartmouth, Madeira, on board the "Phoenix", to know what his Lordship will have done with his wine supposing it should arrive while he is absent from town
2156 - Sir Philip Musgrave to Lord Dartmouth, desires Lord Dartmouth to recommend his brother (Lieutenant Colonel of Lord Adam Gordon's Regiment in Jamaica) to the Governor
2157 - Charles Williamos, Collector of Customs at the port of Lucea in Jamaica
2158 - Considerations on the state of the smuggling trade in the Island of Jamaica, and regulations proposed to stop it
2159 - Considerations on the Free Port Act in Jamaica
2160 - Memorandum relative to the Free Port Act of Jamaica
2161 - Further considerations relative to the free ports in the Island of Jamaica
2162 - Memorandum "Mr Radcliffe, Mr Tipping and Mr Hilton of Manchester, Mr Turner an agent at Mr Beans Essex Street
2163 - Sir Ralph Payne to Lord Dartmouth
2164 - Sir Ralph Payne to Lord Dartmouth
2165 - Sir Ralph Payne to Lord Dartmouth, St Christopher, private, reasons for desiring leave of absence Enclosure, duplicate original of the foregoing
2166 - Duchess of Ancaster to Lord Dartmouth, Thursday, sends the enclosed
2167 - Memorandum concerning Mr Gorham and Mr Losack
2168 - James Douglas to [Lord Dartmouth], Hook near Titchfield, Hants, soliciting to succeed Sir Ralph Payne, in case of his vacating his Government
2169 - Reverend M Madan to Lord [Dartmouth], Woodcote End
2170 - Ralph Payne to Lord [Dartmouth], Charles Street, St James, sends an address which he had previously mentioned, "with Mr Rawlin's remarkable animad-version upon it"
2171 - William Payne to Lord [Dartmouth], Welbeck Street, two years previously he was appointed by the constituent branches of the legislature of St Christopher, their agent in London, at a salary of two hundred pounds yearly
2172 - St Croix, the case of a considerable number of British and American merchants, and of the British inhabitants and proprietors of the Island of Santa Cruz, addressed to the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled
2173 - Stephen Sayre to Lord [Dartmouth], giving a detailed account of the produce and trade of the Island
2174 - Sir Stanier Porten to Lord Dartmouth
2175 - Governor William L Leyborne to the Earl of Hillsborough
2176 - Governor William L Leyborne to the Earl of Hillsborough
2177 - John Pownall to Lord [Dartmouth]
2178 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
2179 - John Pownall to Lord Dartmouth
2180 - Lord Dartmouth to Lord Viscount Barrington, Whitehall, concerning tents for the 6th Regiment ordered to embark at Plymouth for the relief of the 32nd doing duty in the ceded islands
2181 - Earl of Rochford to the Lords of the Admiralty
2182 - Earl of Rochford to Major General Dalrymple
2183 - Earl of Suffolk to the Lords of the Admiralty
2184 - Earl of Suffolk to Lord Viscount Barrington, Whitehall, the 6th Regiment of foot to embark as soon as the transports are ready to receive it
2185 - Governor William L Leyborne to the Earl of Hillsborough
2186 - Granville Sharp to Lord Dartmouth
2187 - Granville Sharp to Lord Dartmouth
2188 - Lord Viscount to Lord Dartmouth, War Office, respecting the Botanic Garden at St Vincent
2189 - Minute of Cabinet
2190 - Lord Dartmouth to Major General Dalrymple
2191 - Valentine Morris to Lord [Dartmouth] , thanks for his appointment of Lieutenant Governor
2192 - Major General William Dalrymple to Lord Viscount Barrington
2193 - Governor William L Leyborne to the Earl of Hillsborough
2194 - Major General William Dalrymple to Lord Dartmouth
2195 - Daines Barrington, Marmaduke Tunstall and William Hudson (Committee of the Royal Society) to Lord [Dartmouth]
2196 - Adam Wood to Lord [Dartmouth]
2197 - Adam Wood to Lord Dartmouth, Great Titchfield Street, nine of the Charib Chiefs have met General Dalrymple and have surrendered on behalf of themselves and all the Charibs on the Island
2198 - Colonel William Dalrymple to Lord Dartmouth
2199 - Dr M Maty (Secretary to the Royal Society) to Lord [Dartmouth]
2200 - Colonel William Dalrymple to Lord [Dartmouth]
2201 - G Hillock to Lord [Dartmouth]
2202 - Lieutenant Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
2203 - Lieutenant Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
2204 - Lieutenant Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth, St Vincents, soliciting to succeed Governor Leyborne
2205 - Lieutenant Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
2206 - Henry Wilmot to Lord [Dartmouth], Bloomsbury Square
2207 - Lieutenant Governor Valentine Morris to the Lords of the Treasury
2208 - Aboan Fitzmaurice to Lord Dartmouth
2209 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
2210 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
2211 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth, Lord Privy Seal
2212 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth, Lord Privy Seal
2213 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth, vindicating his conduct with regard to the complaints made by this Island to the Lords of the Treasury of the Governor making improper grants of land to improper persons
2214 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth
2215 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lord Dartmouth, St Vincent, thanks him for the trouble he has taken respecting the complaints made of his conduct to the Boards of Trade and Treasury, suggests fresh methods of granting lands in the island
2216 - Governor Valentine Morris to Lords of the Treasury
2217 - Tobago, address and petition to the King from the Council and Assembly, Thomas Fairholme, Speaker, Charles Ashwell, D Secretary
2218 - Richard Browne to Lord Dartmouth, Tortola, asks that he may be appointed Lieutenant Governor in the room of Lieutenant Governor Alexander Home deceased
2219 - William Payne Georges to Lord Dartmouth, Welbeck Street, expresses a few "loose thoughts which have occurred to him upon the subject of the Tortola negotiation with the Court of Spain"
2220 - Essay on the translation of plants from the East to the West Indies, by Dr Walker
2221 - Joseph Smith Speer to Lord Dartmouth
2222 - Captain Joseph Smith Speer to Lord Dartmouth, memorial, has served both in the army and navy for upwards of twenty nine years without intermission, petitions for such relief and promotion as His Majesty shall think proper, copies of certificates are annexed proving his services
2223 - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 26 to 29 Nov, minutes, probably of the Board of Trade, beginning "Read letter from Governor Melville enclosing address of the inhabitants of Grenada praying an Assembly"
2224 - Thursday 5 and 6 Dec [1765], minutes, beginning "Read draft of repre on Governor Shirley's letters, and Mr Symmer's memorial concerning settlement and fortification of Bahama Islands"
2225 - Francis Gildart. Town Clerk, to Lord Dartmouth
2226 - Earl of Hillsborough to the Earl of Shelburne, Whitehall, the 62nd Regiment detained in the ceded islands is to return to Cork
2227 - Office, an account of the nett produce of the four and a half per cent duty for five years last past distinguishing each year and each island, signed John Barnes Husband
2228 - Lord Barrington to Lord Dartmouth, War Office, exchange of regiments in the West Indies, America, and at home
2229 - Memoriam Cabinet, after Sep 1772
2230 - Earl of Rochford to Sir Ralph Payne, Whitehall, relief of troops in the West Indies
2231 - Lord Clare to Lord [Dartmouth], Bath
2232 - [Minutes of Cabinet]
2233 - Joseph Smith Speer to Lord Dartmouth, Bridge Street, Westminster
2234 - Hector Munro to Lord Dartmouth, Novar, in behalf of Mr James Bailly to be commissioner for sale of lands in ceded lands
2235 - Lord Lifford to Lord [Dartmouth]
2236 - William Macintosh to Lord [Dartmouth]
2237 - Captain Speer's expenses for "Drawing, engraving, printing and publishing a general chart of the West Indies"16 Sep 1768 to 20 May 1774
2238 - Card on which is written "Mr Long, Sir James Cockburn, Mr Maitland and Mr Hankey wait on Lord Dartmouth, from the West India Merchants, with the extracts of the minutes of their yesterday's meeting, and entreat his Lordship's immediate attention to their request"
2239 - Lord George Germain to the Lords of the Admiralty
2240 - Lord George Germain to Lord Townsend, Master General of the Ordnance
2241 - Lord George Germain to the Lords of the Admiralty
2242 - Bryan Broughton to Lord [?]
2243 - Henry Botham to Lord Dartmouth
2256 - Lincoln's Inn, opinion of Counsel by the Attorney General (Norton) and Solicitor General (de Grey)
2295 - The memoire denounces the Bishop for his tyranny and assumption of power and for his persecution of the memorialist Louis Lotbiniere, priest
2390 - Quebec, Carleton to Dartmouth, will not trouble his Lordship with remarks, is pleased that Alves, appointed waiter and searcher in the Customs, is under his Lordship's protection, there is a duplicate
2539 - Part of the proceedings before the Lords of Trade, whose report on the investigation is dated 25 Jul 1776
2543 - Whitehall, report of the Board of Trade of the complaints against Legge
2580 - Memorial by Desbrisay for a salary to him as Lieutenant Governor
Expand III - Public OfficeIII - Public Office
Expand IV - Public OfficeIV - Public Office
Expand V - Political, personal and estate papersV - Political, personal and estate papers
Expand D564 - Dartmouth additionalD564 - Dartmouth additional
Expand D742 - Dartmouth additionalD742 - Dartmouth additional
Expand D761 - Documents relating to the estates of the Earls of DartmouthD761 - Documents relating to the estates of the Earls of Dartmouth
Expand D853 - Papers relating to the Dartmouth estates in South StaffordshireD853 - Papers relating to the Dartmouth estates in South Staffordshire
Expand D1501 - Papers of the Earls of DartmouthD1501 - Papers of the Earls of Dartmouth
Expand D1517 - Plans of the Estates of the Earl of Dartmouth, mainly relating to the Patshull estateD1517 - Plans of the Estates of the Earl of Dartmouth, mainly relating to the Patshull estate
Expand D3074 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth chiefly Cos. Staffs, and SalopD3074 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth chiefly Cos. Staffs, and Salop
Expand D3137 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth in Olney, co. Bucks.D3137 - Papers relating to the Estates of the Earls of Dartmouth in Olney, co. Bucks.
Expand D3629 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of DartmouthD3629 - Papers of the Legge Family, Earls of Dartmouth
D3758 - Marriage settlement, on the marriage of Hon Henry Stavell Bilson Legge and Mary Curzon
Expand D4544 - Dartmouth EstateD4544 - Dartmouth Estate
Expand D5128 - Dartmouth Settled Estates D5128 - Dartmouth Settled Estates
Expand D5172 - Dartmouth family papersD5172 - Dartmouth family papers
Expand William Salt Library - Dartmouth family documents held at the William Salt LibraryWilliam Salt Library - Dartmouth family documents held at the William Salt Library
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